In his first at bat, with a guy on and one out, he swung at the first pitch - resulting in an inning-ending double play. But I see he did have a hit later in the game. I think he's a defensive liability and I loved Rojas' move to replace him with the kid Gimenez (MLB debut), who showed some leather.
I didn't see one second of it. But I heard most of it. Listened to the first few innings at my desk at work, then had to step away. Caught the last few innings on my commute in the car and at the grocery store (I use the MLB app and pay for audio only. I love it.). It was quiet, which seemed weird. Sometimes, I thought I lost the feed because it would go dead silent for a couple seconds. That'll be an adjustment for the radio guys.
But all in all, it felt good. Felt great to get the win!!