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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. all this may not amount to a hill of beans, but it sounds great. i love that the OC is taking feedback and listening to his players. also very glad to hear that KB is getting involved and excited.
  2. but...60% of the time, it works every time.
  3. i am a huge fan of the wgr app. and i was pretty bummed to hear this news. then i tried to download this radio.com thing, and it is not compatible with my phone. so now i really hate this crap.
  4. i was once a pure metal head. but as i have gotten older, i have grown an appreciation for many different styles. also, having a wife and two daughters doesn't always allow for metal, metal, and more metal. i still hate a lot of the stuff that i am forced to listen to, but i have found some good stuff in with the wreckage.
  5. i don't know about all that. i think that greg roman did a good job with taylor while he was here. some read option, lots of boots and roll outs, a downfield passing attack that utilized the sidelines to minimize the chance of turnover. tyrod was not without ability, and certainly had strengths. we all know his limitations, but he was far from an awful qb.
  6. i think this is exactly right. he is a good qb, and a great guy. under the right circumstances, i think he could be a really good qb. but you would absolutely have to design a specific offense around his skillset. the bills decided they wanted to build around a more traditional passing game with a pocket passer and a different skillset, or at least a different set of physical, and possibly mental, tools. i was glad to see that the situation was handled well from the bills side, i thought taylor always handled himself with class. wish him success in cleveland and wherever he lands after that.
  7. the best form of music is definitely found in the rock/metal category. but i have found some good stuff in the other genres. there is a time and a place for a lot of different music.
  8. gotta go with crunchy. hell, i've been known to put down a layer of whole peanuts in between the pb and the j.
  9. you're a lucky man. my wife and kids listen to country/pop and top pop 40 stuff. i listen to my stuff when i am in my car on the way to work. although, i do subject them to some real music when they hop in my car.
  10. oh, i love sarcasm and/or chicanery! i am also quite partial to shenanigans!
  11. first time i had ever heard it was mike mularky. regardless of how many characters from that book you are using to corroborate your story!
  12. you make a good point, but i think their could be a balance in there. "this is what we want to do, and this is how we are going to accomplish it". i think there is something to be said for a nice blend of both.
  13. i did listen to those videos, or at least large portions of them. i guess i am just a fan of a different style of heavy music. Lamb of God, Devil Driver, Machine Head, even Slipknot, old Mudvayne...i know that none of them are as heavy as the stuff you prefer, but these are all much more my speed.
  14. no way, wasn't that Mike Mularky?
  15. nope. once you've heard the Mike Mularky quote, there is no going back.
  16. if they hit on these two, it could absolutely redefine this team, possibly this division, for the next decade. but..no pressure. i am so friggin' hopeful right now!
  17. well, we've certainly seen what happens when people try really hard to be the smartest guy in the room. you can end up getting the wind taken right out of your sails.
  18. or will it be based on your opponents weaknesses? that could be pretty awesome, in theory. spending the week focusing on how best to attack, and exploit, your opponents.
  19. and his play on the field has been pretty darn good! i think for the on, and off field stuff...he needs to go up on the wall of fame the moment he retires.
  20. i am closing in on 43. Sabbath is an iconic band for sure, but i like Maiden better. just my own personal preference. they were a band i was introduced to somewhere around the time i was discovering music other than what my parents were listening to. also, Eddie was just an insanely awesome mascot! while not being overly heavy, Iron Maiden is a lot of fun.
  21. dude...respect your elders! these guys are pioneers of modern metal. they are the architects of heavy, riff laden music. much of their music still stands tall today. they are truly living metal legends!
  22. today i picked up a sixer of Lagunitas Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale. fantastic flavor and 9.7% ABV. after a long day, this is kicking my ass in the best way possible!
  23. i just recently tried the Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin Ale. very nice flavor. 7.5% abv, so it is nice for that "couple beers" at the end of a long day. definitely one of my favorites right now.
  24. it is a good possibility. and i certainly hope he has grown as a person. we all make mistakes. but the mistakes of a multimillionaire professional athlete absolutely get scrutinized more heavily. maybe i am not giving him enough of a fair shake. maybe he has declined too much. maybe he wants too much money. maybe he just doesn't want to play for the bills. or maybe, just maybe...he has too much of that jerrah jones dallas taint on him!
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