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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. That was a very poorly coached game. There is no way we should ever lose to a team who's offense is lead by McCorkle Jones.
  2. I would prefer to play home if I knew the weather was going to be decent. Of all of those places, I think Orchard Park is the least likely to have decent weather. It could all end up being moot. I realize that Buffalo's weather isn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be (with regard to playing football). All I'm saying is that Josh Allen is better when the weather is decent. Clearly, this is very upsetting to many, many people (not you).
  3. Tasker said that because he wasn't an NFL caliber WR. McKenzie can do both. Others do around the league.
  4. The Packers Offense is on Line 1. I think the Patriots are the only team in the playoffs that the Bills should beat anywhere/anytime. As I stated upstream - I still think the Bills are the cream of the AFC crop. I'd just feel better if we played the games in the best weather possible.
  5. Three fumbles in four years as a Bill.
  6. Where did you see "dome," in my post and when did this become a future stadium thread? This whole "Bills have the advantage in cold weather," is an old wives' tale. It's a myth.
  7. We beat ourselves in that game. It won't happen again.
  8. I'm not sure why this would be necessary.
  9. McKenzie was doing better than Roberts all season. I was a big Andre Roberts fan, but I think McKenzie did a fantastic job taking over. When he got benched, McKenzie was the 3rd best return guy in the entire league.
  10. No. That one pissed me off because we were there.
  11. McKenzie should have never lost returning duties. McDermott cut his nose off to spite his face and it has hurt the team. Get McKenzie back there where he belongs ... and where he was among the NFL's best prior to being benched.
  12. NOOCH! Normally, I'm with you. But for this one, I think the proof is in the pudding. It's a trend. I still think the Bills are the cream of the crop in the AFC and I think Josh Allen is the best QB in the AFC. But the bad weather simply does not bode well. I totally agree that a couple of the INTs were not necessarily on Josh yesterday. I also think that early drops were a factor. I'd just prefer nicer weather once the tournament starts.
  13. And I'm sure the trolling accusations are coming. I'm not trolling. I'm being 100% serious. The way Josh Allen plays in inclement weather will NOT win very many playoff games.
  14. That's not what I said. If we get NE in the first round, beating them should be relatively easy regardless of location. As we get deeper into the tournament, I'd rather see Josh play in better weather. It's really that simple.
  15. If Josh has proven one thing, it is that he is horrible in bad weather. Playing in Orchard Park is the LAST thing we should want. The TEN and JAX losses have enhanced our chances at post-season success.
  16. How long is he grounded for? If my son ever did anything that selfish, I'd blister his ass so bad, he wouldn't be able to sit for a week.
  17. This win was uglier than Roseanne Barr's taint.
  18. And if he spent his career in Buffalo, you'd love him more than your mother.
  19. Can you please make voters' names visible so we can get some bets going on these?
  20. There's something happening here. But what it is ain't exactly clear.
  21. I will NOT share my research methods with you!
  22. The award is presented each year to an NFL player who best demonstrates the qualities of on-field sportsmanship, including fair play, respect for the game and opponents, and integrity in competition. (I didn't know, so I looked it up)
  23. We were in Hampton Beach over the summer and the plan was to leave there, then head up the coast of Maine. A bad storm killed those plans, so we're hoping to do that next summer.
  24. Firebaugh Demographics According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Firebaughwas: White: 66.60% Other race: 33.36% Asian: 0.04% Black or African American: 0.00% Native American: 0.00% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.00% Two or more races: 0.00%
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