As one who commutes ~120 miles/day, I can say with confidence that talking on the phone whilst driving is a distraction. Every time I see someone either driving too slowly in the middle lane or veering into another lane, I look at them as I pass them and the vast majority of the time, they're either texting or have a phone held up to their ear.
And I'll defer to @LeviF, here, but I think shoveling food, playing with the radio and putting makeup on would all fall under the "distracted driving," umbrella.
I will opine that the seatbelt law IS a money grab. An adult not wearing a seatbelt puts one person at risk ... him/herself. There is no way that the choice to not wear a seatbelt would cause harm to anyone else.
I'm not saying that it's not smart to wear a seatbelt. But the law is an absolute money grab.