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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. it definitely seems as though the bills got this one right with regards to their needs and the talent available. not only that, but the personalities of these individuals seems to be just what you want at their respective positions.
  2. i really think freddy and cj are a great compliment to each other in running style and in personality. both seem to be very competitive yet very team oriented and humble. i am very glad to have them both representing the buffalo bills.
  3. i don't think magic almost happened. i think we absolutely gave them the game. NE was playing like hot garbage, but the bills were playing some very sloppy, undiciplined football. i chalk that loss up to growing pains, but make no mistake about it...on that sunday, that was our game to be had.
  4. i can definitely see where this is a good thing. feeling like you are working with someone where your input is valued as opposed to a "shut up and do what i tell you" workplace...two very different things.
  5. for the most part i didn't mind, there were just a couple spots it seemed a bit over the top. the reason i bring that up with christian bale's batman and not the others, well, it's because the other batman movies were not very good. some of them were absolutely horrific.
  6. no problem, i am a second hand comic book nerd. a buddy of mine growing up was an absolute savant, and he's recently gotten back into collecting, so i get a lot of comic information thrown my way. not a lot of it sticks, but i have quite a lot of useless knowledge floating around upstairs.
  7. isn't he kinda set up to be robin? hate to bust ballz here, but batman and superman are from the DC universe. he was fantastic as bruce wayne, but the over-gravelization when speaking as batman got to me a couple times. still thought that trilogy was amazing.
  8. i'll second this. this is EJ's team, if he's ready to go, he goes. if he's not completely ready, then what do you lose by waiting another week?
  9. i agree that we shouldn't jump off the ledge after this preseason game. however, i also believe that this game has shown a lot of areas that the bills need to work on and improve quite a bit. so if you can try to encompass the entire preseason as a whole, i think that we have seen as many or more reasons for optimism as those of concern. and i think the season will be one of both growth and improvement as well as growing pains.
  10. i think i would go with alex tanney, you wouldn't believe this youtube video of him i saw...if i could only remember where it was that i saw that.
  11. i think EJ needs the best OL so that we don't have to see kolb. he seems like a nice guy and all, but sweet merciful crap this guy is rediculously accident/injury prone.
  12. then where does a man called "nancy" fall? and what about a "fancy lad"?
  13. do you have any idea how scary ghosts are? i mean, seriously, you can't even touch them, everything just goes through them. but they can kill you with just a touch, or scare the crap outa ya, or just throw stuff at ya without even pickin it up. kinda like mivin' it with their minds, but they don't really have minds, their just kinda like supernatural holograms...scary, man.
  14. nuh-uh, if that were the case he would've run away from the man on the ground, not right into him. isn't that kinda what we have in tuel right now?
  15. i wouldn't say he is a kitty. i would say that he is in the unfortunate place where his body will just not let him do what he wants to do. i don't think that makes you a kitty. if he were running away from defensive players waving his hands all around and screaming, then you might be onto something.
  16. there are so many variables for this that it is almost impossible to get any kind of accurate read on it. but i will try. ok, so you have new gm, new hc, and a completely new coaching staff working with a very young team made up of a lot of players new to the team, and new to the nfl as well. and where these hopes are absolutely pinned right now, are to the rookie qb, the new leader and face of the franchise with the weight of the collective western new york world on his shoulders. so what i am thinking is... the new gm will do a great job of finding the perfect guys for this coaching staff to use, the coaches will be completely f'ing brilliant and make their counterparts look completely outdated. the new players are going to completely buy into everything th coaches say and will in turn all rally around the new franchise signal caller that takes the nfl by storm and shows his dominant physical tools, and a maturity and poise well beyond his years. in the end, the bills will go a perfect 19-0 BABY! and a new dynasty in sports will be born, right here, in buffalo ny.
  17. this game almost seemed like a "let's bring 'em back down to earth moment". hopefully these guys will be putting everything they have into this next week of practice and the final preseason game. i would really like to see them bounce back next week in the attitude/performance/body language department. as far as anybody really helping their case, i really can't say. it seems like the guys all had very pedestrian, uninspired, looking-way-up-at-mediocre afternoons.
  18. it seems that these players are all saying the right things, as players tend to do, but they really seem to be excited about the direction of the team. there seems to be some nice talent assembled on this roster and if they are all "buying in" and end up playing with chips on their shoulders and fire under their arses...opening day can't get here soon enough! i was intrigued by the signing initially because he was reported to be a linebacker with good coverage skills, of which we were in dire need of. but i've been pleasantly surprised by what appears to be an nfl caliber linebacker with a solid all-around game.
  19. the promising thing about dareus is that his physical talents are not in question at all, it's all upstairs with him. i've said this before but i think that feeling comfortable and confident are the two most important things for him. if he is in a good place in his life, i think he will be an absolute wrecking ball on the field.
  20. this is TBD, this is going on for way more than 4 hours!
  21. first, let's see if wood is as effective without levitre!
  22. unless.... they all know they are going to kick some serious @$$ this year and are letting us know that we need to get ready for some grinnin'!
  23. class act, great guy, very proud to have had him play for the bills. a part of me wishes he could have been our kicker forever, but in the nfl, ten years seems about as close as you can get. wish him nothing but success and happiness, and hope that when he does call it quits, he signs a 1 day contract and retires as a bill.
  24. i think he may get a lot of hate because he came across as rather pompous and arrogant. his struggles on the field were well documented and he seemed to enjoy being a celebrity maybe more than being a football player. whether these perceptions are right or wrong, that is generally the light he was painted in. add in the fact that he was an unpopular high draft pick and got into a shouting match over giving a teammate a cheapshot with eric wood (a fan favorite for many here) and you have a recipe for a rather high level of disdain. having said all that, i never met the man and i wish him no ill will.
  25. yeah, i really like these new uniforms. everything works well together and it just looks sharp. look good, play good (we hope!) and thank gaaaaaaaaawd we got rid of the toilet seat collars. these guys musta felt like a bunch of s#!! heads out there!
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