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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. BB wants the Bills to beat the Bucs in the Super Bowl.
  2. Just so we're clear .... with your hands, right?
  3. I was visiting an old shipmate from the Navy in Weirton, WV back in about 1994. Back then, I used to wear the old Starter Bills winter coats and I was wearing it when we went to a bar. There was a local Cowboys fan sitting at the bar. Clearly a regular. He was wearing his Cowboys gear. He started giving me crap about the Bills and I tried to ignore him. I figured he was just busting balls, so I decided to bust balls back. I leaned close to him, over his right shoulder and told him he was a bandwagon jumper and not a real fan. He proceeded to very quickly, without getting out of the bar stool, turn and punch me square in the face. He was much bigger than I am. This one punch knocked me back a good five feet, ending with me falling over a chair and into a table. I got up and went toward him. THANK GOD a bunch of regulars grabbed him and promptly escorted him out. He would have killed me. Woke up the next morning and I had a fat lip, bloody nose and a black eye. From one punch. I'm a lover, not a fighter!
  4. He already lost his legs due to that poor circulation. Damn. That didn't take long.
  5. Andy Reid's first question: "What took you so long?"
  6. Agreed. I'd love to see a PManning-esque pump fake added to the arsenal. A superior pump fake is a killer.
  7. I think you're somehow confusing me with @LeviF!
  8. Is this the same story about a father who brought his infant son, wearing nothing but a onesie, to a Bills game in sub-zero weather for the sole purpose of getting a warm seat and a bunch of attention?
  9. You and I see eye-to-eye on the vast majority of topics, but I guess we disagree about Keyshawn, LOL. No biggie! But I DO agree with you that he is going out of his way to justify his stance on Josh. I really don't get it.
  10. I'm not defending Keyshawn's evaluation of Allen. I'm just saying that, generally speaking, I like Keyshawn and I enjoy listening to him. I don't find any of what he says "stupid," even though I may not agree with everything. I find him funny, entertaining, smart and knowledgeable. A hell of a lot better than listening to Greenberg and/or Wingo - that's for sure.
  11. I actually like Keyshawn and enjoy listening to him. I also do not understand his reluctance with regard to acknowledging that Allen is a top NFL QB. I remember Golic having the same reluctance when it came to Mahomes. It doesn't bother me, though. Keyshawn calls it like he sees it and this is how he sees it. To each his own, I guess. I still like the guy.
  12. "It is time to get on your knees and acknowledge that you are Josh Allen's b!tch!" That is pure gold.
  13. His hiring will baffle my mind forever. He was never qualified to be hired for any NFL HC job.
  14. This is pretty much where I am. If the Ravens were down Lamar and otherwise full-strength, if Lamar could go, he'd have played. But the Ravens were hit by the injury bug in historical fashion. Risking long-term injury for an unlikely playoff run would have been a bad decision. Plus, I think a 100% Huntley is better than a 60% Jackson, anyway.
  15. Yep. He and Brady were our daddies for too many years. Had we won back to back division titles while they were intact, that would be something. Wasn't even close to the case. Time to move on.
  16. But not nearly as fraudulent as Timmy being a MLB player. And even less fraudulent as Timmy being a holier than thou child of god (when the cameras are rolling).
  17. When I bought my first house back in 2002, I bought an old (OLD!) Toro snowblower for like $100. Thing was a tank. I brought it out to clear some of the wet, heavy, slushy stuff and it kept getting clogged. My dumb ass went to clear the chute with my hand and I got nailed pretty good. Lucky I didn't break some fingers, let alone lose any. Bloodied them up really good and they were a little chewed. All four fingers. The thumb was spared. But I was young and resilient, so I went inside and ran them under cold water, then put four band aids on and finished the driveway. Explaining why I had bandaids on all of my fingers was a little embarrassing when I went to work. That was a painful lesson and I've never come close to making that mistake again. My snowblower (same one I have now) didn't start last year when we got 36 inches of snow. I had to call someone to plow. They destroyed my lawn and completely uprooted a bush. Never again.
  18. The only thing missing from this gem is, "Hear me out ..." at the beginning.
  19. I'm thankful to all of the great input ... much appreciated and I hope more keeps coming. It's also worth mentioning that most of the advice in this thread has a) come unsolicited, b) been irrelevant to the topic and c) come from someone who DOESN'T EVEN OWN A FU*KING SNOWBLOWER. This place is just priceless sometmes.
  20. This is Travis Kelce's mom. Let's talk about someone else..
  21. That's the thing. The whole, "they don't make them the way they used to," adage is what I'm living in real life now. I sold my old Troy Bilt that I had for 11 years problem free and bought a new one. Exact same model. File it under shoulda, coulda, woulda, I guess. But now I need something dependable that's new.
  22. He's nothing but a tramp.
  23. He's not a troll or a dick. He's just a fan of a team we all hate. No biggie.
  24. I'm leaning toward Cub Cadet. All of the models in my price range have the electric start. I've always had electric start over the years, but have rarely had to use it. Even this current snowblower started this morning with a couple pulls.
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