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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. bigfoot could not withstand fred jackson's stiff arm.
  2. i respectfully disagree. i think there is a great mix of veterans and youngsters on this team with a bunch of legitimate nfl talent. i think there is a hunger to win burning in the bellies of some of the older vets and a desire to be great in the hearts of some of the youngsters. it's time!
  3. it may even be more than that. they seem like they have a legitimate relationship and want to see each other succeed. add on top of that a seemingly genuine "team player" attitude. freddy is everything you want in a football player and cj seems to be cut from a similar cloth.
  4. i am looking forward to having bradham back in the line up. i think he will help this defense. i wasn't keeping a real close eye on preston brown, but it seems like he did ok. room to grow for sure, but i don't think the plan was to throw him directly into the fire.
  5. fred jackson just keeps on amazing me by doing what he has always done. this guy is everything that is right with professional athletes and needs to go up on the wall the minute he retires. which i hope comes after a playoff game or several!
  6. i am really, honestly thinking that there should not be many 3 and outs for the bills. i really, truly believe that they will be looking to get this train on the tracks and run some clock and score some points. these are talented, prideful young men that want to make their mark on the nfl, and after being told that they are awful after a bunch of preseason games, they should be ready to stomp a mudhole in someone;s backside!
  7. i don't know about $600, but i would gladly pay a couple hundred bucks to go see the bills play, grill some food, drink a few beers, throw the football with a buddy or two. and maybe, just maybe, sing the shout song a couple times with 72,000 of my closest friends.
  8. if the o-line will open some holes cj and fred will go a long, long way.
  9. you can either live by this code, or you can believe that good things will happen. one road leads you to eternal heartbreak, the other road leads to you becoming "that guy". choice is yours.
  10. i am thinking we gave the rest of the nfl a false sense of security and confidence. when the regular season arrives, this offense will be unleashed upon the world. ej will throw for three tds and run for another one, putting a bears defender on his @$$ in the process. why does he end up with 3 passing tds and 1 rushing td? because he wants to leave some bear meat for the rest of the team!
  11. he's a good human being. he has a strong arm. he is intelligent with a strong work ethic. seems very humble and well spoken. he is a hell of a lot faster than i am. he is pretty big. and he is the quarterback of my football team!
  12. i am really hopeful that the answers to the op's original questions are yes, and hell yes!
  13. a little suspicious, don't you think? i bet he's a spy planted onto this team to relay vital information from one bills drive back to chicago. more i think about it, i bet this guy has an alias right here, on TBD, and he has begun to plant seeds of doubt into this fan base...good lord, we're dooooooooomed!
  14. i really hope they do. i know it's a business and that everyone is out for their own, and that you can't really translate football "what if's" to daily life for the working class. but alan branch did everything he possibly could to get himself fired short of p!$$ing on the coaches shoes. this dude did not "earn" a damn nickel of that contract extension.
  15. not so much a joke as a not being an expert on player contracts thing.
  16. i am actually hoping we can come to terms with cj on a good deal for both sides. i love his talent and he really seems to be a good person. i will take that combo all day long. and it almost seemed as if hackett got p!$$ed that his offense got booed off the field and came out in the third with a wee bit of a peek into some real plays. loved the play action.
  17. i really like joe b. quite a bit. his opinions seem to be right on most of the time. his qualifications are pretty much being a football nerd and having access to bills practices and personnel. he also breaks down a lot of film during the season and seems to give good explanations for his opinions. and you and i differ quite a bit in the way we like our nfl information because i cannot listen to most of the ex players-turned-analysts without suffering from road rage. whether it be their inflated egos or overwhelming desire to murder the english language...i just can't take most of them.
  18. it kinda looked like hackett was calling some plays in the third quarter that were not quite as vanilla as the first half. maybe it's just me?
  19. i really wish there were some kind of stipulation written into the player contracts where if you pull this crap and lose your job you get nothing.
  20. did he even play tonight? i didn't see him, hear his name, or even hear anyone talking about him. last year i thought he was a great signing, this year i'm left scratching my head.
  21. i am concerned about kouandjio right now. he is getting abused on the field right now, and he will be getting blasted this week for those last two plays. probably his worst two snaps of the night were the back to back game clinching whiffs. like i said, i feel bad for this guy, but i also believe this may be a great time for the proverbial "gut check".
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