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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. In many games, I absolutely agree with you. But as I pay closer attention, it's really on both sides of the ball. It's very disturbing and leads to losses against decent teams.
  2. Three points tonight. Is anyone else making excuses or are we going to see this for what it is? Halftime is a problem in the McDermott era.
  3. I wonder if there is any data out there that shows, statistically, what percentage of players show a decline in play they season after they get paid. That would be interesting to see.
  4. I can't think of another Bills QB drafted into a bigger dumpster fire. He never had a chance from day one. It's comparable to Darnold's current situation, IMO. While I think this had something to do with his ultimate failure as an NFL QB, I would never say it's the only reason.
  5. Nope Nope. Ding Ding Ding! Yes ... Tears for Fears.
  6. Shout
  7. No, man! I want someone to figure out my song! "Shout"
  8. So what's your guess? Nope.
  9. Why can't people Use the report function
  10. Shout
  11. Absolutely stunning.
  12. Is your cousin Pat Moran?
  13. You mad, bro?
  14. Yeah, those have definitely run dry. Just like, "Edmunds is only 22!"
  15. I have never seen a ghost. My sister and my dad have both seen ghosts in my parents' house, which is the house I grew up in. My brother, mother and I have never seen one. My sister saw our deceased great Aunt Elaine. She also saw a little girl. My dad did not see anything clearly, but saw someone walk from my old bedroom into my parents' current bedroom. He thought it was my mom, but soon realized that she was in the kitchen. My mother and I have both felt someone gently sitting down in at the foot our beds when no one is there. I never felt anything like that in their house, but I have in the house I live in now. We both think it's my father's mother from Heaven.
  16. I'm being Chuck Woolery, here!! My intentions are good and sincere!
  17. I think you might be @C.Biscuit97's soulmate.
  18. It would be a continuation of this disturbing trend, yes.
  19. He is approaching bust status. He's way too inconsistent and is not a dependable target. It's a shame, because I had high hopes. He's simply not getting any better.
  20. In 20 years, the only thing Vrabel will be remembered for is letting his son take a dump while millions of people were watching.
  21. It's on McDermott. It's been 3+ years of the same crap and he is the common denominator.
  22. Yep. And we scored zero points again.
  23. LOL. Not rousing rabbles! The NFL handled the Titans' situation like crap. How these a-hole talking heads somehow turned this into a bad thing for Tennessee blows me away. They're the only goddamn ones who benefitted from their own irresponsibility. I'M MAD!
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