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Everything posted by DUTE

  1. I love it too bud and to be honest about a couple yrs ago i used to have a terrible attitude toward America and people there but reading on the bills threads really helped me see how good Americans are and how much we have in common.
  2. HAHA your just pissed off cuz your from probably from Quebec im just kiddin man i dont have nothin against newfys or quebec people. But i do think that Canada is so F'n big that its like we are not even in the same country and the culture is very different. We are way more american down here. Oh and haha thats real funny when you say there nothin to do in Ontario when 1/3 of Canada's pop. lives down here plus i live right next to the falls where the night never ends.
  3. Ok well i live right on the border and have been all over America and go to the states almost every week so i am pretty well traveled. and i never said that we hate Americans, we just cant stand some things they do (see previous post). Also i would have to contest your "without a doubt" statement that the US is the most diverse country in the world. Have you ever been to Canada? The city of Toronto is the most diverse city in the world (actually statistically proven). Canada on the whole may or may not be as diverse as the US, but it is pretty close. But again it is from statements like this where Americans assume they are the best at something without having full knowledge on the subject that kinda pisses us off. And the most altruistic? Thats a bold statement. Canada does its part to help others just as much as the states, but we have less money and resources so the amount is not as much but the intent is still strong! It is the Americans that are the most ignorant (on average, not all becuase many americans are open too many things) because they only care to know their own history and could give 2 ***** about any other country. How many Americans know anything about Canadian history before making statements about Canada? Americans probably learn nothing about other countries histories unless its ancient histroy or advanced history. Us Canadians learn about American history and others around the world.
  4. Haha to make it clear to everyone who responded to my post i am Canadian but am not anti-american. In fact i LOVE everything American culture has to offer like their sports and entertainment. If anything im anti-canadian and really think canada is lame. The way the canadian gov and tv makes it look we all are !@#$in hockey lovers who are obsessed with snow and native culture (like those stupid new medals we created for the Vancouver 2010!) makes me sick! In fact i dont really like hockey. [/quote- Bob in STL] I have been outside of the US a lot. I disagree with your comment although it is a common misconception that has some truth to it. I can tell you that French Canadians are not well liked in Paris. They are below Americans on the social scale which I find to be an amusing aspect of the French culture. Sorry dude but newfoundland and Quebec are gay and things are way different here in southern ontario. I hate quebec and i hope they leave Canada lol and newfy's are like 3 time zones away from where i live and are to far away from america to truly have a valid opinion. As for me i live 5 minutes away from the US (literally since i live in Niagara Falls) and go there quite a bit and its awesome! [/quote- MotownBillsFan] FYI, I don't have no problem with the fact that many Bills fans reside in Canada. Just like many Red Wings fans reside in Windsor. It's a phenomenon called geographic location. Uhm i think you forgot that you said "Wrong sport, wrong country". So that is why i said that many Canadians are bills fans which is why we are active on this forum and will talk to each other about Canada's hockey team just like Americans and their hockey team. I never said that you had a problem with it, but just explaining why we do. [/quote- Bob in STL] It took Canada 50 years to beat the Russians in Olympic hockey. For decades the Canadians have complained about Russian professionals beating Canadian amatuers. Please recall that two Russian teams toured North America in the 70's and kicked the crap out of most of the NHL teams! Those teams were 98% Canaidians. So much for that great Canadian depth you speak of. Time for a history lesson of your own . When the Russians played the Canadians in the Olympics professional athletes were not allowed to compete. And since 98% of NHL players were Canadian and were "professionals" they were not allowed to compete. Russia on the other hand were communist so no body was allowed to be professional. This means that the Russians played with all their best players while the Canadians played with their amateurs who were not even good enough to make it to the NHL. And it was Canada who defeated the Russians 4 games to 3 in the 72 series. The series where the best Canadian players could actually play! [/quote- Wooderson] How come the Patriots have, and still are, hated by most of the NFL? The best are always hated for being the best. Actually that is not entirely true. I (like most bills fans) HATE the Patriots, Cowboys, and Dolphins. These teams traditionally win and can be compared to the US on the national stage, correct? However a team like the Colts have been at the top for a while now (at least in regular season) and i really like them. Why? because most of their fans are not arrogant and do not shove their success in your face! Can we all agree that the PAts Cowboys and Dolphins fans are A-holes? I think any proper bills fan would agree. So, when it comes to the US im all for national pride but when Americans are dicks about it and shove it in our faces (and the whole worlds faces) by screaming USA and saying how they are the BEST COUNTRY in the world and how every other one sucks it should be obvious to see why a lot of Canadians dont like Americans . But I like the US and Americans just giving insight as to why other countries dont.
  5. FYI a lot of bills fans are Canadian so thats why. Like T.O said, the bills are North America's team. Oh and the spectators (who were mostly Canadian) were rootin for the swiss because everybody outside of the US cant stand Americans, especially there sport teams. After the beating the Canadians put on Russia tonight and Canada's desire to get revenge against the US i believe that it is the Americans that should be scared of the Canadians
  6. Ya it would be SO MUCH FUN to watch our PATHETIC bills offense play against that defense 2 times a year
  7. Those are some nice titties
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha you are a backward thinkin !@#$head. Republicans can suck my ballsack.
  9. Your a !@#$in moron. Obama is NOT ruining America. How the !@#$ can people like you forget that Bush !@#$ed up America and Obama has to deal with all the crap that he left them! Your f'n retarded and pathetic. People like you are the reason why a lot of other countries cant stand Americans. Which is sad because most Americans are intelligent and good people.
  10. hopefully he will pick a corner in the 1st ... and i wouldn't feel to bad for him, he already stated in one of his interviews that he doesn't care about what the media or anyone else has to say about his decisions. Proof of this? Choosing Chan as HC
  11. Because the 4-3 has given the Bills SO much success the past decade right?
  12. I like it I voted to trade lynch for the right price because IMO rb is the easiest position to fill in the NFL and we already got freddy. Gettin a high quality player at another position is much more important. And when you really think about it a rb is only as good as his Oline. Check out the olines of all the best runnin backs this year if ya dont believe it. Therefore trade Lynch for a good o lineman!
  13. I agree with you for the most part but keep in mind that stats back then are a lot less then what they are today. But when you look at the stats of rb's during the same era he is nothing spectacular so what you're saying is totally accurate and i have no idea why he is in the Hall as well . Ive never even heard of him before today
  14. Why not try and get both? Vick is 30 and can groom tebow since they are very similar in their style of play for both are scramblers and lefty's. But only nab tebow if he's avialable in the 3rd anything higher is too risky with all our other problems IMO
  15. ya that was pretty cool i got 43. Some of those guys i never even heard of but thats prob because i didn't watch football in the 90's. Got perfect for the new millennium of 1st rounders though.
  16. Cuz i didn't even know we had a dline coach named bob sanders and was thinkin this dude ment Bob Sanders from da colts without really thinking first lolol but obviously thats not the case. So now i wonder why anyone would give a crap about the career of a former bills coach of the worst dline in the league?
  17. Why does everyone still not give kyle williams his due? This guy is a PRO BOWL alternate and people want him to be a back up? DT is NOT the biggest concern on this defense. We have to many holes for that to be a top priority. Its the linebackers who suck!
  18. How about my boy Jairus!
  19. if we bring in a REAL defense then i wouldnt care how many picks jairus gets. As long as we aren't allowing 1000000 rushing yards a game byrd can go every year without a pick for the rest of his career as long as da bills can win. i have strong belief in our secondary as a whole to be stout anyways (George Wilson is the most underrated player on the team now that freddy FINALLY got some recognition)
  20. As long as they stay in Buffalo i dont even care if jerry jones or al davis is the owner . And they definitely better not end up in toronto! Those toronto bills games were PAINFUL to watch, no atmosphere there just a bunch of dumb canadians. Nothin compares to watchin a game live at The Ralph
  21. Im not sure where i heard it from but im pretty sure i heard that his daughters dont have any interest in owning the bills. Also this article from a couple yrs back says something about their being a money issue. Check it out....... http://buffalonews.typepad.com/inside_the_...as-for-ral.html
  23. i totally agree. brohm= hope. Fitz= holcomb/van pelt (always a backup)
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