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Everything posted by JayW

  1. I waited a ayear for the movie, draft is on DVR and i am logging off now until after the movie. I blame the kids but i wanted to see the movie just as bad lol. Go Bills! See you all later!
  2. Unfortunately i haven't heard anything else, i think that hes locked down now but not sure I did ask him if hes heard anything else, I'm in the movies waiting for Avengers to start so thatll probably be all I got. Not much but its something. Lol. A mini van
  3. Even if he did i would never ever do that.
  4. Im not skeptical at all i been watching and ive heard many people say there is still medical people disagreeing and that the new report was put out with his agents help to push him back up boards. Real peculiar that it came out 6 hours before the draft. Sounds like an agent helping his client to me. Note: i still think he is a first rounder myself.
  5. Just tried this it keeps saying no bigger than 204.8 kb the message is literally the texts he sent. If u want the pic i could dm it to you if thats a thing on here
  6. Last time i started a thread with insider info it was dead on, i know someone who works for the Bills and this is some info he gave me. he is currently in the war room i cant attach the screenshot for some reason keeps saying its too big no matter what i do so im just gonna type what he said: They like Oliver, but Beane will not move up for a rotational DL. Sweat has a 100% medical “F” grade. “He heart condition is mild, but high-risk. Could play whole career with no problems or it could progress and he's not be able to play anymore in the future. Hard to predict. He was late to two team meetings as well”. Nothing earth shattering but interesting nonetheless.
  7. Im on the Bills website forum and we started calling fox and letting em know how upset we are Bills ratings are better in Syracuse and we get blacked out if we dont sell out so please call tonight (wed) and leave a message at 315-472-6800 if you call at night you have to dial 500 to leave a message for programming, were trying to flood them in hopes of a change, even if they dont change it lets annoy them like they annoyed us. if you call tommorrow during business hours ask to speak to someone in programming and let em know. Please help even if not in the area lets show them how strong bills nation is.
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