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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. this makes me sad. always loved the name...Keion Carpenter! just had a great ring to it.
  2. i thought i had heard that all the guaranteed money was in the first couple years, then as it went on it wasn't too bad. tyrod does have a very particular set of skills that, while unconventional, are not altogether horrible. an aggressive coach running a fast pace offense with decisive quick reads may see him as good talent/value. maybe.
  3. well, he seems to have an upbeat personality and a general love for life, much in the style of arthur "don't cross the " moats. if he has a "high motor" and a "will to win" combined with a "great work ethic" then he just may fit the bill(s)!
  4. very strange notion here, but give it a thought? with a new coach coming in with a new staff and possibly a new philosophy, is there any way that buffalo could or would try to trade tyrod IF...and i say IF...they are determined to move on from their present qb? for all of his shortcomings, he is a talented football player. and all nfl coaches have tremendous egos, maybe there is a team out there that sees tyrod's extension as something worth trading for? could ya? would ya?
  5. unfortunately, it seems as if this coach is is a defensive mind of some reputation, has taken what we all considered a very talented defensive squad an severely underperformed with it.and while i would love to sit and have a dozen beers with the guy at a bar, i think he makes some really bad choices with regards to situational coaching and clock management. i think most are ready to move on, and hopefully forward.
  6. then you would have to incorporate all qb rushing stats. and while at it, you may want to factor in rushing tds and fumbles lost, calculating total offensive productivity from the position.
  7. can we possibly get an innovative, progressive, aggressive, offensive minded head coach? i have just really come to hate running the clock, playing not to lose, and keeping the other qb off the field. someone who really doesn't like to punt.
  8. i really, really do not want bill cowher.
  9. how can you not love Kyle Williams? he is such a great pro, and by all accounts, a great person. definitely an all time great Buffalo Bill. we need to get him to the playoffs! and his number needs to go on the wall the moment he retires!
  10. i kinda like this idea. i really, really do not like him.
  11. i lost a soda on the game. i feel your pain, brother, i feel your pain.
  12. i am of the opinion that clay is not being used to his potential, or in the proper manor. when they went out and got him, and when they were first theorizing his role, i had visions of a guy lining up all over the field, presenting match up problems, and being hit in the hands while running at full speed over the middle. the biggest problem seems to be that last part.
  13. there was no best hit on brady. he completely destroyed us...again. ithere was a point where i was willing to give up the 15 yards for someone to plant him into the turf, but the hit that lawson layed on him was laughable. not that it was flagged, it was definitely late..but holy crap, HIT THE GUY!
  14. defense gave brady just about anything he wanted today. we put hogan in the pro bowl. and i nearly went on a killing spree because of the combination of bad officiating and horrible penalties committed by our team. very few positives can be taken from today.
  15. Brady is a loud mouth douche. hey is a sore loser and a poor winner. we have all seen him pout, several times. we have seen him chew out his teammates (competetive fire?). but in a game against buffal at the ralph a few years back, he was giving the business to the fans in the endzone after a td and was dropping f-bombs on them and belittling them. this bothered me to no end. the best of all time should not be THAT GUY! seems to me the majority of rex's "trash talk" is him pumping up his own guys, his coaching staff, and confidence (sometimes bordering arrogance) in his own abilities.
  16. he definitely seems to have this offense rolling. they seem to get more dangerous as the game wears on. some of these runs are just fantastic to watch. it seems as though the offensive blocking schemes are being bought into just like the defensive schemes. this team is operating as a TEAM, and it is a beautiful thing to watch. i still worry about what happens when we get into a shootout, but i am loving watching these boys have their way with the opposition the past few weeks! it's as if he took the playbook and just said "don't overthink it, just go hit your man, hit the hole full speed.
  17. i will be curious to see how much he deviates from the roman playbook/intalls some of his own stuff this year. just based off of comments about this offense not exactly being what he would go with. not that i would necessarily know what i was looking at, but something for more qualifies eyes to watch for.
  18. in all seriousness, i like being run heavy, or at least "well balanced". theory being that you wear down the opponent with body shots (running game) then hit them wish the KO haymaker (passing game, deep shots downfield while the defense is loading the box, worrying about the run). i also realize this doesn't apply when in a shootout, or trying to come from behind.
  19. not to mention that if you can achieve balance, then you will find that one will help the other. i just wanted to point out the obvious.
  20. poor attitude. he is obviously giving a mario-esque effort. we should probably cut him right now.
  21. could be purely biased opinion, but he seems to get a lot of penalties that are kinda borderline. he has lost the benefit of the doubt and no matter what, he will never regain it with some. having said that, i love the nasty and the swagger and i will take the occasional penalty. kinda like hughes with his occasional infraction. dudes are beasts, and i can live with the laundry that comes with it as long as they don't completely melt down.
  22. it was only one game. but that one game scared the crap out of a lot of us. it was as if our offense was playing a completely different sport at times. there is an argument to be made that we wouldn't even deserve a participation trophy after that offensive bowel movement.
  23. taylor did not look like the qb from last year, but for maybe a couple plays. he looked slow and uncomfortable out there. i have no idea why, but this was just awful. they absolutely did not look ready to play this game, tyrod chief among them. so many chances to take the game, and time after time...nothing. very disappointing.
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