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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. what about john miller? is he back in the formula now that we are running a different offense? he showed flashes as a rookie, and disappeared last year. i am interested to see what happens next for mr. miller.
  2. this team also went away from tyrod's strengths. not saying he is a great qb, far from it. but he does have strong points in his game. if cleveland utilizes them, they can probably do ok. especially with the talent they have, and are, assembling. i think most of us were ready to move on from tyrod, but he is an absolute class act. a good man, and a good teammate. i wish him well.
  3. i have never heard this. not calling you a liar by any means, just haven't heard it. if glen is healthy, and wants to be a part of the process, then he is definitely one of our five best o linemen. i am all for lining up the best five to protect our new qb and block for shady and co. i would love to see the ol turn back to a position of strength. but if cordy really wants out, then let's get what we can. indeed. if he is healthy, he is a damn fine lineman. find a place for him and let's roll!
  4. i would still love to see the Bills find one of those big, athletic, nightmare match up tight ends. not sure if there are any that we could grab in the draft, but a guy that will outrun lbs and run over dbs sounds great.
  5. i would absolutely echo this statement. very happy for him, and wish him nothing but the best. classy guy, glad to see good things come his way.
  6. i still love me some Fitz! one of my all time favorite Bills. this guy was kinda like Stevie Rogers before the super soldier serum. seriously...he just always struck me as a good guy, good teammate, and he kinda just let it all hang out. always wish Fitzy nothing but the best.
  7. i remember really wanting this kid in the draft. but i am really glad that the front office didn't ask my opinion on that one. i think i would stay away from trading anything substantial for him, especially with that inflated salary. he is still a giant bundle of potential, so if he was to be cut and signed to a "prove it" deal...that's a different story.
  8. had to vote for rosen. kid seems to be a great talent, and i love his passion for life in general. he seems to want to leave his mark off the field, and feels the best way to do that is to build a reputation kicking @$$ on the football field.
  9. peterman had some bad luck (benjamin getting injured, dimarco doing the tip drill, and getting blasted while throwing the ball), but he also had some seriously ill advised throws. it looked like he was trying to dig himself out by taking really bad risks. i thought playing him was the right move, even though i really liked tyrod. ideally, we need to get a qb that is better than both. i absolutely agree with your sentiment that if there is a guy they love, then they should do everything they can to get him. there are many ways to build your roster, but if you want to be a perennial contender, you find that franchise qb, and fill in around him as best you can.
  10. i agree with this. there is the big swing here (trade up, get your guy at any cost), which could set the overall team back with a lak of talent to surround the new qb. and there is the stay put approach, where you could draft a more modest talent and surround him with higher grade weapons and protection. you can make the argument that a great qb (if your gamble pays off) can overcome certain deficiencies on the team. and you could also make a case for the lesser talent being able to work within the system, and just get the ball to the playmakers. either way, the draft just cannot get here fast enough!
  11. yeah, i am with you. i don't even care who it is, they just darn well better get a guy!
  12. it all depends on how it works out. if the Bills trade away three years worth of picks and the guy is a stud qb for 15 years, then it was great. they actually gained a pick when picking ej manual, and that, in hindsight, ended up not being a great move. if it happens, we just have hope that it works out. if not, then it is another chapter in our buffalo sportsfan's book of misery.
  13. any time i hear anything from, or about this kid, i can't help but feel exactly the same.
  14. i think i love rosen's personality. he has legitimate concerns and aspirations beyond football. he wants to leave a mark on this world. he sounds like an absolute leader of men. and it doesn't hurt that he has immense football talent.
  15. i can see where that would be incredible. my kids have been a part of many of those type of sporting events.
  16. i'm not advocating overpaying him for what he is worth, i am just saying that he is a good, smart, durable player that has value on this team. if he can get a paycheck elsewhere, good for him. and if we can find an upgrade at the position, then good for us.
  17. i think i might start throwing things if they grab a first round rb. and then follow it up with a 2nd rd rb. there would definitely be a lot of bad language. and my children may need therapy. the Boom would be my head exploding.
  18. i like preston brown. seems like a good guy. good player. not the most gifted athlete, but seems to be a high effort guy. i would like to see him stay a buffalo bill, but if somebody wants to pay him a boat load of cash, i will understand him leaving. these careers are short, make what you can, and have fun. there are plenty of jackholes out there, i just don't think he is one of them.
  19. i have to cast another vote for Firefly. honorable mention...The Tick.
  20. everything i have learned has been trial and error, and fortunate accident. learning the art of seasoning to taste, and not over/under cooking are probably my two biggest struggles. but i do love to cook...preferably far, far too much. my goal is always to make sure everyone is full and happy. nice! i always try to make it look pretty, lots of colors and textures whenever i can. and i have to ask...so, when are you making the HassleHOFF chicken?
  21. i have been reading through some of the specialty dishes and favorite meals on here, and i have to say that there are a lot of things that are far above my pay grade in here. but it all sounds great. i think i would have to add omelets and chili to my own list of things i can cook well. not that they are all that difficult to make, but when my kids will eat it without complaining, i consider that a victory.
  22. i would imagine that their lifting/strength training routine is different from other nfl position players. and i could see how you would want to be careful as not to gain too much mass and lose range of motion in the arm/shoulder. i would also think that core strength and mechanics have a lot to do with the arm strength/ball velocity.
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