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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. The pit bull breed needs to be phased out. Breeding them should be made illegal and we need to rid the planet of them. They are killing machines and a danger to everyone. I don't care if a pit bull lives to be 15 and has never so much as growled. It's in all of them an no one knows what each dog's trigger is. The statistics do not lie .. they are readily available and all tell the same story.
  2. Why is he a ridiculous person?
  3. After seeing/hearing Post Malone play guitar and sing Nirvana covers (PHENOMENALLY), I'm open to giving anything like this a shot.
  4. The only word I listen for is the safe word.
  5. What the ***** is going on in here?!?!
  6. Well, isn't this just precious.
  7. A few years ago, one of my nuthatches went eye to eye with a squirrel who got too close to the bird house. Squirrel was facing up the tree, nuthatch facing down. She spread her wings (think the Karate Kid pose) and just stared the squirrel down. Squirrel got out of Dodge within 15 seconds!
  8. Eric Dickerson Ronnie Lott
  9. Just because the fans pay money to see them, doesn't give the fans the right to berate and push athletes to the brink of wanting to fight.
  10. The birds that hit my feeders nail peanut butter flavored suet like it's crack!
  11. The large 2-story birdhouse that nuthatches have been inhabiting for the past several years was torn from the tree by wind late last fall. I re-mounted it a few weeks ago. Last week, a couple nuthatches were investigating it and talking away. My favorite part about them is listening to them communicate with each other. Well, after they looked around, they split and have not returned. A couple other birds (not sure what species) were checking it out the other day, but they also split - although I saw one of them taking pieces of the leftover nest out. But that only lasted a day. The nest that was left in there from last year was turned over from the fall to the ground. I hope that won't deter future tenants and I REALLY hope a couple nuthatches move in and raise a family like last year. It was late May last year when I watched the babies climb out of the house, get their bearings, then fly away. What a great sight to see and I hope that happens again. Their incubation period is a couple weeks, so there is time, I suppose.
  12. For those of you in the Capital District, or willing to travel, moe. is playing a FREE show at Empire State Plaza on July 6th. https://www.bandsintown.com/e/103397371?affil_code=js_moe.org&app_id=js_moe.org&came_from=242&utm_campaign=event&utm_medium=web&utm_source=widget @The Poojer
  13. Well, I guess .... technically speaking. Kind of like when dentists call themselves, "doctors."
  14. The headline of the article, which someone was actually PAID to write, is not much better. "Duck out: Journeyman that PFF claimed was better QB than Bills’ Josh Allen retires" That is atrocious.
  15. By all accounts, he was a wonderful person and t's sad when anyone passes at such a young age. I just never understood why people think he somehow represented Bills fans. He was a Bills fan who wore a mask. I just never got the hype.
  16. This whole thing is super interesting to me and I appreciate you sharing. Is it your understanding - generally speaking/not Bills-specific - that by this time of the year (a couple weeks from the schedule being announced) that the schedule is, say, 90% locked and there could be changes made right up until a day or two before, based on the draft and trades?
  17. My ex-wife used to ask a lot of questions at once like this. That's a big reason why she's my EX-wife.
  18. Absolutely! Mets are doing so much better this year making contact; especially with RISP. I am hopeful that baseball eventually gets back to the fundamentals and we see fewer "HR or K" type hitters. Each year, Alonso seems to be getting better at it and I like the way he's started off in that regard.
  19. Just another sign of the times. People feel invincible behind their keyboards and behind fences. This is a despicable display by the fans. I'm not gonna single out Yankees fans, as this happens all over. I don't know why it's acceptable behavior. It's not what athletes/entertainers "sign up for." I would have been perfectly fine with one of the players decking one of those idiot's in the face; just like I was fine with Tyson giving that shmuck a beatdown on the plane. No .. it's not right. But Jesus Christ, enough is enough.
  20. What a game last night, eh, fellas?!?! Zero runs in support of another gem by Scherzer. Then May gives up 2, but the Mets took advantage of a rare throwing error by Arenado and end up putting up a 5-spot in the 9th! Great win, but Trevor May needs to be better. Diaz did a nice job getting the save. #LFGM!
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