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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. i understand where you are coming from but in my opinion, this is EJ's team as soon as he is up to speed. and i am hoping that happens sooner rather than later.
  2. i think the guy with shades ( ) is pretty close but sometimes it seems to water it down if you have to tell people you are being sarcastic. unfortunately, the delivery is pretty much lost in typing. so we are often times left to play the "let's see who gets me and who thinks i'm a raging doosh bag" game. as an aside, i think that the game is so much fun that i don't care if the sarcasm gets lost.
  3. you need to tweek your sarcasm filter. apparently, something got lost in translation there. [
  4. i feel bad now, both posts were at zero repllies and i knew only 1 would survive. what a terrible choice to have to make. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!
  5. i can't B word about that, i drink so much i wake up in the night screaming "oh yeah!".
  6. i really think that what EJ has to do is show that he is not out of place as an nfl quarterback. show a bit of toughness and flash that talent that got him drafted first of this qb class. basicly, show us we are not wrong to believe in him and the ralph will be rockin' once again. oh, yeah, and kinck the ever-lovin' dog$#!! out of the patriots!
  7. so....should we all just quit now and reconvene after opening weekend? or do we have to wait until after the first win? or, can we all stick around but only if we promise to exclusively B word about how bad the bills are and how everything is meaningless until they win enough games to satisfy even the most miserable inhabitants of this board (or under the bridge leading to it)?
  8. i think it also means that as a football player giving all you've got, if you see one of your teammates not putting forth the effort then you jump all over him like a donkey on a waffle! strangely, this season does feel different. i am always optimistic, but this year i don't seem to be trying so hard to maintain the positive outlook. it's just so new at OBD and it seems everyone is getting the benefit of the doubt. or at least most people are going to let them flounder a bit before telling the world how much they suck.
  9. agreed. know what to do, where to go, and get there as fast as possible. take out the guess work and fly like a bat out of hell. also, in running an offense that isn't overly complex, maybe these players will be able to not only run it, but run it with confidence. and maybe with confidence will come the long forgotten swagger of a team that knows they are going to kick your @$$. hey, a guy can hope, right?
  10. do you really think only 1 player would be fair? i mean, they just won the superbowl so they need more help than just one player could offer. maybe you should give them the first pick in the draft as well, and maybe a mulligan on the first turnover of the season as well.
  11. i am hoping that another difference is ball security. culpepper put the ball on the ground a lot. i heard a lot of people claim he had "baby hands". whether this was true or not, i have no idea. but EJ's hands are more like huge paws, so like i said, hopefully this aspect will also be different between the two. oh, and hopefully EJ doesn't feel the need to celebrate TD passes with that damn arm roll thing.
  12. i am just trying to say that if playing time is an important factor in his being happy in the nfl, he may be in the wrong place. and he has absolutely no control of that.
  13. i think a large part of the question you are asking is can the coaching staff get it done. we know what we have in cj and freddy. we know what stevie brings to the table, and we know what the physical dimensions of our qb and wr's are. i think the question is can the coaching staff get the most out of them/put them in the best position to succeed?
  14. i don't know what the right percentage would be other than the percentage that allows him to go all out to the best of his ability on every play he is in. so i absolutely agree there. and lost in all of this is what kind of a decoy stevie could be. as of right now, he is the only proven reciever on this roster that teams must respect. if he draws attention away from the others, good things could happen. it all remains to be seen, but it is rather exciting!
  15. i didn't mean to suggest we take stevie off the field to unleash all of the speedsters we seem to have aquired, i am suggesting we stretch the field and supplement stevie's skills by putting these guys around him and mixing up multiple personnel packages that are designed to keep defenses guessing and keep our guys fresh.
  16. very true. however, all these guys say the same thing, it's just a matter of how they say it. you can usually only fake so much. if you are stupid, arrogant, foolish, selfish...to a certain extent these traits will show through. if you are humble, intelligent, and give honest , well thought answers, this will also show through. i think that money will pretty much enhance all of these characteristics a person may have. kinda like the super-soldier serum. a good person becomes great while a bad person becomes the super-villain.
  17. absolutely. if you are a competitor who loves the game of football, this is pretty much worst case scenerio. but, injuries and garbage time could allow him an opportunity, and we've seen teams go nuts trading for big potential and small body of work.
  18. i don't know exactly why, but that picture really gives me the heebie-jeebies something aweful.
  19. i like the way you are thinking, sir. getting these guys on the field together in multiple packages, and multiple formations could be very effective for us and confusing for the opponent. i really think that multiple running threats on the field at the same time, each of whom are very good receiving threats, is a wonderful thing.
  20. kinda flies in the face of parity, no? i mean, you give the teams that draft the best players more picks and more money to sign them with. i just don't see this as a good idea. maybe i'm wrong, but i see the draft as it's own reward, you draft well, you get good players.
  21. completely agree with this statement. coach's job is to come up with plays, or schemes, that take advantage of mismatches. hopefully our team speed at the offensive skill positions will give the other team some match up nightmares.
  22. only in the back yard. i actually really like the way that EJ carries himself. he seems to have a humble swagger to him, if that makes any sense.
  23. ok, so there was not much substance. how was the style?
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