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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. With flats, I hold it by one end and put the entire flat in my mouth so it lays flat on my tongue. Then I lightly clench my teeth and pull it out. Top and bottom teeth grab the most of the chicken off of both sides of the flat. Then I snap it with the twist and pull method and clean the bones off. It's the best way, IMO, to get the most meat at once. Eating it with the "little corn on the cob" method will just get little pieces of meat at a time. Eff that! My method gets most of the meat and most of the flavor with one pull!
  2. Did it slip your mind?
  3. I've actually got a problem with juncos this year. I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but they've nested in both of my hanging baskets. So I've got two dead hanging baskets hanging in my porch. Sure the neighbors are loving that as they walk by, LOL. But they are MEAN bastards. I can't use my porch. They attack. And now they seem to have nested in the back, where I do my grilling. I haven't been attacked out back, yet - but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
  4. Why not put his name in your thread title?
  5. One. You couldn't win ONE?!?!?!?!?!
  6. https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-athletes/wrestlers/the-rock-net-worth/ Net worth: $320 million
  7. That's a tad harsh, don't you think?
  8. Don't forget Lemmy!
  9. And the beauty of it is that you don't have to get too close (unless you're Tony Fauci, LOL)! Good luck!!
  10. I actually had a skunk problem for a couple years. Found this remedy online. Soak tennis balls in ammonia over night. Next day, roll the tennis balls under the shed. It's preferable to do it when you know they're out, but I never worried about it. The ammonia smell makes them think another animal has come and pissed in their territory. They pack up the fam and leave. I did it for two years straight. They left both times and (knock on wood) I haven't had skunks under my shed in at least 5 years, maybe more. Robins are the first sign of spring here. And for that, I love them!
  11. Hawks (any kind) are probably my favorite bird. They fly with such grace. I've never seen a hawk from my yard. But I did have a woodchuck living under my shed!
  12. Be careful out there, people.
  13. @The Poojer
  14. Whilst enjoying a cup of coffee on the deck, I heard the distinct chirp of a nuthatch. My nuthatches left late in the Spring. After hearing the chirps for a minute, one of them went right to their house. Always happy when they come back. They should stick around for most of the remainder of the summer. Very fun to watch/listen to.
  15. Fantastic and thanks for sharing!! Funny ... just earlier tonight, my son (17, lefty bass and guitar player) was just mentioning how someday he'd like a Rickenbacker bass like Paul played.
  16. F**k diabeetus. RIP
  17. Your shtick is old and tired.
  18. LMAO. If you score ten runs and lose a game ... you suck. That was brutal. But I can't see the MLB season going for more than 3-4 more weeks, tops.
  19. Prioritizing money over human life is a big part of the reason over 25,000 American died from Covid-19 in July, alone. A record number of Americans are on unemployment, either furloughed or laid off due to the virus. I'm sorry, but millionaire players and billionaire owners don't get an ounce of sympathy from me. Give me a ***** break.
  20. I think the NFL needs to scrap the season and focus on adjusting to make the next draft sensical and fair, and get ahead of what the 2021 season will look like.
  21. Man, I could go for a bologna sammich!!
  22. Levy's not my favorite guy, but I'm totally fine with him being on the crew. I like Riddick a lot and know nothing of Griese.
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