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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. From the shoutbox: "Vice-a-versa"
  2. I think as long as you pronounce it ka-ra-TAY, it's fine.
  3. I always thought Mattingly had a disproportionately large ass. He looks like a Kardashian.
  4. That's not how leadership works. Not good leadership, anyway.
  5. Great point, thank you. As a former motorcycle rider, I did not like the full helmet/face shield at all. It didn't take me long to switch to a beanie-style helmet. I always wore riding glasses, though - either shades or clear.
  6. How do motorcycle helmets help anyone other than the person wearing it (like seat belt)?
  7. I am not a Yankees fan, but I don't mind watching them. I was actually excited to see the game last night. Why it wasn't on YES is beyond me. I can't look at, or listen to, Alex Rodriguez. The guy turns my stomach. I had to turn the TV down because his voice literally wants to make me throw up. Thank God the Mets' season starts today. #LFGM
  8. I'll pay up to $100 to see this.
  9. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect the TBDism rules!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I found it. The beauty of the true TBDisms thread is that they are not forced. They just happen naturally. Then get logged.
  11. Happy Birthday, Grant. Hope all is well!!
  12. @plenzmd1 - here you go, brother!
  13. We did. It was the TBDisms thread. Lemme look for it.
  14. A lot of things make him a bum. And he's only there because of his last name. Would love to see him turn his life around (which looks to be in progress) and become a better person. That would be great for him. But he is not deserving of another chance to play in the NFL, in my opinion.
  15. Fair points. I like McDermott. A lot. I think he can, and will, be a great and successful coach - and I think he'll do that with the Bills. Situational play calling on offense is my biggest concern. What I don't know is whether it's all Daboll, or if McDermott has a hand in it, as well. But as the head coach, he is overall responsible. Game day roster management is my only other significant concern. Specifically - Gore should have been shelved the final third of the season and Duke should have been active in WAY more games. Activating him for a playoff game, then making him a significant part of the offense that day ... I'm still scratching my head. And to get this back on topic - Knox as misused and overused; especially when they had other options at TE. I love Knox and think he's gonna be great. But he was not great last year. It was clear what he could do well and what he could not do well. They (Daboll and/or McDermott) continued to force him into situations in which he'd not been doing well. Another head scratcher.
  16. Perhaps Montana and Jordan had more morals than Jimbo. Name one QB who's had this many chances with a career stat line of one rush for -1 yards and 0 passes? He's a bum.
  17. Patriots were in control of their cheating.
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