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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. You asked about drafting a guard in the first round. My comment had literally everything to do with drafting an OL in the first round and you are calling it irrelevant. I don't think that word means what you think it means.
  2. Are you Robert Kraft?
  3. Too Shay. My wording was lazy. I just don't think taking the 3rd, 4th or 5th best OL that early is smart. I'm guessing by the time our turn comes up, the top 4-5 best OL will be gone.
  4. it's the only thing I can think of. The guy's like Rex Ryan, just more stupid.
  5. We drafted a guard with our 38th pick in 2019 and that didn't work out very well. And for those reasons ... I'm out.
  6. It didn't derail anything. Everything about this screams fake. So much to gain for so many people. People who believe this crap is real are the same people who actually believe Stevie Wonder is blind. Boggles my mind.
  7. You really think this is going to derail Will Smith's career? Common man. This is a golden opportunity for Chris Rock, Will Smith and his wife.
  8. They're not even wearing their masks over their noses. JERKS!
  9. They are actors. Attention is the goal. Mission accomplished.
  10. It was staged for the same reason Steve Harvey announcing the wrong Miss Universe winner was staged. When's the last time the Oscars were what everyone was talking about?
  11. I think it was staged.
  12. All I could find were pics and articles. Game was in 2007. http://www.espn.com/espn/wire/_/section/nfl/id/3094560
  13. Many years ago, I had to take part in a public speaking course through work. We were all tasked with creating a presentation on the subject of our choice, with the purpose of making the audience feel a certain way. One of my colleagues did hers on alopecia. No one in the room had ever heard of it. She showed pictures of her young daughter, with a full head of hair. Then went on to tell us how years later (daughter in middle school) her daughter inexplicably started losing her hair. As she was telling us the story (her daughter was in her 20s at this time), she struggled to keep her composure. By the end of her presentation, everyone in the room was crying. I like Chris Rock. And I like Will Smith. Chris Rock made a bad decision to take such a low hanging fruit to get a laugh at the expense of Will Smith's wife. He can be funny in a gazillion ways without doing that. Will Smith reacted. He reacted like any man who loves a person who is disrespected the way his wife was. It doesn't make it right, per se. But it does help explain his actions. Personally ... I would have done the same exact thing ... even if I knew it wasn't the right thing to do.
  14. How are the bags not falling off??
  15. I'll tell you (maybe show you) at the home opener!
  16. @Beerballfound/shared these guys with me. Great old school-Chicago sound.
  17. Abso-friggin-lutely. I've been a huge Jane's fan from the beginning and this is a phenomenal album.
  18. This is just incredibly sad. RIP.
  19. I'm not acting. Tua sucks.
  20. This him? https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/profile/23601-wnysteel/
  21. All 10 women showed up in $80,000 cars, wearing Gucci clothes and Rolex watches. They all said, "Whaaaa???? That man never touched me!"
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