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bills in va

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Posts posted by bills in va

  1. "Blockin, Tacklin, Kickin, Throwin, and Catchin, that's what wins football games" - Chan Gailey.

    This thing is playing out like a really bad episode of "Hee Haw".

    What next Buck Owens / DC and Roy Clark / OC.

    There are reports that Cowher is somewhere laughing his ass off saying "I thought they knew I was joking when I mentioned Chan".

    Funny. I heard the presser but didn't see it. Was Buddy wearing a white hood when he introduced super redneck. It sounds like Buddy has a chew in when he speaks. The only thing we're missing is for Ralph to marry another Anna Nicole Smith.

  2. I know there are a multitude of factors yet to be determined but it's fun to take a stab at predicting the Bills final record this year. I am going with 10 wins-6 losses. Yes that right 10-6. Each year in a few divisions there are teams that go from last to first. Now I don't feel they can take first place but 10 wins is possible if Buddy and Co. make a few essential moves.

    They bring in a good QB to run his system. They find a LT either in the draft or FA. They fortify their defense with a stud LB, DE and DT. We are only talking about 5 new NFL starting caliber players. It is very possible and even likely given the shakeup we've seen thus far. I realize I am over simplifying the work needing done to finish with this record but unlike others I don't think it's impossible either.

    I am predicting 10-6. You heard it first here, today. What are your record predictions? Who ever gets it right will have bragging rights for the entire offseason and will be declared MASTER PROGNOSTICATOR of TBD.


    Alright....Whatcha got?

  3. Looking at the bright side wearing my rose colored glasses. Gailey has had success in the NFL, has a good offensive mind and has developed less than stellar QB's into winners. I am not adding to the feeding frenzy of negativism and will give him a year to see what he can do. It's impossible to perform worse than dickless jauron.

  4. Pipe - Welcome back. Glad to see the disturding bahavior at OBD has driven you to posting again. Frankly, your post is spot on, some folks here know it to be true, but most have their favorite stein filled to the brim with RW Koolaid. Prepare for this in the coming weeks; "insert name here was simply the best candidate for the position. As you know, we talked to Cower, Shannon, ETAL, however, after speaking with insert name here, the choice was obvious"...


    Next comes rage on the part of this board....to which the team will try to make some big splash in free agency and announce that something is in place getting Jim Kelly actively involved as a part of the origanizaiton to (1) settle everyone down and (2) sell tickets. I am sorry, unlike most of the sheep here, while Kelly was a great player, he can do little for the team in his current capacity as an ex-NFL'er.


    As you point out, perhaps the proper fate for this team and the cumulative psyche of WNY would be for them to leave and end this charade....

    Anybody who wishes the Bills to leave town are at minimum traitors, more likely douchebags with no sense of loyalty. I have said they suck and seem to make all the wrong decisions, even on purpose sometimes. But they are the Bills, the team I love and I NEVER would want them to leave NEVER!

  5. Too early for a QB in a class without any apperantly great ones. Use FA for LT & placeholder QB, and draft LT in round 2 (possibly the one from Miami whose name I cannot recall right now), QB in round 3 (Central Michigan QB or Pike) get McClain in round one. He is a standout among the other lb's available and one of the best in many years.

    Number 9 should go to the best LT on the board. This is the biggest need on offense along with QB where I'd like to get Lefevour in later round. There will be very good LB's in round 2-3 and DT's also. But, unless we get a quality LT we are done next year. I have not seen any FA LT's who we could get here w/o breaking the bank.

  6. If you "call them like I see them," instead of just having a kneejerk racial reaction, you'd have remembered that the Bills filled the "Rooney Rule" with the Fewell interview. And BTW, maybe the Bills screwed up by letting Perry get away.

    Talk about knee-jerk reactions from a jerk. If you read my entire reply I said that he got his previous 8 interviews, in some part, due to the Rooney rule. I stand by that arguement. Do you really think 8 other teams interviewed him based on his resume alone? I didn't mention Fewell because I wasn't talking about our messed up hiring process, simply responding as to why Frazier got so many interviews in the past. Fewell got away because he should have, he wasn't qualified and he coached the worst defense we've had in a long time. Next time somebody hits too close to home, take a deep breath and remember in America everybody can voice their opinion and it may be different from yours.

  7. First off, this coaching search screwiness reminds me of the dismantling of the Buffalo Braves as John Y Brown prepared to move them elsewhere. There are some differences. The Bills do not yet have a new owner, but that is a matter of short time.


    Having trouble finding a decent GM, getting rejected at every step for even a good second tier coach and a team of mismatches does not bode well for having a team in Buffalo for very much longer, maybe not even next year.


    That being said, I would like to remember better times, like upon moving to Buffalo in the mid sixties seeing them make a run at the first now known as the SuperBowl... then I think Championship after the merger. Watching OJ run crazy despite the Bills losing... Denis Shaw, Walt Patulsk, Tony Green (SP?). The Electric Company... Chasing The Bills down Delaware Ave on my Banana seat bike and having OJ slap us 5 and hand us oranges. OJ signing a superman comic book in Buffalo airport. Jim Kelly and Bruce signing a football for my Mom who is handicap.... her two favorite players. Watching the come back against Houston in Grevey's in Fairfax, VA with all the other Buffalo transplants and going nuts... And many others....


    But now I just feel melancholy.

    I live in Winchester. Where do you guys watch games these days?


    RIP Buffalo Bills

  8. Id at least like them to have options. Right now its Fraizer or no one. Fraizer was not their first pick either. They have been rejected by Shanahan, Cowher, Harbaugh. Shottenhiemer, and it looks like Grimm may shun them too. Those first three guys were offered the job and rejected it, the latter rejected interviews. I have to believe that Fraizer is not high on the list. I really dont want them hiring Frazier because no one else would take the job - thats embarrassing. Remember guys Fraizer has interviewed with like 8 teams for HC openings and hasnt been hired by them. When there is smoke there is fire.


    I have heard reports that Billick has been assembling a staff for a potential comeback to coaching. Well if he is coming back this year then he knows where his only option is. If he is serious about coming back then the Bills should at least interview him. Same with Mike Martz claiming he would take the job. At least get three guys in here that would accept the job, then pick the best guy.

    Frazier gets interviewed because of the Rooney rule. He is a qualified black coordinator so teams know he covers their

    a_ _ regarding the interview process. You have to ask yourself; How many interviews for HC would he have had if he were white? Now he still may be a good candidate, frankly I don't know, but I call them like I see them and this makes perfect sense to me.

  9. Davis is a project, not worthy of 9th pick overall, Campbell will still be there in the early second round, waste of a pick to choose these 2. Take McCain with 9th, smart choice.

    Norwood, Paul have potential, but I would take Lefevour with 41st overall.

    Hardy is a good pick in the 3rd.

    I don't see Pike making it into the 4th rd, he wont be there.

    Another McClain lover! The kids good but c'mon, can he score or block? We need offense with our first pick.....period.

  10. I love the Buffal Bills and Western New York.

    Yeah that's right, I said it now start the crusifiction! I have been a fan since I could make a choice 30 years ago. Since then I've moved away from WNY but go back often either to visit family or catch a game. I love and miss the area and the ability to see more games in person. If you still live in the area your lucky. Yes, where I live now may be warmer, more beautiful with a better economy; but no Bills and I hate the Redskins. The team and the area gets a bad rap and I honestly didn't appreciate it until I was gone a while. I miss the food, the people and the Bills.

    As far as football is concerned I hope we get a good coach, draft well and make the playoffs next year. I think this can happen and maybe quiet the nay-sayers. It doesn't have to be Cowher. It just has to be a good enough coach to bring in a good staff and get good players through draft and free agency. Then coach 'em up, make good in game decisions and turn this thing around. I know it's been along time since respectability, but we are not that far away. To those who say RW should sell and leave with or without the team...shame on you; you are not nor ever were a true fan.

  11. There was way too many concerns about Oher. He is / was a mommies boy based on his whole background. Plenty was written up about it predraft as Denver badly wanted to draft him, but didn't because they weren't sure if he would bolt on them. It was expected that really they only place that could/should draft him was tennesee and everyone else was taking a big chance based on predraft interviews and psycho-analysis. Turns out Bmore hit the big one there, but it was a risky pick, with his background.

    reports i read said he was a mauler and top 5 tackle in the draft. if youre referrring to drama from the book written about him. that was just negative pr put out there so that he would drop into somebodys lap like baltimore, it worked. the written stuff you refer to was negative propaganda, not factual or transferrable to the field. i wanted him from the senior bowl and couldnt believe we took a tweener project. our coaches had a way of thinking they were so smart-yale-, that we could change peoples positions that they played their whole life, worked for byrd but is very hard to do

  12. Agree with alot of what you said but the point is it's his team to do with whatever he wants. If it wasn't for that old crumuggin we would not have a team. And for all those people who say let 'em go we'd be better off...shame on you. We have a precious commodity here in our team, the only one we'll ever have. If they leave that's it..no more football.....ever. So even though they suck right now I hope to God they stay until I'm gone along with Ralph. Until then I'll keep typing and spouting off like only NFL fans can do, pretending like what I have to say is important to anybody but myself.

  13. I don't think anyone could argue that having Marty on board, whether it be a coaching job (unlikely) or a consulting job (very likely if his son gets the HC spot) is anything other than a great move.

    I agree. Who would want a hard-nosed, former Bills player who has a good winning percentage as a head coach? Anything but great right?

  14. f@ck that ****. Beast mode needs to stay u fools. He compliments freddy well and they have a great working relationship. its a two back league these days. Short of murdering someone I could give a flying f@ckadoodledoo what lynch does off the field stop the hatin.

    Oh Yeah! What if the SOB stole $20.00 bucks off your mama and then ran over your sister DWI. Then sat in the parking lot across from your house with a blunt and a Glock. Then would you care?

  15. I have been a Bills fan for 30 years. I love wearing my Bills garb in Virginia where I live now while everybody else is loving on the Redskins. Yeah my team is a joke, but it's my team. The only team I'll ever be a true fan of, no bandwagon crap for me. My brother-in-law has had 3 favorite teams in 10 years, no backbone just sellout.

    True it's hard rooting for them, they make ****ty decisions and stink up the field most weeks, but I'm a die-hard.

    You should be too! Now is not the time to dump on them and send letters to Ralph(who doesn't care what you think). Time to show some loyalty and hope things get better. I doubt you are 6'4" 280 or you wouldn't have to say it.

    Try posting some useful suggestions and share some good stories about the team, you'll feel better.

  16. The reason why RBs make the biggest impact is because the position is the easiest transition from the college to the pro game. Why even consider a RB? Seems like off-season releases of RBs are plentiful, so we could get a backup for Jackson from that group and trade or release Lynch. Last I checked, Fred Jackson's pretty good.


    Our most pressing needs are OT, LB, DT, DE. Of course, didn't we fill the DE need last year? :wallbash:


    I'll fill in the 2010 ROY on defense: Rolando McClain


    Hopefully: Rolando McClain Buffalo Bills Linebacker Alabama


  17. Trade Lynch to San Diego he would be back in his home state replace the aging Tomlinson if we could get a Late 1st round pick I think that would be fair. What do you guys think?


    The only way to get value out of him is to pull all the gold bling off his teeth. Have you seen the price of gold? Then trade him for a 3rd and take a good ILB or DT with the pick.

  18. OK Fred Jackson has the RB position locked down....nuff said.


    That being the case, why not make Lynch your starting fullback?? He seems better suited for it, he likes contact and if you are old enough to remember, we had a guy with OJ named Jim Bracton who has his share of carries and gained lots of yards for us in the mid 70's blocking for the Juice..


    just a thought, maybe we could use him in this way.

    Too expensive for a fullback. Better off trading him.

  19. this is buffalo... we are never disappointed. we are always going to the superbowl next year


    i can see you are clearly not a bills fan.

    Wrong. I lived in the area from 1970-1990 and have attended over 100 games and watched games in bars all over the country. In 1983 I played at Rich stadium in my h.s. football state tournament. I am a Bills fan, one of the most dedicated you'll find. But in my age and wisdom I've learned that blind optimism is a fruitless adventure. So until we win the big one. I've earned my right to be cynical.

  20. Wow. First we finally fired all the coaches, problem is they were not all bad and it should have happened last year. Second we needed a big time GM, problem is they hired Ralph's tennis buddy...Buddy. Thirdly we needed to clean house at One Bills Drive, problem is they all are still there and got promotions. Lastly, time to hire our coach for the next decade, problem is it will be a bewildering decision and we will all be dumbfounded, That's the way things go for a Bills fan. CONTINUED, UNPRECEDENTED, HEARTWRENCHING DISAPPOINTMENT. BE PREPARED TO BE DISAPPOINTED....IT ALWAYS HAPPENS!

  21. I'm rooting for a Bills win but it would be kinda' interesting if Indy beats them. Not for Buffalo, but Indy is getting absolutely barbecued in the national media for pulling healthy starters up by 5 vs. the Jets (and spitting on possible NFL history). If they dispose of the Bills, that decision would be just the worst case sccenario for Indy.


    FWIW, i like the Hot "under the radar" team to win in the AFC playoffs and that seems to be SanDiego right now...maybe even New England.

    I do not believe the Bolts are under anybody's radar. People are picking them to beat the Colts and go to the SB

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