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bills in va

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Posts posted by bills in va

  1. Condolences.

    Did anyone watch the news coverage? He was involved in a domestic altercation, jumped in the back of his fiances pickup and flew out the back, busting his head. Reminds me of when Mcnair passed, there will be some interesting facts come out of this case in the days to come. But the bottom line is that another young , rich athelete died tragically; this happens way too often.

    Did he have any children?

  2. For those looking for a silver lining: Has started every game he's played in and blocked for a 4,000-yard passer, 1,500-yard rusher and two 1,000-yard receivers (according to the bastion of human knowledge, Wikipedia).


    For those glass-half-emtpyers: Voted one of the dirtiest players in the NFL by the players themselves, constantly fined, personal foul machine.

    Great pick up. I'd rather have personal fouls than false starts and 10 yard sacks. We need some firey, nasty MF'er on our line.

  3. No Aaron Maybin and his "explosive first step"??? :thumbsup:

    Living in Virginia I'm forced to watch the 'Skins. Since they put Orakpo in on mostly passing downs with both hands in the dirt he is almost unstoppable. He uses a bull rush, double spin moves, stunts and speed around the edge. I am sick of debating the Orakpo vs. Maybin people who love Maybins "potential". Pure BS. Orakpo is the real deal, a stud defender who will only get better. Who ever picked Maybin, and I'm sure Fewell was down with it, should be sent over the falls in a barrell. We could of had Orakpo and Byrd...WOW!

  4. Sounds like Jason Campbell will be available. We could get him as our QB next that doesn't quite have it.


    I think getting Dungy and Vick is our best option right now.

    Vick is our best answer! Dude I'm skeptical as hell right now but come on. If Ron Mexico is our best option then we are much worse off than I thought. I would swear off the Bills forever if that sub-human wore our jersey. Not only does he spread vd, torture and kill dogs, lie to his coach and owner, but he is trash pure and simple. His brother is trash and so is he. I'm all for second chances as I've had a few myself, but Vick is a despicable animal!

  5. We debate things around here and if you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen.

    Debate is difficult with those who cannot face reality. Trent Edwards sucks and is not even a Bills fan-he disrespected all of us when he said that but you still got his back, nice job.

    You lose all respect when you allege that Trent is better than half the starting QB's in the league. He isn't even the best QB on the Bills or he would be playing. Do you think Fewell wants to lose by not playing his best QB? Your logic is seriously flawed and your as stubborn as my 2-yr-old.

  6. Question - given the improved line play in recent weeks, one has to ask - Could Kendall Simmons become a future full-time starter? He is a former 1st round pick and started for two Superbowl winning Pittsburg Steelers teams. He is only 30 and is finally recovering from his torn achilles tendon. He should atleast bring must needed depth to the roster. If he continues to play at a high level, it should give us 5 starter quality lineman (Wood, Levitre, Hangman and Butler). Obviously we need to pick up a left tackle, but otherwise, I think the remaining 80% of the line will actually be decent. You could use anyone of the following combonations:


    LT, Levitre, Wood, Simmons, Butler

    LT, Butler, Wood, Simmons, Levitre

    LT, Levitre, Hangman, Wood, Butler





    Better quit plugging Wood into your line combo's. Nobody's wanting to speculate yet, but I'd be surprised to see him play next year if ever. Too bad cuz I love his attitude, skills and nastiness.

  7. Dog you really love that dude don't ya. He is not good enough and not better than half the starting QB's in the league. You sound delusional. Look at Aaron Rodgers; plays behind a pitiful line and puts up great numbers each week. Trent has had his chances and sucked up the field....please stop. You are not a good evaluator of talent, especially at the QB position. If TE gets picked up by another team, earns a starting job and kicks ass...then I'll be wrong. I'll apologize to you for saying you should share an evening of manlove with TE to get him out of your system and then buy you a cold one. But until that happens...hold your breath and shut up!

  8. Do you honestly believe the Bills want to lose? Do you think Ralph hired TD, one of the most respected GMs on the market, and gave him full control to lose?


    I'm so sick of Ralph doesn't want to win. We haven't been winners but it's more that Ralph has trusted the wrong guy, got burned, and then decided to trust people he respected. The results obviously have been terrible but I think it's complete Bs to say Ralph doesn't care about winning. At this point, he simply is struggling to figure out how.


  9. Took my son to see The Blind Side last night. Very good movie if you like a powerful story with some football mixed in. I was hoping that we traded down in April from #11 to around #20 to take Oher, then pick up an extra 2nd or 3rd but I'm only a fan and don't get paid to blow #1 draft picks. Could you imagine Oher, Wood, Nelson and Levitre in this draft ! Then dream of the chance to keep Peters (even if we over paid). We would be sporting a line of Peters-Levitre-Hangartner-Wood-Oher; a line considered the best in football. But like I said I'm just a fanatic, what do I know.

    The movie is very good though for any fathers who want to take their kids. I've paid my dues with enough Walt Disney and chick flicks...I deserved this one.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!

  10. Is Demetrious Bell a little gunshy or disheartened? He should have returned to practice according to Bills trainers considering the injury he sustained. He should be at least practicing but for some unkown reason he says he can't go...why? Were the events of this year too much for him mentally or is he protecting himself? Unless his injury is more serious than reported he should either be back to work or on IR so we can pick up another practice squad scrub to replace him. My guess would be a little lack of heart, cuz if he can go then he should. Granted he should have been no more than a swing tackle for us this year and an emergency starter for a game or two only, he is in way over his head this year. If he continues to hold himself out of practice and games then put him on IR or kick his ass back onto the field, becasue we need the bodies. Nobody is at 100% this time of the year so suck it up and play like a warrior.

  11. I like Tebow, he reminds me of Jim Kelly a little, same strong frame and build, big arm, gutsy as hell, there's allot to like about the young fella in my opinion and we have to be looking at this closely, this could be our QB of the future.


    Its also possible Losman or Bollinger may be a good choice for a football team looking for a starting QB. They are both ready to step in and take over the starting role after a preseason of preparation.

    If you love JP so much, seek him out and manlove him all night but stop saying how he can be a starter in the NFL. He had multiple shots and sucked.....PERIOD

  12. You draft for the future, not for immediate need. Just because they had an immediate need at a position they drafted, doesn't mean that is the wrong thing to do.

    Drafting Maybin at #11 was an a-hole decision. That's why we suck, personnel moves like that. We should have taken either Orakpo or Oher....period. And I was saying this before the draft. When Modrak said prior to the draft that they would consider a situational player, I knew that meant Maybin and was pissed then. He may turn out to be good in a few years, just the wrong pick this year at #11 with our needs.

  13. +2


    Typical flag-waving, fear-mongering, republican, everyone-is-a-scumbag-and-there-are-no-second-chances mentality.

    F.U. with the Republican bashing crap, leave politics off this site because I don't have enough time to educate you on our current joke of a president. Maybe you should go see him yourself...I heard it's easy to get into the white house for a photo op.

  14. You have a first rounder invested in Lynch, he is 23 years of age with a lot of years left in the NFL. Why would you trade him. He is a good back, having a rough year. Jackson is solid and is having a better year, yes. But the fact is, this line is the worst in the NFL, Jackson is pushing 30 and Lynch has plenty of years left at 23. If you trade Lynch, you will just have to get another RB in the Draft once Freddy is done in 2-3 years. I do not understand y everyone is hating on Lynch. After Every game we see the same F'in thread about how Lynch is horrible. NO ONE said Lynch was bad last year when he made the ProBowl. Everyone loved him and his toughness. Now we have the worst O-line in the league and Freddy is doing better with this horrible line and you want your 23 year old, first round draft selection, who has shown promise to be traded so you will eventually have to waste another draft pick on another running back (willis Mcgahee); it doesn't make any sense. Why not save that future draft pick for a good lineman to help this guy. Or maybe draft a good DE like Orakpo to help our pass rush. And anyways, you need two RB's in the NFL, so why not just use both of them? I am REALLY getting sick of all the Marshawn hate. The guy is a monster to bring down, get this guy a O-line before you sell him out of Buffalo.

    Your arguement to keep Marshawn is right on; better to have two quality backs. BUT your apologist attitude towards least mode is a joke. Using your logic, Freddy should be having a bad year because of the worst o-line in the NFL. Instead he does very well when he is in there, as the starter. Least mode is a problem of the field and runs like he thinks he's Barry Sanders. He needs to run hard to and through the hole, not dance around them. So, keep 'em both. Let Freddy start and get 90% of the touches and bring in Marshawn when he needs a breath or gets hurt. Marshawn does have great upside (if he doesn't get banned) but is the second best back on this team today.

  15. WRONG....You need a good coach and front office personnel to right the ship.

    I don't know what's wrong with you but I'd gladly take the playoffs (win or lose) than the pathetic crap sandwich I've been eating for ten years. You would rather us suck than not go for the big show...where's your nut sack?

    You can't win a superbowl unless you get in the playoffs, maybe several years of playoff losses before winning the big one. I would take that as many years they can deliver it to my living room. A perennial contender..yes I want that!


    I knew there would be people like you being negative even when Ralph is trying to change things.

    Do everything you can to get Shanahan, have him bring in good assistants and then improve our talent level.

    I am wishing for Shanahan..at least it is giving me some hope and belief in Ralph again.

  16. I think Jauron's gonna get this team on the right track. I really like what I've seen so far. Plus, now we get Trent back and he's pumped and ready to light it up, just like last year.

    You must have a serious head injury. You really like what you've seen so far? You must be a Patriots fan or you don't know sh-t about football!

  17. Great. But what about his number 1 pick, Aaron Maybin? Why on earth doesn't Perry let that kid play more so he can use his natural talent to make plays, too??? Go ahead and flame this post with your "Maybin sucks", "Maybins' a bust", "Why didn't the Bills draft Orakpo" takes, you're all crazy....it is way too soon to write this kid off.


    If Fewell decided from day one to make Maybin his first DE off the bench, instead of slow, plodding sackless Ryan Denny, the kid would have made plenty of plays by now. And if Fewell and his ego will allow Maybin more playing time these next 8 games, I guarantee you he will compile sacks and make plays behind or at the line of scrimmage.


    Quite a double standard Fewell has between his two top rookies this season. Of course Byrd looks like a very special talent with an amazing nose for the football, and a receivers' ability to catch it. But every rookie has his own time table in getting used to the speed and strength of the NFL. I am very impressed with Maybin's quickness off the ball. I think he too can be a special player. But Fewell needs to let him play and learn, just like he's letting Byrd play and learn.

    You MIGHT be right about Maybin, but I doubt it. He has had plenty of plays this year and all he has shown me is squat. I am hoping for something the rest of the season out of the kid but at DE he is like a fly on my windsheild. With all the LB injuries I would like to see him in place of Ellison, not Scott. You got to admit that he was a reach to begin with. He had 6 games in college, against inferior teams, where he put up some great numbers...that's it. He bounces of lineman like a bowling pin, has no counter moves only speed rush around the corner. Not Good Enough! Especially for the number 11 pick and guarenteed gazillion dollars!

  18. Take a look at our NFL "offensive" coaching experience:


    Head Coach: Dick Jauron


    - 9 seasons as defensive backs coach

    - 6 seasons as defensive coordinator

    - Rest of career as Head Coach


    Offensive Coordinator: Alex Van Pelt


    - 1 season as Quarterbacks Coach (Only received position because Turk Schonert was promoted from QB Coach)


    Quarterbacks Coach: None


    - vacant sideline (there was no one else to promote)

    I kick ass calling plays on Madden. I can even win when playing with the Bills. Put me in coach. After watching every game this decade, because I love footaball-pain-trips to the dentist, I could call a better game than Alex. I would throw in some counters, screens, many formations, 3-4-5 wides, jumbo-I. Gauranteed to go 7-9 with no coaching experience and I would do it for free. My salary would go to free beer and hooter chicks for every guy in attendance.



    I mean, is there any question why our offense sucks? We've got a good running backs coach in Eric Studesville and a good offensive line coach in Sean Kugler, but we sure as hell can't run a damn play. We don't have a single guy that has called offensive plays in the NFL. Not one.


    Come on Ralph!!! Figure this out. Either get yourself a real GM that can run this team the way it should be, or SELL THE TEAM.

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