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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. This is EXACTLY how it should have been handled last year and I'm glad to see it in place this year.
  2. I'm just trying to figure out why he'd want to divorce THAT?
  3. Look, man. It's not MY fault that this guy can't even pronounce his own name properly. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let HIS lack of command of our mother tongue get in the way of an epic display of wit. I don't think you know who you're talking to, but I'm pretty impotent! On that note, have a great day, sir!
  4. "I’ve been here when it was glory hole days and I’ve been here when it wasn’t," Jones said. "Having said that, I want me some glory hole."
  5. The joke works perfectly! Perhaps you just don't get it. If I'm off the mark by opining that the guy in the video is full of crap, then it seems I have a lot of company. But because I've admitted to not wasting my time to watch that crap, you're making the effort to call me uninformed and mouthy. From where I sit, it appears that you're the determinedly uninformed one. And I'm sorry you're mad and sad. I hope things look up for you soon.
  6. Uninformed because I didn't watch a video full of hot takes from a local sportscaster from Rochester? One whose first hot take was that Josh Allen would lead the team in rushing yards? I made a crack using his last name, linking it to a legendary band ... and that's mouthy? I'm sorry you've taken exception to my uninformed opinion that the guy in the video is an idiot who doesn't deserve my time to listen to his idiocy. I'm not off the mark. And I don't need to watch that video to know it. I hope your day improves, brutha! Smile and laugh a little!
  7. Way to go out on a limb, there.
  8. As @BornAgainBillsFan said upstream, after reading his "hot take" that Allen will lead the team in rushing, I didn't feel the need to give him the click. And I commented so I could work in my witty Little Feat reference!
  9. I don't think you answered Promo's question.
  10. Dad bod. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
  11. Who the hell is Fetes? If he has children, are they called Little Fetes?
  12. I'll do nothing of the sort. As I said in an earlier post, using electronics crosses the imaginary line (to me) and I hope it would never be grandfathered in.
  13. I dream of Barbara Eden.
  14. They are a great team. They were a great team when they cheated their way to a WS title. Very similar to the Patriots, Barry Bonds, ARod, etc. Without cheating, all would have likely won/been elite. The spin rate BS is being blown way out of proportion. Sticky stuff has been part of baseball since 1904. Wearing a wire is on an entirely different level.
  15. I honestly don't really give a ***** that they cheated with the trash cans. Cheating has always been part of the game. Cheating with electronics is what crosses the line for me. I am convinced that that midget, Altuve, was wearing a wire.
  16. I cheated, so I won't say it. But after finding out who, his face really hasn't changed much!
  17. Julie Ertz has been out since May nursing her MCL. Not sure if this had much to do with losing to Sweden in the Olympics, but hopefully she's back soon. https://www.frontrowsoccer.com/2021/07/03/uswnt-injury-report-ertz-still-out-heath-to-get-more-minutes-lavelle-expected-to-be-available/
  18. Deion acted like an insecure little baby when he asked to be called "coach." Then he acted like an immature little baby when he walked away. The last thing he acted like would be an adult.
  19. I'm going with Gooey Curry. I'll have the red, please.
  20. This is nearly as ridiculous and pathetic as "please clap."
  21. I was never much of a text whilst driving kind of guy. But when I got my motorcycle license and began riding, I quickly became a "never text and drive," kind of guy. The texting drivers are THE reason I sold my bike and stopped riding. They're a-holes. It's worse than impaired driving. One literally CANNOT look at the road and text at the same time. There is no way around them taking their eyes completely off the road when they text. It's crazy.
  22. Yup. Totally agree.
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