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bills in va

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Everything posted by bills in va

  1. When you reach you lose value. It would be like trading down without getting compensation for it. It has nothing to do with talking heads, just common sense business. You have to have several equal valued preferences in each round, so you don't reach but get good value. You can still fill positions of need w/o reaching and losing value. Problem with the bills is they have reached and missed in recent years. If a pick can't play in the NFL it doesn't matter if you reach or think you're getting good value. Our scouting dept. has sucked the past 10 years with a few exceptions. A monkey could hit on as many picks as the Bills recently. I do however like our draft last year with the exception of "Maybe", who was a reach and a possible miss.
  2. Forget Tim Tebow with pick #41! Dam-it already with TEBOW! With our second pick we can get a very good DT/NT or another OT. We need to load up on lineman this year as the draft is deepest with them. Fix our lines and the rest will follow.
  3. We won 6 games last year, miracle, plain and simple...and I'm not even religous. The AFC-East (except for the Bills) got significantly better this year in free agency and we have a more difficult schedule. I say we win 1 division game and go .300 against rest of the schedule for a 4-12 season. I have been a fan for 35 years and saw my first game in 1976. I am planning on seeing them this year against Washington and the Ravens. I am not a basher, just a level headed educated fan. I wish we were better but we are what we are.
  4. I have to disagree with you. I think Okung and Williams are going to be in multiple probowls.
  5. I agree and have been pleading to draft a LT since last year when they took Maybin. If the top 3-4 tackles are gone then I think we should take Dan Williams at #9. A great nose tackle is the hardest position to find after QB and LT. Then we should move up into the bottom half of round 1 to take a LT. The other option is to trade our pick #41 for Gaither. Although I am worried about trading that pick for a player Ozzie Newsome doesn't want. He is awesome at identifying talent, so if Gather is on the block you have to wonder why.
  6. I attended my first game in 1976. I have watched almost every game since. I am tired of losing for the past 10 years, and for the other 10 year chuncks of time when we sucked. I have earned the right to say I am pissed that the team is not bringing in enough top tier talent and will not be competitive enough this year. Go ahead be small and pick on my grammer, but tell to me I don't have a point is b.s.!
  7. Predicting another brutal rebuilding year and saying that we are not good enough to beat division opponents is OK. It doesn't mean I don't love my team, or don't want them to win. I will watch every game on TV or in-person cheering them on. Do you think I'm wrong or would you rather burry your head in the sand? I am stating my opinion and if you disagree-write about why. Doesn't mean I will not root for and follow them this year like I have been for the past 35 years. This is a discussion board isn't it?
  8. There is absolutely NO CHANCE my BILLS don't finish last in the division. Miami gets Dansby and Marshall. Jets get Holmes. Patriots are the Patriots. The Bills get.......? It is impossible to fill all our holes in the draft, even if we hit on every pick. The AFC East may be the best division in the NFL next year. The Jets, Dolphins and Pats (4 of the top 60 pics) have gotten considerabley stronger. The Bills meanwhile have stayed average at best. We have signed no playmakers on offense or defense. How do we expect to compete against teams in our division who are doing everything they can to win the Superbowl when our goal is to just not get embarrassed? We will be lucky to fill out a decent roster this year. I am all for building through the draft but that is not enough these days in the AFC East. To win our division you have to draft well, resign your best players and then address critical team needs through free agency. I predict that we will again go 1-5 in the division and .300 out of division for a record of about 4-12. How do you all feel about our division this year? What division record do you predict? How many years before we win the division? I say at least 3-4 years if we do everything right.
  9. As long as Ralph is in charge of the draft, think bust, reach, makes-no-sense draft pick. If RW has any say I think we'll take the 3rd best safety at #9!.
  10. Wrong. Dog is mans best friend. Anyone who can kill and torture dogs for sport and money has no soul and probably has herpes too. We don't need this low life thug on our BILLS
  11. Vick is a has been, washed-up, gagster P.O.S. I have been a fan for over 30 years and know 2 things: Nix and Gailey would never trade for that dirt-bag and if Vick is a Bill I will stop supoorting them.
  12. Try again. Farve got hooked on vicodin after an injury. The fact that he was eating them by the handful is bad but understandable for any one who took opiates for any length of time. He did finally rehab and now won't even touch a tylenol. This is a hard thing to kick, I know first hand. Last ime I checked alcohol was LEGAL. So before you correct me, check your facts.
  13. Sorry your wrong. Comin from a former toker, it still shows how stupid the guy is. I don't want another Marshowmetwentybucks on this team. Do you think Brett Farve, Peyton Manning or Drew Brees is lighting up? Especially prior to their first professional job interview with 3 months notice! I would hire the clean guy over the dirty guy every time before I put a million dollars in their pocket.
  14. Been a die hard, educated, informed BILLS fan for over 30 years. I have analyzed every aspect of the upcoming draft including players strengths and weaknesses, team needs, future cap considerations and character issues. I have developed a scientific model to predict possible draft choices, even considering other team needs and their possible draft choices. This has been months in the making and now I (with the expert assistance of former Bills coach Dick Jauron) can accurately predict what our BILLS will do in this years draft: Round 1: safety (trade next years 2nd and 3rd to move up to #2 overall and take Eric Berry) DJ said never too many Round 2: punter (expecting the Madden curse for putting Moorman on flyer to sell season tickets) Round 3:place kicker (Norwood comes out of retirement in case we make it to playoffs-wide left this time!) Round 4: cornerback (can't have enough corners) Round 5: center (center of line needs help-we are set at tackle) Round 6: special team gunner (loss of Wendling requires this pick-draft the only white safety in Div.I.) Round 7: long snapper or trade down to take "Mr. Irrelevant" who will be on Program Guide Cover as nifty marketing tool
  15. I watched him closely last year for the Redskins. He was a human turnstile. He is washed up, move on. He is worse than the garbage we cut already.
  16. We just signed McClain, his name is Andra Davis. We are good at ILB, we don't need another one that high in the draft. We have too many more pressing needs than ILB especially with the latest FA pickup. We should go LT, but if not then NT or QB. So tired of hearing McCalin at #9....NO WAY!
  17. Hate to disagree with a fellow Virginian...But. Levitre is NOT a left tackle. He was plugged in due to emergency. He required alot of help from backs and never was able to hold his blocks long enough for the QB to go down field. He is not an NFL LT that's why he plays guard. You shouldn't think so hard while driving. If you hit me I'll be pissed. There is no way we can get by this year w/o drafting significant upgrades in at least 1 if not both tackles. The cast off from the Raiders is a joke. Big mistake to be talked into thinking McClain at #9 would be OK. A LB with our first pick may be good 2 or 3 years down the road, we can pick them up in FA. You can't get at LT or NT in FA though.
  18. Who is going to block for Spiller? He is not worth drafting with our lines. A RB or WR at #9 is a luxury because our lines are so bad. We have only 2 returning healthy, legit starters on our O-Line (Hang/Levitre). You cannot justify picking skill guys in round 1 when you cannot block for them. We MUST go O-Line or NT with #9!
  19. Eric Berry or McClain
  20. Schobel is TOO small to play DE in a 3-4. Counting on Maybin as a stud OLB is presumptious at best. He has never played linebacker before so we just don't know. So your scenario is premature and pie in the sky. Take off your rose colored glasses and remember that good free agents won't come here. If we've learned anything it's that just because a FA visits doesn't mean he'll sign.
  21. Since when is bitching and complaing a new and brilliant idea? Why don't YOU come up with something original? If I wanted to hear more crying I would have another baby with my wife.
  22. I really wish all people of color would stop bit---ng about racism. It has been part of society since societies have existed and will be here forever. Racism goes both ways and anyone who can't admit that is ignorant. It is natural and logical that people surround themselves with others that are likeminded and likecolored. YOU HAVE A BLACK PRESIDENT! What more do you want!
  23. Your dream scenario is a nightmare senario. Who do you have playing left tackle this year? Don't give me the Bell, move levitre b-ll sh-t either. Left tackle is the biggest team need and you don't even mention it.
  24. I know Kelly Washington personally. We both live in the Winchester, Virginia area. He is a good character guy but no better than a 3rd-4th wideout/slot reciever. He played pro baseball for the marlins and college football at Tennessee. He was great in college but an average pro. He is a super nice guy, great with fans and an all around good person. He won't go around Buffalo stealing $20.00's from citizens. He is great on special teams also. He would be a good slot reciever and specail teamer. He is not a thug, crybaby, locker room cancer. He is a solid football player who coaches love. He is active in communities, puts on free football camps for kids and will be good for the Bills. He isn't the best free agent wide reciever but is a solid pickup that won't cost a fortune.
  25. Planet earth to Ron Mexico. Our OL sucks! I don't know what team you watched last year, but to suggest that our holes at OT are not that big is just idiotic. We have NO starting caliber tackles on the roster. We have to draft OT in round 1 to have a chance at being competitive this year. We cannot go into the year HOPING that we can coach up pices of sh-t.
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