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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. football, no matter how much money is involved and no matter how insane most fans are, is just a game. it's a job for these guys. and yes there are only 16 games a year, but they all dedicate themselves to this game and sacrifice a lot to do what they do. the loss of not just a distant relative, but a mother, and a very young mother at that, is tragic on a level that i am thankful to have no comprehension of whatsoever. not knowing anything about the circumstances, it seems not only devestating, but completely unexpected. i would really hope that nobody is questioning stevie's priorities right now.
  2. i have no idea what coach marrone is like to play for. i have no idea what his team, or his assistants truly think about him. i have no idea how much input or influence he has on offensive or defensive playcalling. all i know is what i hear him say, and having been able to listen to his friday wgr segments, i like the guy a lot. he seems to understand the connection that the fans have with this team and he seems to value hard work, accountability and attitude. he could just be another guy saying what i want to hear, but i get a pretty sincere vibe from him. i am pretty happy with him coaching my football team.
  3. absolutely, emphatically, oh hell yeah! fred jackson is everything that is good about this game. he is a role model, an exemplary member of the community, a family man, and by all accounts, a great teammate and leader. he has worked his butt off and earned everything he has achieved, and has been nothing but a class act. he gives everything he has for his teammates and has played through injury time and time again. this man is the embodiment of the very idea that we love to call a "buffalo type of player". i love freddy jackson and really feel he needs to be on the wall the day he retires. and this organization better make sure he retires a buffalo bill.
  4. one of the most powerful songs ever, imo. little wing as done by stevie ray vaughan.
  5. john lennon's imagine as done by a perfect circle. probably not for everyone, but there's something there that connects with me.
  6. whoever a team drafts in the first round, especially the top 10, should be a game changer. if there is an offensive lineman there that fits that idea, then i am in no way opposed to it. adding a stud to the o-line is always an idea i like. having said that, i normally advocate for the "skill" positions in the first round.
  7. maybe marrone got the memo that if you are going to rock the visor on the sideline you must also wear a fanny pack and carry a satchel. and that, my friends, was the end of the visor.
  8. all very true, i've just gotten really good at playing the "what if" game over the last decade or so. i find the hypothetical bright spot in just about everything.
  9. just think about what some great tight ends have done to the bills (as well as the rest of the league) in the past...gronk, gonzales, graham. a true threat at this position, not anyone "serviceable" or "adequate" or "ok", but a great te, that would be a wonderful weapon to add to this team. i don't know if there are any TEs coming out this year that will be great, but i wouldn't mind the bills targeting someone they think can be in the first round.
  10. i'm sure there are other players in the NFL that choose to play and be with their team when life altering events happen, but this is one of those situations that makes a man completely transparent. if you don't think that stevie johnson, for all his past antics and on-field play, for all his fun loving personality quirks and all his tweets and rants...if you don't see how much he loves his teammates, and even his fans, like they are his family, then you, sir or madame, are a true grinch.
  11. i billieve that at least 150 of that is heart!
  12. that's a good start, let's get these bums outa here! clean that house the right way this time!
  13. really feel bad for stevie and his family. when these things happen it really puts things into perspective. it makes you think of things as it relates to the person, not the athlete. and i imagine that this team and community will give stevie and his family all the support that they need.
  14. if memory serves, byrd hit the qb somewhere around mid thigh. but glennon is so damn tall and lanky the the trajectory of byrd laying out for the tackle probably made it look a lot worse than it was. i thought it was a good, clean hit. but, i am not an nfl referee. on a side note, i am waiting for someone with extreme roid rage to throat-punch a ref for a bad call.
  15. thank you for that story. donald jones seems like a good person who has gone through a lot. it is a great story for the holiday season and i wish him all the best.
  16. the blind optimists are not your enemy, they're blind, they're not going to read this. it is we, the dillusionally optimistic you must watch out for!
  17. thanks, i am really not up on my internet code speak.
  18. he will sell me the same thing i buy willingly every year...hope. this is my team and i will always love them and i will always have hope. unless they move out of town, then they will be dead to me.
  19. there's always a chance we could draft a db at that spot!
  20. i would love to see this team add some value free agents to the offensive line. i am not expecting anything flashy, but hopefully some legitimate competition for a couple spots along the o-line. some modest improvement here could go a long way.
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