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Everything posted by mikef272002

  1. I've been saying for a long time that TT is not the answer. He's fun to watch and can make plays, but he's no NFL passing QB. If you want him to make a few throws here and there and make some plays with his legs then he's your guy, but you better have a good run game which we do. We rank 32nd in passing yards per game. He had 112 yards passing this week, which is about average. https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/passing-yards-per-game He's going to win games, but we still need to continue to find a real QB, and WR's.
  2. No Bill wasn't wrong for that, you lost out on my point......... Bill Clinton says the same thing Trump says and is cheered, Trump says it and is apparently racist... Yes, I'm voting for Trump..
  3. Bill Clinton in 1995 I believe it was, addressed the house during his presidential speech that we needed to start securing our borders with Mexico and deporting illegal aliens because it's taking away jobs and causing this country to carry a heavy debt. He went on to say that it's the American law and being here illegally is against the law. The whole house stood up and cheered. Donald trump says the same thing in a non-political fashion and he's raciest against all Mexicans..LMAO... He said that criminals, rapists and drug dealers are coming across the boarder everyday (Which is true) and that some of them are good people.. Yet the media don't show the last part... https://www.facebook.com/numbersusa/videos/1196778030378890/
  4. I caught a little of the NFL network while I was home for lunch today and seen this. They had some great things to say about him but I only caught the tail end of it but I was shocked when I turned on the TV and there they were talking about a buffalo Bill on NFL network...! I agree with some of the above comments, I say we try to sign him now for another 2 or 3 years...
  5. Or you could say their fans have been starving for a team and finally have one and are dedicated..
  6. I didn't see this being discussed anywhere. Is Marcel out of rehab and back with the team this week? Having not practiced in 4 weeks, should he be expected to play?
  7. We lined up in the same exact formation every time and just ran different plays from the same formation. This way the kids weren't confused where they should line up. I'd call the play from the side line with hand signals and the QB would yell out the play. If it was through the five hole he'd yell a number that ended in a five, such as 55, or 25. This way the defense didn't hear the same play getting called. (not hard to confuse 6th-8th grade defenders). The key was down blocking (blocking the guy to the left or right of you instead of straight head on blocking, it created big holes.
  8. I agree.. Running it 2-4 times a game is plenty. I don't know how many times they ran it yesterday but it seemed like a good amount to run it.. 4 times maybe?
  9. AND, What a sore freaking loser Kraft is. He was asked after the game about the pregame skirmish and basically said "well I think if your head coach is undisciplined then so are your players" or something to that affect. STFU Kraft.>! Your players were being cocky idiots running through our drills just like you and your coaches are cocky idiots..!
  10. I actually did my own version of a wildcat with my youth football team (6th-8th graders). We had 12 plays out of it, 2 were pass plays. Everything could be done in a hurry up no huddle which is what I liked about it. You focus on one half of the field, our goal was to get 5 yards a play. We had the #1 offense 2 years in a row with it but I also had very athletic kids.
  11. I've been thinking this all year long, game after game I see him jumping out of the way, or not jumping in on tackles. At the Jets game I literally watched him stand there watching as one of his team mates was trying to bring the RB down. He's definitely trying to not get hurt. I don't know if he has the "me first" attitude, I can see his point. He has to stay healthy to get a new contract, but dang, at least make it look like you're trying..
  12. Here's the thing. Every year we get all excited, we'll win 2 games then lose 1 or 2 games, then get all excited again.. It's like a freaking re-run playing over and over and over year after year.. If the Bills want to be taken seriously then they have to win the next 3 games. Otherwise, it's just another year of win 2 or 3 in a row, lose 2 or 3 in a row... UGH... They also need to steal either the Patriots game again or the Seattle game and go into the bye week at 6-3, because 5-4 just won't cut it...
  13. Considering Garoppolo was the emergency QB last week when Brissett played, and considering that Brissett was able to finish the game, I would say that Garoppolo starts and Brissett is the emergency QB against the Bills. The Patriots only had 3 days to heal Garoppolo for their Thursday night game which wasn't enough to start, but was enough to be the back up. It don't really matter who is at QB, they have proved they can win with fashion with any QB. The key will be to play mistake free and penalty free basic football and beat them at their own game. The patriots play simple fast football, mistake free and make you pay for your own mistakes.
  14. I actually love Trump.... Ok, back to work boys...
  15. I hate to say it, but I don't see the Bills winning many games. Sammy is playing hurt, Glenn if he plays at all will be playing hurt.. Clay still wont get the ball much and the Jets will try to shut down Shady.. JETS - 17 Bills - 13
  16. They probably would of gave up if they got bombed for 16 years straight.... Let's not kid ourselves..
  17. Tyrod passes for 20 yards to Watkins for the TD.!
  18. That's what I want to know too.. I don't know how we can all know everything but not know who's going to win!
  19. It's 2 preseason games, but it was fun to watch those two games.. Hopefully it'll be fun to watch all season long.. Every year we get all excited and think this is the year. Lets hope THIS is actually the year to make the playoffs,..
  20. I'd be happy if they made the top 10 and extremely happy with a top 5. I just can't see #1 happening, I'd say they fall in the 5th-9th range which would be great.. If the offense can fall around the same we'd be in good shape.. It all comes down to injury's and motivation/scheme.. Keep them healthy, have a good plan and motivate the **** out of them...!
  21. I think he'll be more of a kickoff and /or punt returner if he can field the ball. I can't see him making it on the field for the offense much, maybe 3 or 4 plays a game which I guess is all he'd be needed for.. If he makes the team, which he probably has a good chance to do, but I wouldn't get my hopes up that he's going to get Sammy more looks per game.. We'd want our core players on the field which calls for 3 WR's, not a 4th... McCoy, Clay, Watkins, Woods, and whoever is the slot guy.. Kolby would most likely be the 4th guy on special occasions. Again, maybe 3 or 4 plays a game besides Special teams..
  22. For every team Buffalo prevents from getting in the playoffs they have also helped another team get in. So you can have your 15 years, I'll take a wildcard loss
  23. What I can't get over is the fact that Rex has stated in multiple press conferences that we shouldn't worry because he knows exactly where this team and the defense will end up at the end of the year.. I'm starting to think he knew all along that the defense would suck...
  24. Mccoy, Watkins and Clay are the best weapons an offense can ask for, the 3 of them should combine for 90% of the offense's touches. Plain and simple, anything less is crap play calling and high school play design. McCoy should be getting 25-30 touches a game, Watkins should be getting 15 targets a game and Clay should be getting 10 targets a game. Or more!
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