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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. i think rex wanted to be a football coach with a sense of humor. and i think he genuinely cared about his players. he may have even valued them as people more than as players. i think he liked to have fun and he didn't take himself too seriously. and none of those things are necessarily conducive to a long career if you are not winning superbowls.
  2. for all intensive purposes, i think i will go curl up in the fecal position. irregardless of who whaley wanted, you're point is most definitely mute also and as well, two!
  3. dammit sully, would you just shut the @#$# up?!?!
  4. "no! i am tellin' ya, we are NOT gonna just run clock and pray the other team f!@#s up!"
  5. very cool. some guys are in it for the paycheck, and there is nothing you can do there. but there are some that play for a different reason, and if you stoke that fire, then amazing things could happen. i believe i remember marv as being described as very average with Xs and Os, but extraordinary with people.
  6. it is a passing league, and we are going to pass the ball. no kickoff specialist. a punt is NOT a positive play. we want to score EVERY time we have the ball, no matter how much time is on the clock.
  7. i wonder if his injuries, or at least the severity of, will go down if we could find a guy to hit him on the run. standing still with the ball floating towards you while seven defenders are all licking their chops is not conducive to a long career. nor is performing amateur contortionist acts to try to wrangle in some of the slop thrown the way of our receivers. if healthy, he is a game changer. if healthy and playing with a good qb, i think he is a game breaker.
  8. if kyle williams is not on this team next year, i am going on a bender of epic friggin' proportions.
  9. i would hate any trade, because i just feel if a qb is any good at all, they don't get traded. but i would love to draft at least one. and bring in every guy you can find. every minute of every OTA should be guys throwing balls to guys running. comb the damn desert!
  10. seriously! poop or get off the pot! he even said he got three hours of sleep one night! what a lazy @$$!
  11. maybe he should have taken a pay cut so the team could get some more free agents...and then had cash "donated" to one of his businesses.
  12. there are several things that could happen to factor in. does our defense get better? who is coaching? are we still ground n pound? is shady still amazing? does brady finally start to "drop off"? does talleywhacker improve? does suh actually feel like playing? DO WE HAVE A QB? but i would tend to say...up?
  13. the "clutch gene"! holy s___! i forgot all about that one. that was great.
  14. at this point i don't even care. we need to find one. and there is not going to be a sure thing qb that slides outa the top 2. if there are not 7 guys on staff that have one job...to scout friggin' quarterbacks, then heads need to roll. find a qb, fill out the rest of the roster as best you can, with whatever you can, and let's go!
  15. i would think he probably loves the game of football. loves being around football guys and eating, sleeping, breathing football. and in his time away he probably forgot how qb dependent this league has become. or he maybe convinced himself he could polish a turd and not get s___ all over his hands.
  16. i liked chan. i thought he had a good offensive mind, but was a bit limited by talent. seemed like a really nice guy, and i felt really bad for him towards the end of his bills career. with every interview he kept sounding older and more tired and just beaten down.
  17. Brian Billick was supposed to be an offensive guru. Bill Belichick is a defensive guy. Tony Dungy was defensive minded. i think it comes down to the players you have, and probably the coaches on their staff.
  18. well, there is that. the marrone hire was one i was initially excited for...until he said that he was basically from buffalo. and the rex hire i always thought was a pegula thing. i guess i just thought russ was more the pr department (which has been horrific as of late).
  19. isn't it russ' job to sell hope and put butts in seats? i thought his duties were football business, and not football ops. because i think he is great at one, not so much the other. maybe i am wrong.
  20. he has to be one of the all time great Bills. incredible "overachiever", "high motor", "high character", "blue collar", "undersized", "doesn't fit the scheme" guy. he has been a force through every defensive scheme change we have had. if anybody ever says that they do not like kyle williams, then they are just a big @#!$ and you should stay away from them.
  21. i never understood the reggie bush signing. i understand kicking the tires, and seeing what's left in the tank...but from the first preseason action it seemed like it was rather obvious this guy was washed up. i would much rather have had fred jackson back on this team instead.
  22. the be a coordinator, you have a set unit and set strategy and personnel to plan for. as a head coach you have to be an overseer, a diplomat, a referee, a go between, a philosopher, the bad guy, the face of the franchise, the scapegoat, a clock manager. and you will be micromanaged for every decision you make. you will be thrown under the bus by players, and the media will be looking to feast off your carcass. and let us not forget the wrath of the fans...
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