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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. f-bombs flying only four posts in? tough crowd.
  2. i'll take a stab and say arthur moats. that man can talk!
  3. i feel really good about the hiring of coach marrone because he seems very genuine and he seems to understand that while football is a sport and the nfl is a business, it is so much more than that. if you were to ask random fans inside the stadium what the buffalo bills mean to them, i believe that is the pulse coach marrone has his finger on. i will absolutely second that!
  4. i think the question you have to ask is what would that 8 million per year do to the salary cap landscape over the next few years. there are players that are going to need new contracts as well as possible free agents. but i'm sure there will be cuts and restructures along the way as well. all in all, i would love to find out what the true economic situation of the bills looks like, as well as the true happenings of the byrd contract negotioations.
  5. that's all well and good but what the hell's he gonna do with his first name?
  6. i think the big deal comes from considering the possibility of byrd eventually leaving this organization for no compensation. it seems that most people would love to have byrd here long term although for varying amounts of money, but i haven't seen many people of the opinion that it is fine for him to play for another year and then walk to the highest bidder. another factor in this is that many were under the impression that letting levitre walk away, even for the disgusting deal he got, was a sign that byrd was about to be paid and locked up long term.
  7. you know, the whole time that roscoe was here i was really hoping that one of these coaching staffs would figure out how to use him. chan came close, but i really wanted somebody to get the ball into his hands in space so that he could make a couple guys miss and fly right past a couple more. if goodwin has roscoe-essque ability and coach hackett can make use of those skills, i think i will be jumping out of my seat with excitement on several occasions this season.
  8. that caught me off guard a bit, nearly had spaghetti come out my nose, thanks.
  9. very interesting story. huge and athletic is a good combination. the article said he could have been a 5th or 6th rond pick, so i assume that this kid either has a low ceiling or is very raw, either way, it couldn't hurt to send a scout to watch this kid work out. if you see something you like, make an offer.
  10. as much as i appreciate that sentiment, i really don't want to see him trying to block vince wilfork.
  11. as ridiculous as this may sound, it seems that if a team is paying you millions of dollars (i know, he's still on a second round draft pick deal) and you know that football fans are not quite right in the head, and that everyone and their brother now has a camera phone, then maybe you should stick to your own team's gear. especially in the offseason when people are just pouncing on any little thing they can blow out of proportion and make a story of.
  12. i could be completely wrong here, but graham seems like he is more straight line speed guy where you get him going in one direction and hit him in stride and he can burn you. whereas goodwin seems like he has a bit more start and stop/shiftiness to his game, maybe a bit like a smaller cj. i can only go off of the highlights i saw of goodwin and the limited action i saw from graham last year to come to these conclusions. all i know is that they both have a lot of speed to offer, and the coach hackett will do all he can to use them to the fullest. it's on them to perform or get out of the way of the next man up.
  13. i am of the belief that dareus' support system will have the biggest impact on how he plays this year. family, friends, teammates and coaches, these are the people that will hopefully make him feel comfortable and "at home" and allow him to find peace and emotional security and allow him to just go play some ball and "unleash the beast". talent-wise, there is no question whether or not this kid has what it takes to be a great player. but with everything he has been through in his life, i think a feeling of security is going to be huge for him.
  14. any way you slice it, we need to find ways to put the qb on his @$$ early and often this year.
  15. seems like there have been stretches in the past where kyle williams has been nearly unblockable. then there are stretches where you will really not notice he is on the field. hopefully he is healthy and consistant this year, because if the defense is going to improve, we will need kw to be in his best form.
  16. i think that wrs can have varying amounts of success in different schemes, but the real difference maker will be qb play. if a wr is playing with a qb that can hit him in stride and lead him with the ball, then it comes down to individual talent, speed, agility and field vision.
  17. i'll second this, and add i also want to see a mean streak from the defense and a bit of a killer instinct from the offense.
  18. i'd rather not call him elite and let him play with a chip on his shoulder showing the rest of the league that he belongs in that category.
  19. i like the speed and potential of the lb group. i like the attitude and phylosophy of the defense as a whole. and i like the depth of the front seven on paper. what i hope to see when they go out onto the field and start hitting other people is a fast, aggressive defense with a bad disposition that will not let anyone use them as their whipping boys.
  20. i interpreted that as kolb saying that he doesn't intend to sit back and just "take" the backup role. he firmly believes he has a shot to prove he should be the starting qb for the buffalo bills for as long as he is on the team. i like that attitude as long as he acknowledges that ej has the same beliefs and aspirations. it all sounds good to me, hopefully competition will breed success.
  21. i will second this. and add, when have you ever been excited to see the kicking battles of a preseason? sweet, merciful crap am i wound!
  22. absolutely. every sunday before the game i feel like a kid coming down the stairs christmas morning. the excitement and anticipation just churning in your gut. you don't always get what you want, but when you do...man is it sweet!
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