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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Sliced off-the-bone ham. Lightly seared on both sides. Thick-cut hickory smoked bacon - on the crispy side. Sourdough bread. Spicy mustard on the inside; buttered on the outside. Pepper jack and provolone cheese. Thinly-sliced tomatoes, patted dry so they don't soak the bread. Assemble sandwich. Lightly toasted. Creamy tomato bisque on the side.
  2. Queen - "Now I'm Here" Here I stand (here I stand) Looked around, around, around, around, around But you won't see me (but you won't see me) Now I'm here (now I'm here) Now I'm there (now I'm there) I'm just a Just a new man
  3. I open the can (manual can opener) I strain the tuna I put the tuna in a bowl I add mayo I add a little salt and a lot of pepper Sometimes I will nail it with some onion powder If not, then I will add diced onions I mix ... vigorously I cover the bowl and refrigerate it
  4. Bless your little heart.
  5. If for nothing else, I am proud of your improved comma usage.
  6. I think one reason for this reaching four pages is the handful of people who came here for the sole purpose of derailing it, usually using unfunny jokes, instead of taking part in an otherwise fun (sometimes educational) discussion.
  7. I've met him once, seven years ago, at a TBDHOT. Cool cat.
  8. Poor dude's half the man he used to be.
  9. Babe, baby, baby, I'm gonna leave you I said baby, you know I'm gonna leave you I'll leave you when the summertime Leave you when the summer comes a rollin' Leave you when the summer comes along
  10. But when do you add the egg?
  11. I'm not sure if a locker room that has Leveon Bell in it .. and is led by Adam Gase .. is fixable. Frank just wants some easy money. And good for him, I say.
  12. You need to start dating different girls, man.
  13. @Cripple Creek's daughter made a sourdough bread starter that worked incredibly well. I'm sure he'd be happy to share the recipe.
  14. SWEET JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.google.com/search?q=choi+seol+hwa&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS883US883&sxsrf=ALeKk01x7wXTQH3nDRomi2fcbUZiEIDrJA:1588684528825&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwirmoCI55zpAhWpTt8KHXnYBq0Q_AUoAXoECAoQAw&biw=1280&bih=610
  15. It would be the best 2 minutes of her day. I guarantee it.
  16. Potato chips on a tuna sandwich is solid.
  17. He gave himself a nickname and ripped off Marshawn Lynch's name in the process. Cut his ass.
  18. This is my guess. I can't see Favre stealing from the state.
  19. In the days of my youth I was told what it was to be a man Now I've reached the age I've tried to do all those things the best I can No matter how I try I find my way to do the same old jam Good times, bad times You know I had my share When my woman left home With a brown eyed man Well, I still don't seem to care
  20. Color me intrigued! Especially with the panko and grated cheese.
  21. Definitely a great comfort food.
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