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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. i'm going to assume that marcell is going to need some time to really get past the death of his brother. it's not like his great grandfather dies peacefully in his sleep, his brother was murdered. this is not something that most people just put past them and move on. it's hard for some of us fans to understand that this is still a game these guys play, but this is a case where a bit of perspective is really needed. jmo.
  2. i'm a fitz supporter as well. and the optimist in me is hoping for the opposite of last season, a poor start and a strong finish!
  3. i'm really hoping that you are right. i would love to see the bills be playing a team that is good for what ails them, rather than the other way around. it would be a very welcome sight to see the bills on the right side of a good ol' fashioned butt whoopin'! (that is, i am hoping that the meathead is right, not luxy)
  4. i may be completely talking out my @$$, but it seems like they are lacking a vocal, ra ra type leader. a guy to fire up the guys, keep them motivated and hold them accountable. someone like that may not matter at all, but when they are playing this way, i would like to see someone getting mad about it.
  5. speaking as an optimist, and a semi-delusional one at that, it's not anything that sully will say that will bother me. what bothers me is that today i saw the team that i love completely **** the bed, and i was thinking who the new coach will be. and who he will have as his staff. and who will be the new quarterback. and the truly depressing part was that this was all in the second quarter.
  6. i don't think i am aloud to use profanity on this board, therefore i cannot respond appropriately to the op. but i will say that you, sir, make me sick!
  7. i don't know what that was, i just know i feel dirty now.
  8. yes we do. we also need the boys up front to clear a path for these two to run through. we also need fitz to get stevie involed early and often in this one. today would be a good day for the offense to just be smooth.
  9. i think that the good people at one bills drive knew all about this and thought of it as a good thing. hear me out on this. what if in those games that he has one or no sacks, mario is playing solid but not spectacular football, and then in a handful of games each year he is a completely disruptive force, wreaking havok and forcing bad things to happen for the opposition. i know that in a perfect world it would all be steady and consistant, but i guess i'll just sit back and wait for the bunches.
  10. i want to see some inspired blocking for these guys, and no injuries.
  11. in the standings we really don't gain or lose much between 2-2, and 3-3. however, this is the game that every fan has circled on their calender. this is the game that tells the world to stfu about the bills being pwned by the patriots. this game tells everyone that the bills are here and they are hungry. this is about as big a statement game as you will find in this young season. this game is gut check time for everyone in a bills uniform, and it's going to be crazy at the stadium. just my opinion, but stakes are huge in this...or, it's just another game.
  12. this is a game where the bills absolutely have to get their opponant down, and choke them out. this could absolutely be one of those games where respect is taken, not given. statement game, all that good stuff.
  13. i'll buy that, it's amazing what a little mix of chemistry and confidence can do for a team.
  14. i would just plant an article in the locker room with a quote from brady saying "the bills front 4 are a bunch of whiney little pu##ies and our boys are going to hand them their @$$es.!" followed by a quote from belichick stating that "we own these guys and there's not a one that could make it on my team." pin that up, sit back, and enjoy the bloodbath!
  15. i would think that if anyone were to take a cheap shot at fred, then this offensive line would absolutely let their displeasure be known, and ejections, suspensions and fines would ensue. this just seems like a group that will not take take kind of numbnuttery lying down.
  16. it all depends on how he is used. is it too early to bring him back and expect 20 carries and a handful of passes? probably. is it too early to have him suit up and get 10-12 carries and a few pass targets? hopefully not. i can't help but think that fred jackson, in uniform, will have a huge impact on the frame of mind of the buffalo bills this sunday. as a leader on the field, i imagine he will keep everyone focused on how big this game is.
  17. when dick jauron was coach here i really wanted him to succeed. partly because he was the coach of the buffalo bills, and partly because he struck me as a classy, good natured man with a healthy respect for the city, the organization and his players. it didn't work out for him here but i certainly wish him the best. and yes, classy move on behalf of stevie and the senator.
  18. i would like to see him get a couple touches per game just as a courtesy for all the work he puts in, and as entertainment value for the fans. watching the big guy run with the ball and initiate contact is a wonderful thing. i'd love to see him get some goal line carries with lee smith in as fullback.
  19. i found out about this site a few years ago when jeremy white mentioned it. been hooked ever since.
  20. if freddy is healthy and feels good, then it would be a huge boost for the bills. not just on pure talent, but the emotional lift. this good should have a playoff atmosphere to it, and if fred is on the field, i think the level of play raises exponentially. but if he is not ready, i'd save him for san fran when he could potentially be paired with a healthy cj spiller and just unleash hell all over the niners!
  21. i like the kneeldown. very sportsmanlike to line up in the "victory formation". also, if we are fortunate enough to be in the same situation come sunday, i want the camera on belichick's face as the seconds tick away.
  22. i'll take the underwhelming passing stats accompanied by wins any day. fitz can throw for 3 yards sunday but if the TEAM wins, then all is well with the world.
  23. i think this o-line has been terrific thus far in the run and pass game. they are opening holes at the line of scrimage and sealing off defenders down the field. i have seen some very nice push from all these guys, and i've seen a lot of fire and scrappiness. if freddy and cj come back soon and can stay healthy i think it's within the realm of possibility to have 2 1,000 yard rushers. combine this with fitz's prorated passing stats and sacks allowed and...well, not too shabby. but, hey, it's only been 3 games.
  24. well, he's 8/3 right now. 42/16 would be ok by me if it were accompanied by a playoff birth. i really don't care too much about his stats as long as his team still believes in him and he is leading them to victories, i'm good with that.
  25. i really hope he finds his game this year. he seems like a really good person with a great attitude and work ethic, always seems upbeat. and i still feel shame as a bills fan for what those kids did to his lawn.
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