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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. yeah, peters went from g.o.a.t. to goat real quick. i was so happy i almost danced in the street when i found out what philly gave us for him.
  2. as far as guards go, just grab a late round tackle with more nasty than measurable talent and kick him inside.
  3. another thing to remember is that jason peters could have been an all-time underdog story, we were collectively ready to love him. but instead, after redoing his contract he decided to rewrite the book on prima-dona-ism. and lynch, while playing the game with a mean streak and incredible strength and energy, was a menace to the buffalo community as well as a complete bonehead off the field. (i seem to remember a story of him smoking weed with some friends in a parked car with no plates and a loaded gun in the trunk) so not keeping these particular players should not be held against the team, imo.
  4. what makes you think that in 2014 you're going to get a sniff at the guy you want?
  5. the only position i would rule out at 8 is anything that is not a qb. go get your damn ball thrower guy!
  6. rediculous? if there's one thing i've learned watching nfl football over the last few years, it's that you don't really need a good qb anymore to be successfull in this league!
  7. losing levitre was inevitable. dude got paid superstar money, i like andy, but i am extremely happy that buffalo did not give him that contract. nelson and jones were better stories than the are players, and are ultimately replaceable. there is a good chance that some of the players that were not retained did not fit along with the direction that the new coaches want to go, and there is also a good chance that a decision was based on production vs. cost. (i believe this falls under the analytics dept.) so ultimately, this is another push on the ol' reset button and it's probably going to get worse before it gets better.
  8. ...so clearly i cannot drink the wine in front of me! seriously, i love the banter back and forth because it all makes sense and is completely justifies on both sides. it is informative and entertaining to read through these qb threads but i tell you what, this draft cannot get here soon enough.
  9. well, if he is comparable in attitude and heart, with a bit stronger arm then i'm willing to gamble that with help from the get-go he could be a good one. i've said plenty of times that i love fitz as a person and that he plays the position the way i want my quarterback to play it. but there were so many times that it was apparent that the ability just was not there to be great.
  10. i'm actually thinking that if you don't have this attitude, get the hell off this team! whether he can lead a team, this team, to the superbowl or not, that is the ultimate goal. i want every player on this team to want to be the best. and to work their butts off trying to reach that goal. i certainly won't laugh at that.
  11. yeah. they look exactly the same, just different in the face.
  12. i would take those 6 picks and throw 4 of them away if you could guarentee me a good starting qb and a solid starter at any other position of need. in this case, that would be electrifying slot reciever. so yeah, what you said...
  13. stay away from dbs and rbs in the first couple rounds and i'll be happy. lb, wr, te, de, qb, ol, or dt, i don't care. just no more freakin' high pick rbs and dbs for a while.
  14. when culpepper was in his prime, he was about the size of an average defensive end, so that sounds about right. i remember watching a few linebackers and defensive backs bounce off of him trying to deliver the big hit. it was funny seeing people being put down by a qb, if culpepper didn't have baby hands he may have had a better go of it.
  15. i really wouldn't like to see the bills trade away picks (this year or next) in order to move up to draft someone. having said that, if they use 3 of this year's picks to come away with a starting wr, a starting lb, and a young qb with talent to start grooming for the future, i guess i'm good with that. and doggonnit you're right, leave cordy where he is, dadgummit!
  16. the anticipation leading up to the bills' selection is always great. last year when cordy glenn was dropping to the bills, i was a nervous wreck. then when the bills were on the clock and they did indeed call his name i was so relieved/excited. then there have been a few picks over the years that have made me want to go kick the neighbors dog and start telling random kids there is no such thing as santa.
  17. i really don't want to tinker with moving glenn away from LT. he showed a lot last year as a rookie and i think he will do nothing but get better. he is big, strong and athletic with a big reach. not to mention there were times that he showed a bit of nasty in his game. if anything, i would try to find a guard in the draft to compliment him and go from there. i really don't want warmack at 8, but if the bills next year trot out glenn, warmack, wood, urbik, and pears/hairston... i don't think i'll have much to complain about there. and theoretically, neither would our collective backfield.
  18. no way, just think of this bohemoth down IN the box. run support is on like a mofo!
  19. i'm ok with being shocked, puzzled, even mildly amused. i just really don't want to be angry with the bills' choice on day number 1.
  20. very nice hit, looked like a good, clean form tackle leading with the shoulder. and if he can play some fullback and be an instant plug in special teams demon, git-r-done!
  21. maybe the front office is looking for value wherever they can get it, a "most bang for the buck" type thing. they may have also looked at video of last years run defense and thought it might not be a bad thing to try to start fixing it.
  22. also, he and alex carrington side by side may be able to block a few more kicks this year. maybe bat a couple passes as well.
  23. i really liked fitz and gailey as well. but more as human beings than football player and coach. fitz is a great guy by all accounts, but severley flawed as an nfl qb. gailey had a good offense but was hamstrung by his refusal to use the running game as a legitimate weapon most sundays. i wish those guys both nothing but the best but neither of them are buffalo bills anymore, so i will now be designating my time and effort to convincing myself of all of the reasons why the new regime, and new players are going to lead us to prominance in the nfl.
  24. then we have to pick him up and at least keep him 'til after the halloween game!
  25. i really don't know much of kolb, but was originally underwhelmed by the signing. after letting it sink in and looking for the silver lining i came up with these thoughts... - he hasn't sucked for our team yet, so there's that. - he was rather highly sought after a couple years ago, so he must have flashed some ability. -he gives a bit of flexibility in the upcoming draft. - competition is good. - and lastly, he is a young qb that is being given a fresh start. so it is concieveable that if he works well with the coaches and fits the system well, good things could happen.
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