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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. value is a funny thing. byrd's worth to a team that is already a playoff contender, with one glaring hole at safety would be very high. as the final piece to the puzzle i think that hypothetical team would be more than happy to give up a first for a, or maybe the, top safety in the prime of his carreer.
  2. this is where i am. there are going to be some really good options at #9, and after last year's draft and free agency pick ups, i feel pretty good about the people selecting players to add to this team. and if there is a possible trade down, that would seemingly be great.
  3. not only that, but he seems to have good awareness as far as taking angles and also has popped a few balls free. all in all, byrd may not be the best athlete on the field every game, but he has great football intelligence and instincts. and it's not as if he is a bad athlete, he just doesn't get the gold in the underwear olympics.
  4. i think what the poster is proposing is that in order to trade byrd for a 1st, we'd have to throw in a 3rd round pick. it just sounds a bit dirty, but i am in the camp of "i want byrd to be here for a while, i want the bills to make him filthy rich, but do whatever you have to do to make sure he doesn't walk for nothing". damn the bad luck! you got that in there as i was typing my post.
  5. hopefully it gives the kid the message that he should keep his day job, or at least not pursue this line of "work" any further.
  6. great points, but i think the problem would have been the possibility for some players to gravitate towards fitz. if all things worked out the same, and fitz came in and won a couple of those games and we were in the thick of the race what happens then? and if manuel came back from injury and struggles, do we have a divide in the locker room? do we have fans screaming for fitz to keep playing while ej sits? and what about the salary that the backup qb is making? also, there are the fitz's feelings on the matter. i love fitz as a human being and really respect the way he gives everything he has, but i don't think it would have been a good situation for anyone had he stayed.
  7. i don't really know the players that would fit this mold, but i would take the most talented big, physical wr with ball skills and the best mismatch type te in the first two rounds. then i would look for ol, lb, db, rb depth with the rest of the draft, with an emphasis on work ethic, physicality and nastiness (also, the ability to contribute on special teams). having said all this, there is a reason i have not been invited to sit in with the staff in the war room.
  8. i feel pretty confident about the people making the choices. but i am actually fairly excited to see what these choices will be. whaley is completely out from under the shadow of buddy nix now, and coach marrone have had a year to learn about the players they have on the team and which direction they want to go from here. this offseason should be very interesting.
  9. i think we need to draft whichever player will make us significantly better at that position. i don't care what position that may be, let's just collect some talent.
  10. so then clearly i cannot choose the wine in front of me!
  11. i liked the way spiller ran today for the most part. there was only once that i recall him bouncing to the outside when he should have just cut it upfield and gotten the half yard or so. as for going out of bounds, i am good with that, he;s not a bruiser, his game is speed and agility, do you really want him dropping the shoulder 15-20 times a game?
  12. in crossman's defense, i don't recall seeing him on the field whiffing badly trying to tackle the diminutive blount. but yes, i think the special teams have been pretty awful this year.
  13. me either, but boy, i sure feel like i got @#$%ed. this game is the last game performance we will have to see from the bills until next year. this is what will linger. i need a drink, a big @#$%ing drink.
  14. please god no. call me an @$$ but i still don't want that dog killing jackhole anywhere near my team. he's old, he takes way too much of a beating and has never impressed me as a quarterback. pure athlete, sure. quarterback, not so much. and, there is that thing about him spearheading a dog fighting ring, and not just fighting them and abusing them, but disposing of them in disgusting ways. so please, please, no.
  15. i've felt for a while now that if the refs are going to call BS roughing penalties for hitting brady, then the very next play he needs to be put on his @$$ and planted firmly into the ground. and then the defensive player responsible for the violence should go clarify to the official that THAT was what the roughing penalty looks like. you know, just trying to help out.
  16. i like the idea of multiple tight end sets, especially if those tight ends can block AND be a legitimate recieving threat. i like the idea of grabbing some o-line talent in this draft. i don't really know names, but i would like to see the bills add a bit of big, strong, and nasty to the line.
  17. hit brady early, hit brady often, and for the love of all that's good and holy...hit brady hard! i really want the bills to send these patsies limping into the playoffs worrying about whether or not their time is done.
  18. i like this line of thinking. if there is a TE there that the bills feel can be a game changer, grab him and don't apologize for it. a good TE should be a young QB''s best friend.
  19. i love where ej was drafted for the simple fact that my stance going into the draft was that i wanted the bills to identify the qb they wanted and pull the trigger with their first pick. i didn't really care which qb they drafted as long as they felt strongly about him and it wasn't a consolation prize. and as far as which direction to go in the future...get a bunch of people in for a competition and may the best man win. whether it be a 1st rounder, a mid rounder, rookie free agents, veterans...just get me the best guy going forward. give ej every chance to be the guy, but make him earn it.
  20. he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to shy away from the work that needs to be done. for that matter, i think that EJ is also the type of person to know he has a long way to go and will put in the required work. whether they succeed or not, i have no idea, but i have a good level of confidence that if they fail, it will not be from lack of effort.
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