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Everything posted by Giaimo25

  1. NICE!!! even if it is someone jumping the gun, seeing that in writing "bill cowher is the coach of the buffalo bills" gives me great joy. HERE IS TO A NEW DECADE FOR ALL OF US BILLS FANS!!! UNDEFEATED IN THE NEW DECADE!!!!
  2. as much as i hate to say it, i really dont think its worth considering... last time brady and the boys played in the snow (against tenn) they gave a pretty respectable performance to say the least, but i guess the pats win streak over buffalo has to come to an end sooner or later, hopefully sooner rather then later go bills
  3. i thought the same thing, lynch has been non exsistent all season, and the one game that he looked like he could have a great game, 6 carries, 60 yards, avg of 10 yards per attempt, and we sit him when fitz obviously couldnt get anything going lastnight. makes perfect sense right??
  4. the first thing i would try before hiring a plumber to take all your money and show off his ass crack, would be to try cleaning out all your plumbing vents. depending on how old the house is you should have a 3 inch vent on your roof for every toilet that you have, take a nice long hose, shove it a few feet down each pipe and turn the water on, if you have a lot of trees over your house this is actually a common issue with the leaves getting in there over the years, if the pipes cant breath, the pipes wont drain
  5. anybody else notice that they have maybin on the ballot as an outside linebacker??
  6. just curious how this whole confrence call went? did anybody get any answers that could actually bring a shed of hope back into this starving fan base?
  7. trading up for rob johnson???? didnt we pick him up for $25 mil from the jags because he had 1 good game playing for them??
  8. funny you should say that, i was watching the top 10 qb controversays on NFL network the other day, and RJ, Flutie actually made the list at like 6 i think, but anyway they talked about the tenn game, and had a pretty recent interview with wade phillips, and he said he regrets not starting flutie because there is no doubt in his mind that flutie would have won that game. I cant say that i disagree
  9. it even stuck with wade phillips, as a head coach he has yet to win a playoff game since then, HAHAHAHA f()ck you wade
  10. "Simple Man" lynyrd skynnard.......for simple dick
  11. I can agree with this to a point, but to think that money has nothing to do with it would be absurd. Big nascar teams can afford all the expensive testing machines that smaller operations just cannot, such as a 7 post shake rig. yea the cars are basiclly the same, but again its the management doing the research that will put the driver in the position to win races.
  12. yea i think we have a shot, houston doesnt have a great run game, ive got slaton on my fantasy team, and he doesnt do me any favors. also the coach for the texans has said publicly that he has NO problems abandoning the running game early if its not working. so if the bills could just slow the run down in the first qtr, then let byrd and the rest of our secondary do what they have been doing, getting the ballback for our O. ALSO jauron does have a very good record of winning games after the bye which gives me hope for tennessee too. but in the long run i still am trying not to get too excited, i can just see it now, we go on a great stretch down the second half, just to get knocked out of playoff hopes by the colts 2nd and 3rd string........deja-vu anyone???
  13. WHAT? you mean to tell me that moving the ball past those big orange sticks ISNT a penalty???
  14. yea the oline held there own, tell that to our starting qb that has a damn concussion, no i cant PROVE that they would of gotten as many sacks, but if you look at our first games, you dont have to be a !@#$ing rocket scientist to figure out that the jets would have done the same, the only saving grace was a halfway decent qb play by fitzz where he actually would step up and buy their sorry asses another couple of seconds, otherwise same boat, oh but i guess because they didnt have 50 yards of penalties we should all and worship the ground they walk on right?? give me a !@#$ing break
  15. You really think the oline looked fine today?? we still couldnt run today, the jets were still getting penetration, if it wasnt for fitz actually moving around (yea i know its a weird concept isnt it?) there would have been the same number of sacks as we are all used to. just because they didnt commit another 9 false start penalties does not mean they were "fine" sorry to burst your bubble
  16. I agree, but how is getting rid of these guys now going to help us win next week, or the week after, it wont. we needed to see fitz come in. he wasnt great, but he wasnt terrible by any means. hopefully this concussion cancels out the last one and trent can get back to throwing the ball to the WRs again. BUT if edwards feels that he has to now compete more for his job i think he will do just that. at least one can hope
  17. that is probably why dick is still here, he just tells ralph that they won on monday and ralph thinks that we 6-0 and superbowl bound
  18. i think ditching the no huddle helped out alot with the false starts. when the qb can kind of beat the snap count into there head in the huddle your not going to have false starts 9 times
  19. im glad someone else pointed out the 300+ rushing yards, when i saw the title to this thread that was the first thing to come to mind. with the exception of his INT i really didnt notice him too much, he had a couple stops, but not really the poz of old. hopefully he will get his mojo back soon
  20. i guess we didnt watch the same game, we still couldnt run the ball, and they were still getting plenty of penetration, the only difference is that fitz actually moves around when the pocket is collapsing on him, i didnt see anything that leads me to believe that this oline is "meshing"
  21. He had plenty of opportunities, but when you keep dropping the ball i dont blame fitz for not throwing to him anymore, i give reevis credit for sticking with him for the most part, but he should have caught a few more then he did
  22. why the hell did jauron decline the illegal shift penalty on the jets on 2nd down?????
  23. Out of the list of "probable" teams i think the vikings would be the best fit for L.A. with the exception of having to completely re-arrange the divisions again but think about it. Vikings are probably the best team on that list, if LA wants to seriously build momentum right off the bat that would be the team to bring in. They are probably the most unlikely to move, but if i were Rosky thats who i would go after, with the 49ers second, chargers 3rd. Unfortanatly i do "billieve" that buffalo is going to be on the top of the list to move. Ralphie is already in the HOF, He doesnt live in wny, WHAT is keeping him there? His WORD?? All i know is money talks. Ralph likes money. need i say more? It is a shame, I will miss Buffalo Bills football.
  24. LOL wow...... The ford pinto http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/art...1657866,00.html
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