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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Top 30 for what? He's never going to be a league leader rushing yards because the Bills split carries. The Thurman comparison isn't fair. And - as I pointed out to you in the shoutbox - if Daboll wanted to feed the ball to Singletary 40 times/game, he'd end up the same place Derrick Henry is right now. It's not a smart strategy. We're talking about an offense that - before yesterday - was NUMBER ONE IN THE NFL in points scored/game. As great as Josh and the WRs are ... that's not happening with no run game. Any run game deficiencies are due to the O line sucking ... not the RBs.
  2. What is "blah" about Singletary's 5 YPA?
  3. This season is Pearl Jam lyrics.
  4. I'd be upset, too, if I spent all that money and traveled all that way to watch the Bills mail it in. Look forward to you getting back in the saddle next Monday, Virg! P.S. - Let me know if you need a hug ... or want to spoon.
  5. You should reach out to @GoBills808. He'll probably bet you $1000 that Trubisky plays at least 5 minutes. @SWATeam @SDS @Mike in Horseheads @Jauronimo
  7. I ordered my blue Allen jersey about a week after he was drafted and it still look like new. Great quality, looks just like the top of the line NFL.com jerseys and it cost me about $30. Zero regrets and a hell of an investment!
  8. That's gotta hurt a lot.
  9. What's your definition of MSM? I know what it stands for ... but how do you define it?
  10. Would posting fake news be considered rabble rousing?
  11. Tell Mrs. Beerball you want (need) this for Christmas ... https://www.amazon.com/How-Rhyme-Vol-Complete-FUNDAMENTALS-ebook/dp/B0053GTACK
  12. That sucks, man, I'm sorry. Worst that's happened to me is that my card got hacked after shopping from a Chinese jersey shop. Got my jerseys and charge disputes were easy ... it's just a pain in the ass if the card is hooked up to other things (bills, paypal, amazon, etc.). But these people just took your money. That is a real bummer.
  13. It looked odd when I pulled it up. I googled it and it looks like everyone says they're a scam. https://www.google.com/search?q=is+bills+outlets+legit&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS883US883&oq=is+bills+outlet&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512j0i20i263i512j0i22i30l2j0i390.3459j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  14. They're averaging 88.7% capacity for the season. I couldn't find anything official, but best guess I could find for the playoff game there was about 20,000 Bills fans. That would have been about 33% of the stadium. Since ticket prices for this game will be significantly less, I wouldn't be shocked if your 35% guess was pretty accurate.
  15. I looked for those 2 seconds after I opened this thread. Googling her name will provide links to reddit, where there are some sweet videos that are very, very unsafe for work.
  16. Linky?
  17. Not gonna opine (publicly) on Rodgers, because I'm sure my view is tainted by my belief that he's one of the biggest douchebags walking the planet. But I will say that I am shocked (and pleased) that Beasley has been able to keep himself off of social media to chime in on this situation/support Rodgers. I hope that mute button has been superglued down for the rest of the season.
  18. Exactly. To say it's a problem can only mean one is not watching the games.
  19. There once was an old man named Urban Whose wife found his grindin' disturbin' His Timmy was glad For the love that they had And I bet they still have weird perversions
  20. Ain't talkin' 'bout love My love is rotten to the core Ain't talkin' 'bout love Just like I told you before, yeah before
  21. There's a stat that measures how far the ball travels in the air before being caught. Josh Allen is #5 in the NFL. https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/advanced-stats-qb.php
  22. I think Urban Tebow-Meyer is in for a tough grind on Sunday.
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