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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Abso-friggin-lutely.
  2. A first round WR would make me very happy. I see Williams listed at 6'2" and 189 lbs. That seems skinny to me, but I don't know my ass from my elbow. But I think Diggs is about the same weight and a couple inches shorter. I know we need speed, but is this kid capable of winning jump balls and being physical?
  3. I wonder if @Joe in Winslow would make this trade.
  4. Axually, her entire quote was, "Never trust a man with beady eyes with less than 14 seconds."
  5. I agree. Hate 'em both. But after 20 years of sucking, the TuhROD experiment finally broke me.
  6. By FAR the most miserable I've ever been as a Bills fan. I hated every season he was here. ***** bum.
  7. In what way do you find Bill Belichick decorative? A nice corner piece, perhaps?
  8. Frank Costanza?
  9. I'd like to see significantly fewer "dumb" sacks by Allen next year. I love the improvement; I just think he can do better. It's really the only thing that he does that makes me yell at the TV. "You can't take that sack, Josh!!!!" (But it's a far cry from the yelling I did during the Tuh-ROD Era - "Throw the mother fu*king ball, you moron!!!!) Same with fumbles. Josh had two fewer fumbles (9) than in 2020. Would like to see better. Although the trend is nice to see: 2019 - 16 2020 - 11 2021 - 9
  10. That's pretty interesting, Joe.
  11. With pause.
  12. Favorite words of wisdom from my parents: Dad - Lazy people work twice as hard. Mom - Never trust a man with beady eyes. Solid.
  13. Three words: Pinstripe Bowl
  14. Honestly, who give's a rat's ass about KC? Jesus Harold Christ - for 20 years, this fan base worried about what New England and Tom Brady were doing more than they worried about their own children. Is KC the new NE. I sure effin' hope not.
  15. Bills got bumped in the quarters, too. I think we've found the problem.
  16. In theory, the 401K loan is best, because you're paying yourself back with interest. I've done it in the past, multiple times, and it was quick and easy. The caveat, here, is knowing your job stability. I was laid off with an outstanding loan balance. That loan suddenly turned into taxable income that was also subject to penalties because it also changed from "loan" to "withdrawal." When Uncle Sam came knocking, it was not pretty ... at all.
  17. Yes. Without a doubt, YES. And every single Bills fan who "hates" him will kneel in line to service him after his first touchdown as a Bill.
  18. If it ain't whi .... oh, forget it!
  19. @Jauronimo HFBD! I hope the Bills give you for your birthday, what they gave me for mine last Saturday!! GO BEELS!!!!!
  20. It's the fuel lines getting gunked up. I did (I thought) everything necessary to avoid this from happening. After it happened last year, I decided to fill it with ethanol-free gas AND I started it every 2-3 weeks throughout the spring, summer and fall. Started right up earlier this winter. Started right up the other day, too, and I was able to finish about 99% of my driveway before it just died. Repair guy told me that's all good stuff, but to start adding stabilizer to the gas on top of those measures. I'm also going to keep the tank full at all times to avoid condensation (also his advice). I haven't experienced any changes with the ethanol-free gas vs. regular unleaded. These problems really do seem to only apply the newer machines. I have a Troy Bilt lawnmower that I've had for 12 years and have done nothing to it but add gas and a little oil over the years. Runs like a top. If this snowblower sh!ts the bed one more time, that'll be it for me. I just don't know how confident I am that buying another make/model will be any better.
  21. You should try using commas.
  22. The 3rd round pick for TuhROD cemented my love for them.
  23. BB wants the Bills to beat the Bucs in the Super Bowl.
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