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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. tampa: "one dinner, one lunch, each with cheesecake for dessert. take it or keep your crappy qb's and your island!"
  2. i call bs on your bs call. football is a game played by muscle bound testosterone and adrenaline fueled alpha males competing for the right to be called the best in the world. all that "ra ra stuff" could come in huge as far as making these guys push through the pain even more in their quest for immortality. the best to ever play this game had a fire burning that most of us will never know, and i imagine that is what makes these people great leaders, because others are watching greatness in the making, they see the sacrifice and the determination and decide they will follow this man into hell, and to the championship...and maybe history! and maybe, just maybe, a head coach can find a way to manipulate all this to his advantage. many people on this board are of the opinion that marv levy was no genius when it came to "x's and o's" but was a master at managing ego's and motivating men.
  3. seconded. my high school coach used to tell us that is what we looked like during certain drills. the other most common expressions used were the "chinese fire drill" and the always popular "are you sh!##ing me?"
  4. i'm ignoring the fact that this is indeed a rhetorical statement. "we" has a cascading effect. firstly, there are the "we" that actually want the bills to draft a qb at 8. secondly, there are the "we" that want nassib at 8. thirdly, there are the "we" that just want the draft to get here so we can talk about what our team is shaking up to be. and lastly, the "we" that are just chomping at the bit to B word about drafting nassib, especially "reaching" for him at 8.
  5. (still later that night) nyj: "ok, this is our final, final offer. we'll give you revis, our first and third this year, our second next year, you have to take sanchez but we'll pay his salerie. but now you bastards have to take tebew! and no backsies!"
  6. tampa: "what do you want for revis?" ny: "we want a first and a third...and you have to take sanchez." crickets... tampa: "we'll give you a third."
  7. i am not advocating trading byrd for the sake of trading him. i am just hoping that he doesn't walk away and we are left with nothing but a gaping hole and hard feelings.
  8. you do realize that many fans of this team drink during the games, right? this might be more than some of us could take. not to mention the problems with heckling and yelling at the post game guys on wgr.
  9. i am extremely intrigued by trade down scenerios in regard to where this team is right now. we have a complete overhaul in coaching and roster. the bills had some cap room but not enough to go out and overpay for the fa that were out there, which i thought was a good thing. so in theory, if we could turn 3 picks in the top 75 to 5 picks in that same span, we could maybe stand to benefit from it. as a secondary note, it will be interesting to see what type of players are being drafted now, assuming that in the past buddy nix and crew were drafting with gailey/wantadt's preferences in mind. anyway, good luck and god help us all.
  10. i am a bills fan in the wny area and admittedly, i don't know a lot about any of the qbs coming out this year. what i do know is that the bills need a qb right now. nassib has his flaws, as i'm sure all of the qbs coming out this year have, but from everything i've heard and the little bit i've seen of him, i think he is a risk worth taking. he seems to have enough talent on the field combined with a lot of the things you want in a qb off the field. in the end, the choice is not mine to make and i will stand and cheer for whoever lines up behind center wearing the bills' colors. but i like nassib, and kinda hope that he is the guy.
  11. the thing we don't know is whether or not byrd wants to stay with the bills. the franchise tag this year is one thing and next year, at 120%m a completely different animal. i really like byrd, seems like he is a good person as well as a good player. actually, he may be a great player. he has always had the ballhawk label, dut in the last couple of years he has really grown in run support. he is a legitimate top 5 player at his position, i believe. but the bottom line is this: if he wants to be here then make it happen, he'll be worth a big contract. if he doesn't want to be here or wants to be the highest paid player in the league, i think you have to trade him for what you can get. in a way it improves the team by eliminating the guesswork, stress and worry. is he? isn't he? will he? won't he? no! it's done, we're going this way, follow me. trust me when i say that i want byrd to be a bill for a long time to come. but realistically, if he's not going to be a bill after next year anyway, i'd rather get some kind of compensation for him now than looking at him walk away and scratch my head as he goes.
  12. if i remember correctly, he is built like a bruiser back. definately not like a speed back, but not quite as big as a fb. in limited action last year he looked like he ran fast and strong but did not look shifty or quick. so if the new coaches can find a place for a guy with good straight-line speed and a bit of power, then he might surprise a few people.
  13. i've never seen this kid play, but from what information i've gathered on him (mostly opinions from tbd'ers) it sounds like a pretty good mix of both. and while a guy letting the fire burn in him could be a good thing, especially at qb, it could also be a quick self destruct machanism. but the "arm talent" combined with attitude and fire could be an amazing combo. in the end, i think there is a reason no one is talking this kid up as a high pick. it'll be interesting to follow the maturation process of mr. bray.
  14. i got the exact opposite impression watching that. and it was almost uncomfortable watching the amount of man-love gruden had for him. i'm still kind of hoping we take this kid at 8, he seems to know what he wants to do with the ball and has enough ability to do it. manual seemed very uncomfortable to me.
  15. firstly, i have to say that i was on record as saying that the bills should use their first pick in the draft that year for tebow. i felt that he would be a catalyst of positive energy for this team and a guy that would lead by example, a player and person that we could be proud to be representing the team and the community. having said all that...sweet merciful crap, NO!
  16. i am with you on this, i believe. i have no intimate knowledge of which qb in this year's draft will be the best of the bunch. and in reading the opinions of all the TBD posters and the draft guru's and everyone in between i can be talked into or out of any of these guys. all i know is i really hope that the bills identify one of them as the best fit for this team and grab him. i respect the opinions of most here, and enjoy the back and forth for the most part, if not informative it is certainly entertaining. i just hope that there are no hard feelings between the TBDers.
  17. and yet there is a distinct urine flavor to my cheerios today. seriously tho', he did have a lot of penalties, and some bad plays, but i believe they are "growing pains" and he will be a hell of a player for the bills going forward.
  18. cordy glenn will have a legitimate beef to be on that list soon.
  19. or rather, back when he would tell the media his true feelings on a draft eligeable player? holy crap, draft...get here soon and end this!
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