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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. This is not even close to an accurate representation of what happened in New York State. Did don trump write that for you?
  2. Josh needs to give up on his dream of growing a real beard.
  3. The Marlins are mostly responsible for derailing/ruining the current sham of an MLB season ... so this move by the Dolphins makes perfect sense.
  4. Given his past and also given the fact that he's not returned to work after such a heinous, brutal, savage assault at the hands of Ujiri, I am confident that he's just a moron looking to get rich without working for it.
  5. I just looked again and I simply don't see it that way. I see a pig eyeing down his payday and trying to set up a lawsuit.
  6. Shabe udder sounds like rubbing your body with a bunch of nipples. No thanks. I"m afraid to google that *****!!
  7. I tend to agree with a lot of what you post, Sig. This one, though ... I cannot. What did Ujiri do that was boneheaded. He calmly walked toward the court, calmly reached in to show his credentials, then was pushed twice before defending himself. If those were all of the details, I'd characterize it as ONE bonehead and Ujiri. No outrage warranted. When the bonehead is also a cop? I'm not gonna say anyone should be outraged, per se. But it's a much different story. That guy is not a police officer. He's a pig.
  8. This is exactly how I feel about losing four consecutive Super Bowls.
  9. You have my attention ....
  10. The players on that SB winning team were barely millenials, but I'll give you that. The Coughlin way is, "it's my way or I'll fine you and publicly humiliate you." That's old school crap and it blew up in his face. Just like it did with Parcells everywhere he went after leaving the Giants. I am certainly not saying that Marrone is a great HC by any means. But the Jags had a Coughlin problem far more than a Marrone problem.
  11. The culture of the Jags was never good under Coughlin. They got that far despite the culture. That culture, as proven, was not sustainable. It's antiquated and ineffective in the long-term. These players are millenials.
  12. The Bills can't even get press conference audio right. I think running a TV network would be a lofty goal. On a serious note, I think the only way they could come close to pulling anything like this off would be to partner with Sportsnet, which would be part of regional cable subscriptions/packages. I have to get a higher tier cable just so I can see SNY (the Mets' network) and the NFL Network.
  13. They could have gotten closer. AND, you just made my point. This s why it makes sense to keep a long-range FG specialist in addition to Haushka..
  14. Letting the kicker attempt a FG instead of stupidly calling plays that got us out of FG range would have been a cute twist.
  15. The "Process," thus far has led to zero playoff wins. I no longer trust it and I think going at it from a different angle makes sense. The current run, run, pass, punt "process," has been wildly unsuccessful. Time to think outside the box.
  16. I don't think people seem them as meaningless. Cliche and Stuart Smalley-ish, perhaps. But not meaningless. I've always liked, "Do Your Job."
  17. I really wish he would come up with something a little more original and concise. "Just Do It," has a nice ring. Maybe he'll consider that in a couple years.
  18. When did @John from Riverside become a blogger?
  19. That cop had this planned. The way he pushed him (twice) is clearly him begging for Ujiri to punch him in the face. He wasn't being a cop. He was being an instigator. And in the end ... a kitty. Missing a year from work after being pushed. Yeah. That's one tough cop, right there. Wuss.
  20. Pretty sure the Catholics are juuuuuuust fine with homosexuality (and pedophilia). As long as they ask for forgiveness, it's all good.
  21. You do what works for you. Either way will be much appreciated. Thank GOD 26CP is no longer in the mix.
  22. They should work on arresting those responsible for trafficking, then - and not dirty old men getting hand jobs.
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