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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. unless there is some kind of new developement, i believe they have to wait until thursday night.
  2. i understand the value of a great cb, but i just do not subscribe to practice of using high picks on them. i'm just a firm believer that if you have a bunch of talented guys and you can only pick one, go with qbs, big guys that kill qbs, big guys that protect qbs, or guys that score lots of touchdowns.
  3. or unless you are talking about Carl Urban, the actor that most recently played judge dredd. i'm not really interested in capitals or spelling, but i read that op like 6 times and came away with a headache. and unfortunately i can't say anyone sounds stupid on this other than society as a whole, text messages suck!
  4. i'm a bit short on hypothetical cash right now, but to your point, i have been thinking that a qb run can happen at any time and it can last as long as teams keep thinking they gotta get one now or lose out. and if geno is taken before buffalo, then the bills take therir guy (whoever that may be) then that could absolutely send some of these other teams off on a mad qb scramble to get 'em while they're hot!
  5. that's why i'll watch the whole thing and be completely useless at work the next day. actually, i'll be useless at work for half the week, thanks nfl!
  6. while always in favor of grabbing more picks, especially picks that turn into quality players, the one factor that makes this worth while or garbage is whether or not the bills get their guy at qb. if the guy they would readily take at 8 were there at 31 then not just yes but hell yes! and if the qb that they wanted is gone, and maybe your number 2 as well, then i don't think the trade is worth it.
  7. i'm kinda flip flopped on that one. for whatever reason it feels like nassib should be the guy, but barkley will be the guy. edit: my bad sj, for whatever reason my brain interpretted manuel as barkley. but i don't see the bills grabbing manuel. seems more of a gailey qb with the arm, legs and athletic ability.
  8. i think optimists, pessimists and realists are all fine. very interesting conversations and debates can come from any combination of these. it's the @$$holes that'll keep screwing it up for the rest of us.
  9. i'm really hoping this is the case. they know they need a qb of the future and have had plenty of time to poke, prod and dig on all these guys. there should absolutely be one guy they like above all others and he should be there at 8. identify him, grab him, and apologize to no one for it.
  10. love the low center of gravity built-like-a-bowling-ball backs. playing against people with this type of a build is no fun, especially if the guy has a bit of an attitude. tank could easily be one of this year's early candidates for underdog fan favorite. he could also be one of the first to go, but hey, you never know.
  11. i second that. it'll be much more fun to argue over who the did pick rather than who they are going to pick.
  12. well, so far we haven't had real good luck with tanks, maybe this one'll stick.
  13. hey, i resemble that remark! or you could look at it as the bills have come to understand that what they were doing wasn't working and are now going in a different direction. everyone here has a clean slate and if people want to try to find positives in this, then that's not a bad thing. i am enthusiasticly optimistic about this new staff and i can't wait to see what this team is going to look like. am i not expecting the superbowl but i am hopeful to see some vision and direction. and yes, i do know the saying about "wishing in one hand".
  14. they might eventually be more excited, but i could see a 50/50 split if these guys are drafted. half the fans would be mad because we drafted a surfer dude from california and the next in a long line of sanchezes. and of course the other half would be enraged because the bills are more worried about having a reunion of syracuse university than putting a winner on the field. yes, that is exactly how i are!
  15. this is great, i just laughed so hard i sh... oh, right. carry on.
  16. i completely respect your opinion and even agree with it to an extent. any other position and i say you're 100% right. but with a qb there is so much that you have to factor into the equation. there are a lot of intangibles that go into the decision. and if there is one guy that you identify above all others to be the best fit for your team, then how much is that worth? a quarterback is not just a player these days. a qb is the face of your franchise, a representative of your team and to many, a hero (or villain) to your city. a qb can make a coach a HOF genius or put him out the door in 3 years or less. a qb has become so important to the football team in today's NFL that it is borderline rediculous. so with the amount of importance on this singular position, and more specifically the person, i think that getting the guy you want above all others is worth more than your 2nd or 3rd choice along with another player. but that's just my opnion and i'm wrong all the time. just ask my wife, she'll tell ya! this is not so much a ryan nassib post as a get the qb you want post...even though i kinda want nassib.
  17. if that happens i hope you're right, i'm just theoreticizing about what-if's and could-be's. it comes down to this, if nassib is our guy, i love the pick and support him fully, if he is not, then he is the enemy and i will salivate awaiting pettine unleashing the dogs on him. then let's hope if he's wearing the red, white and blue this year he passes the eyeball test!
  18. i would love to see some severe punishments handed out in the nfl when these d-bags jump ship like this.
  19. as far as the gruden qb class goes, we saw the edited 20 minutes plus commercials that espn put together. we have no idea what was said or done when the cameras were off or what got left on the cutting room floor. so i have to think that the reasons that gruden likes this kid are much more than what we were privy to. and as far as the trade down scenerio, who wouldn't want more high picks in addition to getting the guy you want anyway. the problems with that i believe are twofold... one, there is no guarantee that if you trade down the guy you want will be available when you do get to pick. and two, if everyone and their brother are connecting the syracuse dots, then the thinking must be that if you want nassib you better hop up in front of the bills to get him. and the further down you go, the lower the cost of jumping up becomes. 2b. the jets are right behind us and are trying like hell to get rid of every qb on their roster, and if nassib, or any qb, is your target and you get cute and trade down and the jets get your guy...that's a kick in the marbles i don't want to take. the question i have is which qb is best suited for the offense the bills are going to run. i have no idea if it's nassib or not, but if it is, how much of a drop is it to the next guy or the guy after that?
  20. well, he could be talking about people like me. i am always optimistic, i always have seconds on the kool aid and i always try to find ways to convince myself that THIS time it's gonna work.
  21. you have a point, but mine was that a coach needs to use the base emotions of his players to the team's advantage. and that marv was maybe better at this than the x's and o's part of football. do you call shenanigans?
  22. nope, born and raised in salamanca ny. that's pretty freakin' far from the south. i understand it is a sign of respect and i admire that, but his use of "yes sir" was very much the same as i've heard many other atheletes use "um" or "uh". overall i would say he struck me as rather humble and respectful and polite. but also like i said before he struck me as nervous and uncomfortable. the other thing that struck me was it almost seemed a forced, false sense of bravado when speaking of his place among his peers. it almost seemed like someone had told him to tell people he is the best. just kinda weird. i've never heard this kid speak before so i really have nothing to compare this with, but i came away rather puzzled by manuel. the guy has great size, has speed and agility, and has a good arm. he is the winner of the "measureables" competition for sure, and he might have more potential than any other qb coming out this year. we'll see what happens.
  23. "yes sir". i was absolutely beaten down by the "yes sir". he really seemed uncomfortable around "chucky". but i could absolutely understand why, the guy is rather intimidating given the fact that he is a former sb champion coach. not to mention that there were millions upon millions of people watching this thing, salivating over the opportunity to praise this kid or rip him to shreds. in the end, i didn't really know what to think of the qb camp showing with manuel. it came across as some good, some bad, and he struck me as a bit nervous and uncomfortable.
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