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Probation (1/8)



  1. great , let them move to Buffalo , maybe this is the only way we get a SB .
  2. i think they are going to put ramzi on Gabe and double diggs. that is going leave the slot wrs one on one the whole game . I think both slot wrs are going to have a big game . 150 yards between the two of them .
  3. They are coming out now. Should restart soon.
  4. I am at the game and very light rain . Could have been 4th q by now
  5. The last two games Alan hardly rolled or escaped the pocket to the right. That is his strength , he needs to do it more .
  6. He has been shuffling his feet to the left and escaping the pocket to the left and even bootleg to the left , which is not his strong side being a right handed QB , he and his coaches need to find a way to get him to scramble , shuffle , escape to the right side like many times he did last year and got big plays out of these plays.
  7. Cut him and save 258m. Sign Cam for 1m .
  8. Taking too many unnecessary 15 yards Sacks . He needs to not try to escape backwards every time he is rush from the middle , he needs to throw an incomplete or take a 5 yard sack to give your self a better chance for the next down.
  9. Early 1990's as a teenager me and my brother owned a small grocery store , we worked long hours, 7 days a week , we never close the shop except onetime a year , not any holiday, only when the Bills in town playing the miami dolphins. We close the shop and go to the game. Those early 1990' games against miami were so much fun . We live in south florida.
  10. Great , now let's trade him for Khalil Mac.
  11. Bills win if we get the Dolphins game special teams , the Colts game offense and the Ravens game Defense. Must have all units playing to their max. If One of these units struggles Bills will lose . Even if Mahomes doesn't play .
  12. Why decline the illegal shift penalty?
  13. HUGHES looks better playing LDE . Keep him there .
  14. Couple of observations I have so far this season . 1-when Allan gets flushed out of the pocket and rolls left , most of the times this season bad things happened. I am not sure why he always looking to escape to his left . Rolling to his right as a right hand thrower is much easier to make accurate throws . 2- The energy that Lawson and Phillips brought to the field last season are missing . We need couple of players to bring that energy and swagger to the field. Hopefully Norman can be someone who will . If these two things get fixed and they are fixable issues, this team is going to be deep in the playoffs and have a chance to win it all.
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