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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. this guy seems fairly interesting. seems to have that whole "bowling ball" thing going for him. low center of gravity, good timed speed and with that kind of weight behind him he should have a fair amount of power. get him into the second and third level and he could punish some DBs and maybe even some LBs.
  2. i really can't understand why anyone would want to cut stevie right now. mike williams is nothing more than a gamble right now, we are all hoping that in his homecoming, he experiences an epiphany and realizes his potential as a football player and a human being. but even if that happens, as many here have already stated, you cut from the bottom of the depth chart and not the top. as a lone wide receiver is stevie the best in the league, probably not. can he be a strong contributor to a very good group of offensive weapons, i think the answer is most definitely yes.
  3. best fart i ever had was when i was about 7 or 8 years old. our house had one of those huge floor grate vents. it was really early in the morning and i went over, sat on the grate, and unleashed hell. it was incredibly loud and reverberated through the entire house. my mother came running down the stairs yelling "what the hell was that, are you ok?". i was laughing so hard i could not breathe, and the furnace was running so the grate was really hot. i had a waffle burn on my ass for quite some time, but it was so worth it.
  4. i really like this draft. if the first four rounds shook out like this i think i would be pretty happy.
  5. this is a player that i am very intrigued by. to all the folks wondering why the team would want a guy in this mold to add to the team, i think it is because if this guy is what i hear most people saying he is, he can not only stay on the field, but be a contributor in both the run and the pass. we've been hearing the word versatility a lot from the dougs lately. and also, we have heard whaly say "big wins" quite a bit, and this guy is definitely big.
  6. i think if you are hoping for barden to pan out, then you are a bills fan. if you are expecting him to be our number one and a great one at that...then your kool aid just might be spiked with some stronger stuff than mine. and if we give away the farm to draft a right tackle at #1? there will be bad things, man.
  7. i see where you are coming from, but that's just not me. i like the nfl...i love the bills.
  8. if the bills ever leave buffalo, the nfl is dead to me.
  9. would you like to come over to my house and kick my dog?
  10. to steal a great line from a great man..."i am not interested in either one of those things".
  11. wgr has been in my opinion fantastic, and very respectful and classy. the interviews with athletes and calls from fans who have been touched by mr. wilson have been excellent, and very very much appreciated.
  12. it is affecting more than the tipster. he put into words what i think many people are feeling right now. over the last couple days i have been able to take in some stories from people who have been touched by mr. wilson. i have also been able to reflect a lot on what mr. wilson has meant to me. obviously, he gave all of us the buffalo bills, and all that that encompasses. (which is a LOT) but the life he lived and the way he lived it, that is all a part of who we are and where we come from. and it is also a part of what we pass down through our children. through some eyes, a man i never met has passed away and really doesn't effect me at all. but through the eyes of many bills' fans, the man that brought us one of our greatest passions, one of our greatest loves, the man who has is some way touched the lives of many of our closest brothers and changed us forever, has passed. and we are eternally greatful for all he has given us. * (i didn't think you were being a jerk, i just think that some people feel things a bit differently than others)
  13. the reason i am a bills fan has a lot to do with location. i had other favorite teams growing up, through the stages of my life that i thought that anywhere would be better than here. but as i grew older i took a bit of pride in where i come from. and as i saw more of the world, i grew to understand how great this western new york area truly is, as well as what it means to me. in a way, the buffalo bills represent where i am from and why i am who i am. being at the stadium and talking with strangers but being treated like famiy, tailgaiting with people you have just met but feel like you grew up with. in a way i love the buffalo bills because i love western new york. and there is a certain amount of pride that i get from having to deal with three feet of snow for six months, constant road construction, people who work for a living and appreciate the simple things in life. and i appreciate the many bills fans around that really feel like part of the family.don't know if that's quite the way i wanted to word that, but i think the general point is in there somewhere.
  14. well, i often talk of "character guys" and doing things the right way" but i'm pretty sure after a few beers last year i was pleading with someone to take a shot at brady...even if it was 5 or 6 seconds after he threw the ball. so what exactly does that make me?
  15. is it wrong that i still don't like him because of the dog thing? if so, i apologize. in completely football related matters, i'm glad he is not on this team because i think he is careless with the football, has lost just enough of his athletecism to make him just "a guy", and makes poor decisions on the field. and for all those reasons i am really happy he is a NJ Jet.
  16. well, yeah. his teammates and coaches love him. fits into the locker room well. tries as hard as he can and leaves everything out there. so the guy was not blessed with the talent needed to be a hall of famer, that doesn't make him garbage. there is a spot for fitz in the league. i just think it's too bad that that spot isn't in buffalo. i wish him all the best.
  17. understandable. but if you could get this guy on a value/low risk/high reward/show me type of contract, that might work too. add a player with talent from the draft, see what the futures contracts guys have to offer, let them all compete their @$$es of and get the best guys out their on sundays. having said that, who knows if this guy would want to play on a "show me" contract in buffalo or if the bills like what they have seen after kicking the tires.
  18. this is what i have been thinking about lately as well. as much as i really want a big, athletic receiving threat, i can't help but think of the defensive guys that stepped up last year that might not have a great fit in this year's defense. hughes was very good at what he did, as was lawson. i don't think that either one of those guys look like an every down classic 4-3 defensive end. maybe we aren't going to have this style of defense, maybe we do and these guys step up again and fill the role nicely. but there is still a nagging voice in my head saying that we don't have this year's 2nd de on the roster yet.
  19. my question regarding carrington is whether he is a DE or DT in this defense. i've always been intrigued by alex carrington because his size and versatility. he is a big, strong guy. but even though he was placed at a linebacker position for a while, i don't really know how fast or agile he is. seems like even though he has been on the team for quite a while, he has been bounced around so much i really don't know what position he plays or how good he is.
  20. i listened to his interview on the john murphy show and couldn't help but be excited. he sounds like a great kid, and the excitement he has about being in buffalo is great. kid could end up being a true "hometown hero".
  21. i am really hoping to see these guys feed off of each other and pop some pads out there. i think this contract is exactly what it had to be. spikes has had some issues in the past and i think the bills wanted to guard against any possible destructive behavior.
  22. i would be very interested to see evans in rd. 1 followed by niklas in rd. 2. love the size factor and niklas is supposed to be a good blocker, right? this would be my ideal (but admittedly very uninformed) preference.
  23. this is a huge problem, being able to use hindsight and hypotheticals to rip apart every move that was or wasn't made after it has happened. the one thing we know is that even with the ridiculously high (and always rising) salary cap, you just cannot keep them all.
  24. maybe, just maybe...since mario for skelton didn't work, maybe the bolts would bite on mario for rhinestone!
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