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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. That gave me chills.
  2. As flattered as I am to be mentioned in the same breath as these great singers, my vote went to Mr. Ray Charles. And we all know damn well that Stevie Wonder can see.
  3. Very sorry to hear this. All the best to you and your family.
  4. Precisely. And we all saw what can happen when a "Stafford," goes to a good team. Now we can all just hope that Josh doesn't become a "Stafford."
  5. Derek Carr has put up great numbers for most of his career. High completion percentage. Perennial 4K yard passer. He gets sacked more than most because the Raiders won't invest in a line to protect him. I hope he goes somewhere and kicks ass. Always liked this kid.
  6. Gugny

    Is Water Wet?

    Ice isn't wet until it touches something warmer than itself.
  7. Bexar County in Texas is pronounced, "bear."
  8. You are correct. It went both ways. Some existing TBDers were ***** to the new folks from BBMB. Some BBMB guys were ***** right out of the gate. Lots of "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL FATHER," attitudes that I can recall. Those in both categories found their way to "greener" pastures one way or another. But I do agree with you ... overall, the migration turned out being very positive.
  9. Agree and agree. I don't care if we get a 7th for him. It's better than cutting him and getting nothing. I wouldn't be heart-broken if he stayed in Buffalo, but I'd prefer he doesn't.
  10. Goo goo g'joob
  11. I wish McD had one of those switches.
  12. Gronk played 12 games last season for 802 yards and 6 TDs on a stacked offense. Knox played 15 games last season for 587 yards and 9 TDs on a less-stacked offense. I'll take both of them, thank you.
  13. That 5 average YPA just isn't good enough, you know!!!
  14. There is no way I want to go from Motorin' to Sister Christian at that expense.
  15. I'd be shocked if players and executives don't pay attention to some of the TBD content.
  16. And Geddy Lee's 4th step-cousin from his mother's uncle's (by marriage) side. Fly high, angel.
  17. Very sad. Wings was a fantastic show.
  18. I would LOVE for this to happen and my gut tells me Tre White would, too. It was one stupid play. One.
  19. Gugny

    Would ya?

    So you're a "yes?"
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