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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. if we beat new england in the opener, no matter how ugly, how many injured or incarcerated players, bad calls, unlucky bounces...i will not apologize for the win. i will take it and enjoy my euphoria for all that it is worth, and it would be worth a lot!
  2. the way i see it, just about anything in the nfl is possible. probable? no, but possible. so with it being possible that my team can punch their rival and bully of the afc east right in the mouth, i will continue to hope. it will happen someday, and there is no reason why that day can't come sooner rather than later. there are enough people out there who will tell you why it won't happen, i'd rather explain why it could happen. and if we start talking about karma, then i could explain why it should happen.
  3. well, i'm fine being the underdog. and as far as betting goes, 1 dollar is my limit, odds be damned!
  4. i think that what the coordinator is going for here is team awareness. rather than getting caught up solely in individual responsibilities, knowing also what the team is doing around you can give you an overall advantage. and while i agree that if you do this for any length of time, you know the generalities of it, but if you know specifically where other people are and what they are trying to do, then you can maybe get some opportunities for extended plays.
  5. i like the concept quite a bit. it could help with yards after the catch a bit, setting up blocks and taking proper angles to put the downfield recievers between themselves and the defenders. i also like how it stresses the importance of player actions away from the intended direction of the play. A. pass B. run C....? maybe we only need 2?
  6. right now i get the feeling that most of the fans are optimistic. there is a newness surrounding this team and there is a lot of energy and excitement coming from within and outside of OBD. sure, there are those that are taking the ever-cautious "wait and see" approach and there are those that are annoyingly pessimistic and cynical just waiting for the team to struggle just to be able to say "i told you so". but overall, i am getting a very positive vibe about the team.
  7. i'm in agreement that we have a great shot at beating NE in the opener. not because of a lack of film on our systems, not from brady getting older or even the injury situations or loss of welker. i'm going to go ahead and say that our best shot may come from the players that have not experienced the long years of torment that we have. some of these young guys may just be crazy enough to believe that a new day has come for this team, and i think the screaming 75 thousand at the ralph may just want to believe that as well. energy, agression and emotion could be absolutely huge in this game. most fans i have talked to have low expectations but very high levels of excitement about this team. and what better time to make a statement than the season opener, in our house? i billieve it can happen!
  8. i am hoping that he can find a comfort zone at one or more of those spots along the d-line and wreak havoc. he strikes me as a good kid that has dealt with more than his fair share of bad breaks, and if his support group gets him back to where he needs to be mentally, the sky's the limit as far as what he can do physically.
  9. obviously the coaching staff does not want the defense to end the life of anyone on the opposing team. but i have to say that i really hope this is the gist of what coach pettine is thumping into his players' heads. i hope he inspires the defense to hit the other team so hard they go cross eyed and p!$$ themselves. because i think we could use a bit of a maniacal identity to this defense. i would love this team to play with the attitude of "when you play the bills you better bring it, 'cuz we are gonna f'in bury you!"
  10. scott is extremely versatile and definately seems like a great guy. solid veteran presence in the defensive backfield who can cover, hit and has pretty good ball skills. is it possible that fred jackson is underrated? i mean, he gets a lot of people trying to push him out the door or trade him for a 7th round pick. but i feel that the drive, determination, leadership and experience alone are worth keeping on your team. he's still got a bit left in that tank.
  11. i think you are very right with urbik. dude is solid and reliable. it seems as though he holds his own and then some most games. another guy i would say is chandler. he is a big target that seemingly catches everything that is close to him. he's not going to burn anyone and he's not a ferocious blocker but he is a great guy to throw the ball to.
  12. i cannot contain my excitement until september. the only thing holding me back right now from screaming "19-0 baby!" is the copyright law...oh crap, i think i owe the senator a quarter.
  13. i am thinking that this is a mindset of aggressiveness more than an actual intent to injure. but, i've been wrong before.
  14. i have a couple tattoos, one of them is great for "hey kids, this is why you don't get tattoos". but i like well done, well placed tattoos. what i hate are the homemade tats that these bastards sport while shopping in their bath robes at the crack of noon. and the face and neck tattoos make me want to slap people as well. nothing says "i have no intentions of ever getting a job or contributing to society" like very visable, very crappy tattoos.
  15. i thought it meant turning japanese, apparently i'm wrong?
  16. i had my reservations about the hobbit because of how much i loved the lord of the rings trilogy, but i was completely sucked into middle earth once again. peter jackson just absolutely knows how to translate a great story to the big screen. this will definitely suck waiting for this movie to be released, thank god marvel will entertain us in the meantime.
  17. buffalo actually seems like the perfect team to take in a couple of these guys with "checkered pasts" because of the strong core of veterans they have with strong character. some of these kids may be able to see a different way of doing things and make better choices with a strong support group.
  18. excellent point. now here is where we can examine ourselves as a society. it seems that the small percentage of questionable character guys get the majority of the media attention. charities and acts of kindness in general get almost no exposure but knuckleheads doing stupid things get prolonged exposure, especially if it ends in a tragedy. and look at tim tebow, he's a good guy but the majority of the exposure and coverage that he generates is in relation to how big a dumpster fire the circus can be surrounding whatever team he lands with. i can think of plenty of d-bags and low-lifes that i encounter in my daily work routine, but nobody cares because they do not help generate billions of dollars for the nations most popular form of entertainment.
  19. it is definitely disheartening that talent is often times the be all, end all. however, i think that there is a balance between talent and character. in a perfect world, a team would establish a team of hard working, honest men of good character and from there bring in a few kids with troubled pasts in hopes that they could show them a better way. i know that it doesn't work this way, because ultimately, the choices that these young men make are their own. all i can do is support my team and be thankful that we do have guys like freddy jackson, cj spiller, kyle williams, hopefully jairus byrd, and a host of other people that fit the mold.
  20. definitely interested in the battle for left guard, that could be a huge battle. also kind of interested to see how the tight end position shakes out.
  21. i believe what you meant to say was...CHAMPIONSHIP!
  22. i'm all for as much competition as we can get at the spot. get a ton of bodies in there and let the best man win.
  23. you bet. the situation arose for the coach to let his players know exactly how he feels about these type of situations. now they know, and to do it again would not be wise. stay classy and play smart.
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