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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. hands down, the best cruise has ever been, and quite possibly, will ever be.
  2. i am not a big fan of tom cruise, so there is no way i could see him playing that part. but, i am biased and this is one of my all time favorite movies. and i can't picture anyone but tim robbins playing this role. every part in this movie seemed to be casted to perfection. i get sucked into this movie whenever it is on.
  3. true, but i love the idea of creating a lot more jobs and creating more opportunities for people to play the game of football in a professional manner.
  4. why...the nfl, of course. in a developmental league they would be paying the players and also (hopefully) taking care of them. i would actually like to see a system of minor league teams, each with a professional parent team. effectively replicating the nhl/ahl relationship. they could gain additional revenue by paying these players and nfl clubs could benefit by sending some players down to the minors, and calling them up when they are ready. i realize that this opens up a whole new can of worms, but i think it could be a good thing.
  5. was just in another post and thought of the movie "smoking aces". i don't know how much of a true sleeper this movie was, but i think it was very underrated. unbelievable cast of characters in this fast paced movie.
  6. my suggestion for the lead is the actor Common, he played "sir ivy" in "smoking aces". seems to be a pretty good actor who would give a good performance and maybe not break the bank.
  7. i don't remember ever hearing about that and frequently wondered what he was doing now. well, i guess i feel like a bit of an @$$.
  8. covington was seemingly on the path to becoming an absolute beast until his injury, at least that is the way i remember it. wishing him and his all the best.
  9. i think players should be able to skip college altogether. set up a developmental, or transitional league for 18-22 year olds that feeds the nfl machine. kids get paid, and don't have to go through the pretenses of "getting an education". leave scholarships for those that are truly students and let athletes get paid for what they are doing. and more directly to your point, put behavioral clauses into all the player contracts so that if a player embarrasses his team they can let him go with no financial penalty. and yes, establish a system of rehab/counseling that would be readily available for those that want it.
  10. i loved reading that book. i have read it a few times and each time i think i found something new to enjoy that i may have missed before. and each time i read it i couldn't help but think...i would love for this to be adapted into a movie (and your idea for a cable tv series is even better). then the movie came out and i knew from the first preview i was going to hate it.
  11. for a quick read you could go with "world war z" by max brooks. the book was incredible, and you can finish it really quickly. the movie was hot garbage and i have no idea why they took a great story and #### all over it like that.
  12. i do not deny any of this, in fact i agree with everything you said. i just think that the most important piece in this puzzle is nathaniel hackett. he needs to find a way to maximize the talents of all these skilled players here. i sure hope he is licking his chops at all the possibilities!
  13. well, my wife constantly tells me i am a negative ass.
  14. clive barker's imajica is one of my favorites. i have read it several times and it just sucks me right in every single time. seems to be right in the wheelhouse of what you are asking for.
  15. you know, i always say that you never wish injury on anyone. i went against my own statements in a past brady thread, and i am really having some thoughts on one more amendment to my rule. this dude is just one giant rooster lollipop!
  16. i will second this. he is a great guy and a great buffalo bill. professional and all class. i really hope he can stay healthy and productive for a couple more years because i would love to see him on a bills team that is not only playoff bound but one that is poised to make some noise in the offseason.
  17. along this line of thinking...the movie open water had quite and effect on me. i am also claustrophobic and have a fear of heights, so if i were dropped from an airplane into the ocean inside of a small box...i think i would have a heart attack, stroke out, have a full on panic attack and explode within about 4 seconds.
  18. isn't the act of leading with the crown of your helmet, regardless of whether or not it is helmet to helmet, an illegal hit? i am not completely up on all of my contact rules, so i may be very wrong here. but, if a guy covering the kick never gives a guy a chance to break a big return, that changes a game in a way you might not really be able to notice.
  19. that looks to be of the $25,000 variety, maybe even a game or two off as well. head down, full speed, crown of the helmet. the only saving grace is that is was not helmet to helmet.
  20. i think whitner is a great complimentary player. he seems to try to play like i remember leonard smith...looking for the big hit. but this style of play really exposes coverage limitations. also, the guy seems to have a rather inflated self opinion. and he loves to run his mouth on the social media and cry foul when the social media hits back. all in all, his diva level seems to be waaaaaay above his talent level, but if he would keep his mouth shut and play ball, i think the overall opinion of him would be much different.
  21. for mr. info, i am also a big, big fan of mystery men. and speaking of ridiculous super hero movies...orgazmo. a movie by trey parker and matt stone filmed on a budget of what appeared to be twenty bucks or so. completely ridiculous, inappropriate, and often times very offensive.
  22. any takers on "shoot 'em up" with clive owen and paul giomatti? that one was a ridiculous amount of fun.
  23. a history of violence is not really an action movie, at least not an adrenaline fueled fast paced action movie. but definitely worth a watch.
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