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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Neither Josh, nor Mahomes, is an MVP contender at the moment. As it stands right now, Brady is running away with it and there isn't even a close 2nd. Josh and Mahomes are definitely not in the top 5. But I couldn't give a rat's ass. The MVP I want Josh to get will be handed out the evening of Feb. 13th.
  2. It's horrible, I agree. I did not mind the original Wild Card format. What it has become is a joke.
  3. Sticking with your restaurant analogy, everyone loves going out to eat. Imagine only being given one restaurant to patronize and hating all of their food. That would be annoying to anyone.
  4. Ralph Wilson should have been ashamed of himself and the Pegulas should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to glorify, recognize and celebrate a murderer. It's disgusting.
  5. What's this all aboot?
  6. You might get this ...
  7. I had them at 14-3 before the season started. After we lost to PIT, I figured we'd go 13-4. After whooping KC, I'm back to 14-3.
  8. Gugny


    Does that mean that their burps smell like poop?
  9. Well ... this didn't take long: You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified. Date the ban will be lifted: Never Such thin skin!
  10. Depends. Are they Michelins? Asking for Jon Gruden.
  11. And more ... (scroll to bottom) ... https://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?p=15889863#post15889863
  12. I created an account there last year. I had to return today, just to say hello. https://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showpost.php?p=15889860&postcount=387
  13. Was looking at some special teams stats after noticing that the Chiefs' returner averaged over 30 yards/return against us on Monday Night. McKittrick is 5th in the league with 27.8 average return yards. Titans' kickoff coverage is excellent - 3rd in the NFL - with averaging 17.9 yards per return. BUT ... the Titans are among the league's lowest in touchback percentage ... just over 50% (Bills are at 63%). Hopefully McKittrick doesn't have many kickoff return opportunities, but if he does, there's a good chance they won't be kicked through the back of the end zone.
  14. Gonna go with Moss. Gonna need him in the red zone. Honorable mention to Knox, for the same reason.
  15. I don't follow hockey and honestly have no idea who this guy is. But good for him for working on getting the help he needs and I hope it all works out for him.
  16. A few years ago, I had two of my credit cards hacked in two days. It was after purchasing Chinese knock-off Bills jerseys. Both cards were used to buy Domino's pizza in NYC. You've got "free" money, you're in NYC ... and you go to DOMINO'S ?!!?!?
  17. I despise the Dodgers and was bummed to see them walk off last night. I was hoping STL could get in and go deep. Wasn't meant to be. I wanted the Yankees ousted ASAP and that happened (woo hoo)! in the AL, I'm pulling for Boston, but I'm okay with anyone but Houston (bums). I'm usually a "want to see the best two teams in the Series," kind of guy. A TB/SF World Series, in my opinion, would be that match-up. I've been making annual trips to Fenway over the past handful of years and I absolutely love the atmosphere there. That's why I'm pulling for them, but I don't think their chances are great. Looking forward to some high quality playoff baseball!!
  18. Did you know that Urban Meyer's favorite game is Hyde the Finger?
  19. Milano and Hyde, for anyone who doesn't feel like reading
  20. Perhaps everyone here should stop posting links to this a-hole's garbage. This fanbase is doing exactly what he wants us to.
  21. You can't deal with one snaggle toof?
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