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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. on a completely non-tecnical note, he just looked looked like he belonged on the field today.
  2. i believe the incompletion was gunned into the ground in the general direction of corey mac. i really like this guy a lot and i would love for chan to get creative and make a "bfg" package with cmac md dorin dickerson as the running backs and some tackle eligeable tight ends. just line up and smack some folks!
  3. why is that a fumble, but "the tuck" was not? that still makes my head hurt.
  4. i was really happy to hear the bills rap back on wgr, it makes my job so much more enjoyable.
  5. if this kid really has something special he will rocket up the boards due to the position he plays. if buffalo does decide they want a true talent of a qb to groom for the future then they will more than likely have to use their 1st round pick to get him. i don't know a heck of a lot about any of the kids potentially coming out for the draft this year, but if might be a good year to grab and groom a kid that may be a bit raw that has a lot of (scary word here) potential.
  6. can you run off the top of the screen, come up through the bottom and get a sack?
  7. kw is absolutely a beast and absolutely has his way with his opponants, but i think that having mario and marcel out there with him absoulutely helps. i'm not saying that kw on his own is not impressive, i'm just saying kw lined up next to his teammates should make a normal human being brown their shorts.
  8. there were definately some strange calls in the game and perhaps he just wanted to test them out in a game setting. and since we were definately in control he felt then was the time to do it. and i don't really care where or who we played, i'll not appologize to anyone for a win.
  9. agreed. if spiller is going to be shredding defenses like that, go for the throat with the play action. if the defense bites, then it's just catch and throw!
  10. i loved the play of both lines today. kyle williams and marcel dareus owned the intrerior of the line on defense today. they made a ton of plays on their own and opened up a lot for their teammates. also, shep would have absolutely freight trained cassel and on tv it looked like their o-line was so busy chasinf 95 and 99 that they just plain forgot about the other defenders. and as for the o-line, they came to scrap today. they were getting push, opening holes, blocking downfield and finishing their blocks. they were also letting it be known that they were taking absolutely NO sh!! today! loved our big guys today!
  11. it looks to me like fitz has lost a bit of his mojo. he's just not playing the game like he was last year, he looks like he is preoccupied, or trying to overthink something. he just looks uncomfortable out there right now. i think if they can rattle off a couple wins and he gains some confidence he'll be fine.
  12. he just looked like a man among boys out there. he has been a fan favorite for quite a while now, i believe this is the year that the national media will take notice and give him much praise.
  13. i am also seeing all of these as legitimate points. i would just like to add that this group of men were publicly humiliated last week on national television and raked through the coals by the media. i am hoping to see some very, very angry men take this field today.
  14. 36, born and raised in salamanca, ny. lived a couple years in pittsburgh but had to come back for bills, buffalo wings, beef on weck and fish fries. i've been a bills fan from the time i was old enogh to pick my own team to root for, and i was spoiled going to all the games in the early 90's. good, bad or otherwise, i will always love my bills!
  15. i think we should probably give him a few more games before coming to this statement. he may not have been good sunday, but many players played below expectations. i think it'll take a while for this defense to gel, but i believe when it does it will be considerably better than what we saw sunday.i think that with time gilmore will be a very good player. also, i hope that mario and company are listening to all the critics who are now telling them they are a bunch of pantywastes.
  16. beware bringing in old vets with "names". might be better off trying to coach up and prepare the guys you already have on the team who have been learning a specific system over the past few months. for the most part, if a guy is unemployed right now, there's got to be a good reason.
  17. i love the way he was using his blocks and then attacking the feild with amazing burst. he also showed elusiveness, strength and balance. i love fred jackson, and i want him back on the field as soon as possible, but you cannot ignore the talent and desire that cj is playing with. what we are seeing may be the passing of the proverbial torch.
  18. if there is a vet available right now is he really anything better than what you have on the practice squad?
  19. i'll most definately be here, thinking of all the different ways that this past game can be used as a learning experience and a motivational tool. and, now the season finale could be a double whammy....vengeance and playoff birth/spoiler. i really hate the friggin jets.
  20. i still think they will be a lot better, but i also think it will take some time to come together as a unit. there are lots of youngsters and new faces out there. but i will not lie, it was very hard to take that they played as poorly as they did and the pass pressure was near non-existant.
  21. i tend to agree with you, it was amazing to see how flat everyone was. spiller looked like he wanted to make a statement and i think many took notice on his speed and decisiveness. nowhere to go but up, right?
  22. there was horrible play all over the place today, you pretty much summed all that up/ now, we will see how these players, and coaches, respond to that game going forward. hopefully it leaves a bad taste in their mouths and they spend the rest of the season busting their @$$es to get it out. bottom line is, i have to believe that they are collectively much better than this.
  23. relax, it was on;y the 5th preseason game! but seriously, spiller showed some nice stuff out there (minus the fumble) and the o-line opened a couple holes. and as bad as everyone else looked, they can only get better, right?
  24. i started off really mad, then went to wtf? then started getting hopefull, then went to are you f'n kidding me?!?! then went to sad, and now i just really don't want to go to work this week. was this our 5th preseason game or what?
  25. hopefully we will see lee smith blowing some jets up this game, i think i remember hearing him say something to the effect of not caring if a ball is ever thrown his way, he just wants to hit people.
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