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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. still one of my favorites. this album blew me away, and still gets the juices flowing.
  2. sometimes it does. there is quite a bit of good natured smack talk that goes on. but that can also deteriorate rather quickly at times.
  3. this is pretty great. the back and forth is hilarious. and nobody got mad!
  4. i would not be opposed to it, but we just took the flyer on peterman last year. i know he had that historic half, and hasn't exactly shown signs of being incredible. but i would consider him to be a project worth continuing. having said that, "we are always looking to improve our roster".
  5. i voted for tyrod. i think he was the best overall. fitz was absolutely my favorite, and bledsoe may have been the best pure passer. but tyrod i think had the best overall blend.
  6. they let go of aging and overpriced players. they scour other teams for developed, bargain priced players. they take risks on players with immense talent that have red flags (this sometimes works, sometimes doesn't...but they are always called genius for it). and a lot of times, free agents flock to NE for the chance to win a ring. but mostly, they have the best qb to ever play the game, arguably the best coach ever, and a reputation as a perennial sb contender.
  7. it is pretty embarrassing to be so woeful that you only complete two passes for 27 yards. now...what does that say for the team that lost to that iconic stat line? good call on the preemptive getaway.
  8. with this in mind, would you be comfortable taking him with 21 or 22? you may have to reach a little early to get the guy you want.
  9. this is my answer. it is a game. you cheat the game, multiple times, and you are junk.
  10. i took my 10 year old daughter, and we both enjoyed it. it was a lot of silly fun and action. it was about what i had expected, and i enjoyed it for what it was.
  11. full disclosure...i wanted ryan nassib. and i was hoping he would be there when we picked at #8 overall. so , while i may be intrigued by these prospects, i will defer to those that know much more than i do.
  12. **** the patriots. **** them in their stupid *****. ****ing cheating ****s. and **** the ****ing refs they bought. ****.
  13. did you really just put moral and pats in the same statement?
  14. did you really think it could be any other way?
  15. going out on a limb? because they have the best qb to ever play the game? that would be my guess.
  16. which would be fine if the fourth best qb in that class were a really good/great qb. but...such was not the case.
  17. didn't they actually trade up for losman? seems like they missed out on an earlier trade for roethlisburger and ended up jumping back into the first for jp.
  18. i would have to think that this regime has more stability than any other in the recent past. coach and gm are seemingly on the same page. and this oc was brought in so quickly that i have to believe he was the number one choice. now for the qb. i can't help but think that they are going to, one way or another, get the guy they think fits best philosophically, as well as schematically, within their organization.
  19. i have been wondering this as well. which qb is the best fit for what they want to do? i know mcd wants a strong character/effort guy. and beane has stated he wants the big guy that can stand tall in the pocket and distribute the ball to his playmakers. the wildcard would be daboll and what his input is here.
  20. this is the type of thing that can get a guy all kinds of excited!
  21. i would settle for a boring guy that is far from flashy but can sit back and hit his receivers on the move. someone who can get the ball into his playmakers' hands and put the ball in a location to let his guys keep on running.
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