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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. volbeat a warrior's call. got into this band quite a bit over the last couple years, very good band. they have a wide range of influences and it absolutely shows in their music. this one is just a straight up rock anthem type song.
  2. this all sounds great, but i hope he does have a bit of wildman in him. i am also hoping that he can spread it out to some of his teammates as well. i would love for him to become a steve ott type of guy for this team. (yeah, i know he's young and has a checkered past, but he seems to be just what this fan base wants from a linebacker). there is no denying this defense has talent and potential, i just really hope they can go out there and have some fun and maybe unleash a bit of hell on the opposing offenses on sunday.
  3. cannibal: the musical. i believe it's the first film put out by trey parker and matt stone (creators of south park). it is insanely awful. so bad that it is good. i think the budget was about 12 dollars, really strange. another would be "bad taste". i think this was peter jackson's first film. again, falls in the so bad it's good category.
  4. yes and no. SRV certainly has enough of his own stuff-some good, some great, some amazing-but his version of hendrix's "little wing" gives me chills every time i hear it. i'd try to find it for ya, but i'm off to work. and for the op...great topic!
  5. i was a bit puzzled with the nelson and jones non moves for a moment, then i thought about it, and it seemed that they were a couple udfas that did ok in their roles. but this staff seemingly wanted more than that, or at least different. and now that we've seen the players they brought in from the draft (and rogers) they seem to be going after players with a bit higher upside. bigger risk maybe, but definitely more upside. as far as letting levitre walk, it was just a matter of value. he is a solid vet that you can count on, a good player, but i don't think he was elite. nor do i think that the staff values the guard position as a position that merits spending that kind of money (he did get borderline ridiculous money). and i thought coach d did a really good job and would have wanted to see him come back, but i also understand the new coach wanting to fill out his staff with his own guys. also, coach marrone being a former o lineman and o line coach eased my worries over that a bit. shep for hughes...i see that as two teams swapping guys that were not ideal fits for their clubs and trying a change of scenery. i am also very anxious to see how this all plays out.
  6. if nothing else, the players and coaches are all excited, as they should be. the last month or so of last season was brutal to listen to any of the players speak, most notably chan and fitz. they had to feel like the end was closing in on them rapidly and both sounded utterly defeated. i felt really bad for them as both seemed like solid human beings and i wished them success, but it wasn't to be. so now, as an optimistic bills fan, i am fully on board with everything going on. but the excitement and philosophical direction around OBD feels much different than the past couple regime changes. maybe it is because there was a pretty thorough shake up from top to bottom, and with a lot of the players, coaches, and even the gm, we have not seen them fail. any way you look at it, hope is not a bad thing, and certainly nothing that we should be ashamed of.
  7. i'll agree that he is an elite player, or at least right on the edge of elite. if his coach used him more last year, i don't think there is any discussion at all. there is a contract looming on the horizon for this man and it's going to be a big one.
  8. the difference, as i see it here, is that i really don't believe that the bills are lucy pulling the football away. i really think that they are trying to bring a winner back to western ny.
  9. i understand your points, but let me play the other side of the coin... 1. with a very young wr corp, manuel has as much timing and chemistry with this group as either of the other qbs. also, manuel has more ptential to do great things eventually with this group, so if he is ready to go, i say let him go. 2.i think that fans would show manuel more patients than one of the other qbs because he is young and concievably the future. if kolb or jackson were to start, i think the rope would be very short for bills fans screaming to "put the kid in". all in all, i believe if he is close to the other qbs in this competition, you put him out as the day one starter. the sooner he is ready to take the reigns of this team, the better.
  10. i really don't think he is a thug at all. i haven't seen him carry himself that way. but i think that as an artist, he may indeed be very moody, passionate and emotional. it seems to me that geno smith is a very up and down kind of guy, he seems to have great confidence in himself with a tendency to get very frustrated when things are not going well. i actually hope that he can find some balance, because NY is not the place to be for that personality type.
  11. so is it wrong to be optimistic and support the team we love, and it's players, or just plain stupid? i'm confused, can you help me out here?
  12. it very well may be entirely up to EJ himself. he certainly has all the physical tools, if his character, work ethic and desire are as advertised, then the sky is seemingly the limit.
  13. i just really want to see this defense pound brady's behind into the turf! and i want to see them use their versatility buy hitting him with a variety of players coming from different directions.
  14. could we maybe give marv a bit of credit for bringing together that group of hugely talented but extremely tempermental egomaniacs? seems like there were 1 or 2 very difficult personalities mixed in there. and marv seemed to know what to say, when and how to say it. marv may never have one the big one, but i think there is a reason that he is revered, loved and respected the way he is. best coach ever? not remotely. classy guy that deserves his place in the history books and in the hearts of bills nation, absolutely!
  15. this is something that sounds great, but the execution will be the true test. having people that are scheme and position diverse is a wonderful thing but it all hinges on how well they grasp all aspects of what they are being asked to do. from what i have heard coming from the players, they are excited about the philosophy and excited about the coaching staff in general. if these players are truly buying in, then i have confidence that they will be well prepared for what they have to do. and there is a lot of mini camp, training camp, and preseason to go to hone their craft. this is a strange feeling being this excited about a coaching staff.
  16. i'm wondering if a lot of the rotating in and out has more to do with keeping guys fresh than different packages. it seems like i heard pettine say something to the effect of having versatile players on the field that can play multiple positions and line up in multiple spots. it is partly designed to keep the offense uncomfortable and keep them guessing. if this is the case and it is executed effectively, they should be able to contend with any offense, at least until the adjustments are made.
  17. yes, i'm sure there must have been a "happy ending" in this matter.
  18. hopefully if this is the case, they get p!$$ed off and respond with extreme hostility. i would imagine that coach hackett has a trick or two up his sleeve in case of emergency.
  19. i imagine he took his time about it, after all, it was a bit of a sticky situation.
  20. absolutely. i think there is a lot of attention/excitement for coach pettine because even though he has been a part of some good defenses, this is now his baby. and after wanstedt's defense last year, a new guy coming in and saying they are coming after the qb aggressively is a most welcome change. even if there are a lot of mistakes made along the way, i think most fans are going to be patient with him/them because of the overall concept and philosophy of this defense. is it september yet? hell, i'll take august right now!
  21. i really can't venture too far into the final 53 at this time because there is a long, long way to go. the 53 that the op has seem to make pretty good sense right now, but who knows who will be added to the team after other teams' cuts and who will emerge seemingly out of nowhere? i am actually thinking that brad smith and marcus easley may be battling for the same roster spot. hope they make it interesting.
  22. i'm actually hoping that the guys that make the final cut will be lined up all along the front in different spots depending on what coach pettine wants to bring at an offense at that given time. but it would deffinately be a benefit having a bunch of really big boys that can all play the position but each bring a little something different to it. i misspell a lot of words, get names wrong, rarely capitalize, have poor grammar and probably make a bunch of other mistakes as well. but i care a lot more about the content than the construction. that's just my opinion.
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