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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. fitz is a great guy and i still wish him nothing but the best. i hope he gets a couple wins out there in tennessey, good luck fitz.
  2. through the first quarter of the season this team has shown tremendous spirit. the players are playing hard, they are fighting through injuries, and the coaches are trying to adapt to situations. the growing pains are very evident but i really like this team a lot. there are many players that are improving game to game seemingly, and hopefully throughout the rest of the year the progression continues, chemistry and trust build, and the mistakes lessen. this is looking like a pretty wild ride, and i'm loving it!
  3. i was considering starting a thread on a similar not, but seems like this is a good place to opine... we have some young men on this team who are completely "selling out" for their teammates. freddy, cj, a. williams, and all the others that have come off the field injured and gone back in. these guys seem hellbent on being their with their brothers and i am impressed with their determination. this team seems to have it's fare share of "warriors". and as far as byrd is concerned, if he has any love for his teammates and he is truly not in any position to get on the field right now, seeing these men gut it out like this has got to be eating him up inside. and if it isn't, then he needs to find his way off this team asap!
  4. i really don't care how many sacks or tackles he gets this year as long as he makes life miserable for the opposing interior linemen. sacks are gravy, dominating the line...that's the potatoes! have fun and give 'em hell marcel!
  5. dareus, williams, lawson, alonso, mario, hughes had some pressure, leonard was good, searcy had some plays, aaron williams was a part of quite a few plays, and i thought justin rogers had a nice bounce back. overall great effort by the defense. offensively, i loved the heart that freddy ran with and the 42 yard strike from ej to woods. also, cj was running fast and decisive, and the o-line seemed to do a nice job as well. oh yeah, that play-action pass was a thing of beauty.
  6. i was very happy to see this game in response of the jets game. far from perfect but some good performances and a couple really good bounce back performances on the d. also, it seemed like the o-line imposed their will at times. nice to see.
  7. i felt really good for williams today. to have a game like that after being bounced around and having spent a bit of time as the team's whipping boy, well, that had to feel good. seems like a good kid, i'm glad to see him have a good game.
  8. it's been said before and i am sure it'll be said again...this man has a heart that the grinch would be jealous of. after it grew ten sizes that day. fred jackson has a true warrior's soul. so glad he is on this team.
  9. i really think that byrd is in a no-win situation right now. if he plays injured and stinks up the place, or gets further injured then he will hurt his stock and face the ridicule of fans and media saying he is in no way worth the money. and if he continues to sit out to wait until he is fully healthy then he is risking being called selfish, a bad teammate, a faker...
  10. there is one major flaw with the logic of the op. and that is, that when you jetison the starter in favor of the backup....the guy we all love....he is no longer the backup and we now have to pick him apart and show no mercy. and then the guy we love turns into the guy we love to hate. but we love to hate, so it's all good!
  11. from everything i have seen, heard and read, cj spiller seems like an anti-diva.
  12. no, it's time to start executing the no huddle offense. if the offense can move at a rapid pace while stacking up first downs and ripping up chunks of yards, good things will come. a 3 and out is a 3 and out no matter what. a few sustained drives in the hurry up mode will wear down a defense.
  13. sweet, merciful crap was i wrong on that one! sorry 'bout that one fellas.
  14. the pace of the offense is not the problem, it's the execution.
  15. shouldn't the athletes then launch a countersuit which indicates that the artists should be paying them for advertising?
  16. this is exactly right. they are meant to be ridiculous, understand this and enjoy them as such.
  17. my prediction is that mario arrives with a vengeance to humiliate the jets o-lineman that owned him last year and took away his man-card.
  18. this year is going to suck for browns fans...bad. but the weeks between the end of the season and the draft should be fun for them!
  19. there is a whole lot of newness there that needs time to gel. you usually think about the word "gel" with the offensive line. but when this rookie HC, with his rookie OC, and his rookie QB, get all the timing and rhythm down this offense will purr like a kitten...a big, angry kitten with big, nasty teeth.
  20. i'm looking forward to seeing how EJ handles the jets defense as a whole. it will be interesting to see just how much pressure rex brings at the rookie and if manuel will continue to handle it with his seemingly customary calm and poise.
  21. it seems as though mario is physically superior to everyone else in the nfl that he lines up against. today he played like he knew this as fact. amazing what a bit of confidence does for you.
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