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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. optimistically speaking, if the bills have another draft similar to last year's class and can pick up another manny lawson or two, they should be in great shape for a legitimate playoff push next year.
  2. i think that choice was a great teammate and a capable backup/3rd rb. but i also believe that he has achieved all he really can as far as his ceiling is concerned. so in my opinion, the bills are looking at guys with potential right now, and guys with limited ability are becoming increasingly expendable.
  3. chandler definitely seems to be have a sub-par year. he has lot a lot of really bad drops this year and hasn't come close to making the plays he has in the past. he's never been a fast guy or a strong blocker, but he has that huge reach and has, in the past, had really good hands. seems like a good guy, good teammate, good player. i hope he can get his head right, because i thinik that he is a valuable player to this team when he is right.
  4. i was also wondering if the crappy turf had anything to do with it. seemed like people were having problems with it all day long.
  5. entertaining, but a much lesser butt fumble. this is the legacy that mark sanchez will leave on the nfl.
  6. now knowing that you live in new england, i pity you.
  7. if i have to hope for something, i am going to hope that ej attacks the 2nd half of his season with a vengeance and shows everyone exactly why the bills made him the first qb off the board this past year.
  8. i think a lot of your concerns here can all be solved by this offense getting a sense of rhythm and timing with one another. i know it seems like a very simplified and vague answer, but think of this offense, from the coordinator down, as one giant offensive line that needs time to "gel".
  9. he was absolutely rotten against the steelers, but that by no means tells us he is a bust. nor does it erase the positives that we have seen from him this season. and i would be really concerned at this point if his coach was not defending him. inconsistent with flashes of talent and one clunker through six starts, let's see what he's got in the next six.
  10. someone definitely needs to take advantage of the opportunity they will get on sunday. be it hogan, easley, gragg...someone needs to step up and show they belong.
  11. very good points. i am very excited about this game because i want to see how this team responds after that game last week...and because of how the jets manhandled the bills in the first meeting this year. i am really hoping they come out completely p!$$ed, looking to prove a point, playing with a chip on their shoulder and a bunch of other cliches. and i really, really hate the friggin' jets!
  12. i completely understand the position of taking chances on talent, because it is something you absolutely need to have on your team in order to win. and i agree that you cannot just have a bunch of hard working role models with mediocre ability and expect to truly contend. having said that, i still think that in this case, the big picture was marrone getting his point across of what he expects from his players.
  13. chris carter would never have become chris carter had he not been cut. with a new coach coming in and trying to instill his core values and beliefs in this very, very young team, how would he have the respect of his players if he were to keep a guy on the team that was behaving in a way that (i am assuming) was an example of what this coach was telling his players not to be?
  14. i'd like to see this kid get a bit more action in the coming weeks. it will be interesting to see if maybe ej can build some kind of chemistry with him and what kind of skill set he has. also, if he (and ej) pans out, we essentially got these two and kiko for a first round pick.
  15. i echo this sentiment, and maybe rogers needed that kind of a wake up call to let it sink in that you have to put the work in.
  16. i really think that if these guys play some dominating football, the pants will look just fine.
  17. that is only going to stop if he sucks, on the other hand, if he shows promise... while not a dynamic, home run threat, fred jackson is also very good out of the backfield. good hands and i love how freddy finishes runs with a head of steam. also, last couple games seemed to have more screen passes than the first few.
  18. i am truly hoping that this is the case. better scheme, better players, better intensity...hopefully this contributes to a buffalo win. with all the attention that our d-line is getting for being really good and all the attention the steelers o-line is getting for being really bad, i am really hoping to see something special.
  19. wgr has stated several times that kyle williams usually gets wednesdays off from practice as a rest day for his foot. the reasoning being that the rest is more beneficial than the reps for him. makes sense, and it seems to be working so far.
  20. i agree with this to a certain extent, but i have to play devil's advocate here. if he is on the team and his heart and head are not in the game, if he is not giving forth the effort and commitment demanded to play in the nfl, then he is doing a huge disservice to his teammates and coaches. if this man has no more love for the game and no will to carry on, it is better to leave now then become a distraction/locker room cancer. butler seemed to be a lot more passionate about his life off the field than on, and i have no ill will towards him. in fact, i have a lot of respect for him. to be an nfl player i think you need to be all in, it's definitely not a career choice you can just half-@$$.
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