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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Lonely, I'm so lonely I feel so alone I feel low I feel so Feel so low I feel low, low
  2. I thought the entire team wore it for their final preseason game, but I do agree that it can't be in the poll. EDIT: You are definitely correct. It was just the QBs in the live practice!! I love blue on white, for sure. But if red on white was an option, I'd have a tough time deciding. Red on red makes me want to puke.
  3. Count me in as one of the confused. To say that Beth Mowins is the worst in the business pure fact. It's not even an opinion. The facts that she a) continues to get paid for doing this and b) will be calling the next Bills game are absolutely thread-worthy.
  4. In preseason, the Bills rocked the red on white combo and I LOVED IT.
  5. The Mowins-Ryan broadcast will go down in history as the worst, ever.
  6. Bills - 33 Redskins - 16
  7. Chloe passed away on July 22, 2019, actually.
  8. Gugny


    Of course he was good. He was just starting!!
  9. What about the kickboxing?
  10. I bet you like your martinis extra dirty .. like your hygienists.
  11. Are you still single? Still kickboxing?
  12. Gugny


    $1200 to see a 76-year-old Van Morrison? Oh, hail no!
  13. That Thanksgiving game remains my favorite Allen-era game. What a fun one to watch!
  14. I would LOVE to see red on white. That's a sweet looking get-up.
  15. No, that is disgusting. Why would you ask such a thing?
  16. Okay, cool. So you can do it via Messenger.
  17. Can you tell him today, then screenshot the texts and post the exchange here?
  18. Very sad to hear this, Wacka. All the best to you and yours.
  19. Absolutely. Great to see and I hope it continues.
  20. I think the refs know they missed a call, but it would be egg on their face to admit it and they don't really have to because it wasn't egregious. But this could very well give Empenesa a bad reputation that will cause the refs to key in on him and be more "trigger happy," when it comes to throwing flags. That would hurt the team. But if he can go 3-4 weeks without roughing a passer, hopefully this all just goes away.
  21. @LeviF - couldn't one of the police agencies gotten creative and found A reason to detain him; even if it wasn't related to the missing woman? Or is that just crap we see in the movies?
  22. Please stop clicking the linky if you no likey the topic.
  23. Miley Cyrus fell victim to her own opportunistic father and I've always been pulling for her to overcome it and to show the world that she is actually an immensely talented singer and not just some sexy slut with a nice voice. I think it's borderline criminal that she was "guided," to portray herself that way as a young girl. I am hopeful that she still has a bright future ahead of her.
  24. I'm thinking he's going to go unpunished. But to someone's point earlier in the conversation, I'm sure refs will be keeping an eye on him. Hopefully, he cleans his act up and doesn't end up hurting the team - or any other QBs.
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