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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. nothing wrong with storing some in the freezer and frying up a batch!
  2. i have not. i have had wings from many places around that general area, and most are pretty darn good. wny in general has some really good wings. some better than others, but most better than chains or out of state places.
  3. i get it. and i agree to a point. he was good enough to win a lot of the games we lost IF the defense/special teams/kicker/coach was better. but, there were a lot of games where i just couldn't help but think that good enough is just not good enough. and another way to look at top twenty, is tenth from the bottom. like i said, i really, really like tyrod. maybe with the right coaching in the right system, he is plenty good enough, but when the system fails...you need THE GUY.
  4. size is irrelevant. it is all about the crisp on the outside, the juice on the inside, and the perfect combination of spice, flavor, and tanginess from the sauce.
  5. i really like tyrod, and want him to succeed. but the inaccuracies, lack of timing, and inability to use the middle of the field really, really concern me.
  6. i think i could take down a half dozen wings at any given time. they just always hit the spot.
  7. Fluker? Damn near killed her!
  8. isn't that the guy we have and may or may not be trying to get rid of?
  9. it is all a matter of opinion, but i like the beef from the Beef n Barrel from Olean NY. incredible beef, melts in your mouth and puts a stupid, stupid look on your face while eating it.
  10. well then, i have to ask the obvious question...who (or what type) is the best suited qb to run this offense?
  11. i kinda think that dareus needs the right kind of motivation. i don't exactly know what that is, but i think that it is a lot like when you don't really believe in or respect your boss, and some of your coworkers are a bit sketchy, then you don't really put 100% into it. i know people really want to get mad over the weed and the not going all out while making stupid money. but if coaches and teammates can connect with this guy, and washington, then i really think that this defense is going to do some wonderful things! i like washington's skillset and you could definitely see the talent flash last year at times.
  12. one of my favorite Bills of all time. Freddy is a class act. he gave everything he had, every single play. always an underdog, always had to prove himself. This man needs his name on the wall the moment he retires. i will always, always, love me some Freddy Jackson!
  13. i have kinda come to the point where i watch Bills games and see the qb on the other side making plays our guy just can't. i want one of those guys. if watson might be one of those guys, and he is there, take him. if it is a different guy, and there is a possibility he could be one of those guys take him. safeties, receivers, linebackers, linemen...they can all be found later, or next year, or in FA, or on the streets. good enough is plenty good enough for those positions. i want a GREAT qb. and you might have to rattle off a couple fouls before you hit that HR. but you will never find a great qb by drafting a wr, s, or lb.
  14. that could be a dozen new qb threads right there. and i will read every single one of them! i may even be so inclined to make a sarcastic remark or two. and in one of them i might, just might...contribute a lucid thought!
  15. this should have happened THE MOMENT that the organization felt that tyrod was not "the guy". i like this idea quite a bit. as long as this does not impede the quest for the ever elusive "franchise qb".
  16. just start one now. and if you happen to think of another point to make, start another. the most important position in the game can accomodate many, many threads.
  17. it is possible to trade him, and beneficial if he is not the guy to get it done for us...but i don't think anyone would give anything of any significance for a guy who is very likely to be cut.
  18. i would much rather sever ties with Tyrod (really like him, but his limitations as a qb will prevent him from ever being what we NEED from the qb position). draft a kid (whoever they feel strong about). and bring in whatever talented UFAs are out there. let the young talent (Cardale included) sling it out in all the mini camps, and coach the crap outa these kids to get the most talent on the field for opening day. by the end of the season we will know if we have someone here with the possibility of being great, or if we need to draft another one. and if they fall flat, then we draft high. cycle and repeat until we have a qb that the rest of the league hates!
  19. i almost view this as i do natural speed. you can only coach it up so much. you either have it or you don't i mean, you can teach anyone to play a song, but then you see some old SRV and you kinda crap your pants a bit. there are those that do it better than most. and then there are those that better than everyone else.
  20. very sorry. may you find peace in the memories, and may the best of him live on in your hearts, thoughts, and stories.
  21. they all had disgusting amounts of talent. and i think they must all have an ability to process information and make quick decisions.
  22. corn bran cereal, OJs cereal (orange flavor, not murderer flavor), hostess pudding pies (the chocolate covered vanilla pies), and nintendo 64.
  23. i don't really think he was either of those. i just don't think he was an eat, sleep, breathe football kinda guy. i think he was a bit of a coaching diva, and i think he was really set in his ways. but i think he is also a guy i would love to close a bar with.
  24. hogan is a great story. seems like a good dude. i just hate the patriots so much. so i would like to see him do well...kinda. i hope the falcons annihilate the patriots. @#$#ing cheaters!
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