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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Jeff Kent will always go down as one of the biggest ass hats in MLB history. Incredibly arrogant. Average player on the Mets. Eventually ends up with SF and magically starts hitting bombs and getting 100+ RBI every year. Weird, eh? Cheating bum.
  2. Jerry Seinfeld
  3. One of the greatest sitcom characters of all time. RIP.
  4. Ozzy is correct! John is Ozzy's real first name. How the hell did you get that??? Not a lot to go on.
  5. "The coaching staff sent me a message by leaving me out of the lineup in Week 10," said Morse after the game.
  6. Were you thinking Adam Lambert?
  7. No. I need to clarify something, otherwise I feel like it's unfair. The person's birth name (first name) is biblical.
  8. Yes.
  9. Both. Reality TV I think this would make it better.
  10. I'm thinking of a living white male, most famous for singing.
  11. Sonny Bono
  12. It's a "bend, don't break/do great in the first half, but let every team come back in the 3rd quarter so we either need to come back or hang on by the skin of our teeth," defense. We're 8-3. What's the problem?
  13. Don't be a rabble rouser. Don't troll. Don't piss people off for your own enjoyment. Don't use overly suggestive language. Don't talk polytix outside of PPP. Wait ... I'm not giving you advice. I'm reading through all of my warnings!! Whoops!
  14. Until someone digs up that awkward interview from when he was player in which he hinted at having relations with underage girls.
  15. Reading his apology, that does not sound (read) like it was contrived, written by anyone for him or insincere. I believe him when he says it was meant to be a compliment.
  16. @BringBackFergy/Tipster/IceBowl67 is gonna vote three times!!!!!!!!!!
  17. You shouldn't even be allowed to post in this thread.
  18. I was torn between Wednesday and Friday. I ended up choosing Wednesday, because I'd like the midweek break and it's just a good day to get non-work-related stuff done. Ideally, my weekends are for fun/relaxation. A day off during the week would allow me to go to appts., do yardwork, stuff around the house, etc., and Saturday/Sunday would be free and easy.
  19. I think you're confusing insanity with addiction. And Amy Winehouse drank herself to death.
  20. What was this dead, French, athletic man famous for?
  21. I didn't see anything wrong with the tackle, either. What Bosa did looked altright to me.
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