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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. I agree to an extent, but I don't think his talking points were that great. I realize that he can't come out and apologize for his actions, for obvious reasons. "I do understand that I do have regrets as far as the impact that [it's had] on the community and people outside of just myself," Watson said. "And that includes my family. That includes this organization. That includes my teammates in this locker room that have to answer to these questions. That includes the fan base of the Cleveland Browns. That includes males, females, everyone across the, the world. That's one thing I do regret is the impact that it's triggered on so many people. It's tough to have to deal with." All he's saying is that he "regrets the impact," on those tied closely to him - and on himself. I interpret what he said as a backhanded way to call the accusers liars and to paint himself as a victim at the same time. I still think he should just keep his mouth shut. But as I said upstream in the thread ... I think the guy is who and what these women are saying he is and I'd be fine seeing his career come to an abrupt end.
  2. If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break When the levee breaks, I'll have no place to stay Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan, Lord Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan It's got what it takes to make a mountain man leave his home
  3. When I decided to get personalized plates (NY), I tried every effin' Bills-related combo out there. The only one I found that was available was JOSH 17, but I really wanted something more generic/team level. Ended up going with a Mets-related plate.
  4. Totally agree on all of this.
  5. Whether he's right or wrong, I don't understand the need for him to say anything. If anything, how about picking up the phone and discussing it with Boselli directly? Bruce is gonna be 59-years-old next week. I think it's embarrassing that one of the best defensive players in the history of the NFL took to social media to "defend himself." I'll file this one in my, "grow the f*ck up" folder.
  6. It's really best to just sit back and enjoy the education ... and appreciate that this board has a source of infinite knowledge.
  7. This latest post by Happy Days is exactly why he should stay away from microphones at all costs. Don't get me wrong ... I think he's a sexual predator and would LOVE to see him bury himself. I'm just shocked that someone told him to do this.
  8. Who the hell told him it would be a good idea to field questions? What a moron.
  9. Yeah, Bruce looks like a petulant douche, here.
  10. Lighten up, Francis.
  11. When I wake up early in the morning Lift my head, I'm still yawning When I'm in the middle of a dream Stay in bed, float up stream
  12. I was just watching the Big Sexy HR last night!!! LOVED him on the Mets.
  13. As we approach three pages on this riveting topic, two things have become abundantly clear: 1. I was right. 2. @BringBackFergy needs to be reported. Enjoy your vacation, Richard Head!!!
  14. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-msnbc-trump-january-6-812580682948 PJ Media? Really??
  15. I thought that was Lou Keekly for a second.
  16. Zero minutes and zero seconds.
  17. I would not be caught dead writing a disaster of a sentence like the ones you wrote above.
  18. First, that wasn't nice. B. We're talking about a pitcher, whose season starts at the beginning of spring and ends at the end of fall. 162 regular season games. A healthy pitcher will start 30-is games in a regular season. A QB starts 17 games in a regular season. 3. When I say more grueling, I'm specifically referring to the throwing arm.
  19. Baseball is a far more grueling sport than football. Pitchers pitch every 5 days. NFL QBs play every 7 days. Pitchers usually throw about 100 pitches/game. QBs throw 30-40 passes. Pitchers are always "throwing hard," even the off-speed stuff is going 75-80 mph and the arm motion is the same. QBs usually throw the ball less than 10 yards in the air.
  20. Tickpick is my go-to anytime I'm looking for resale tickets. I even sold a ticket (Foo Fighters ... not Bills) once and that was also very easy! I actually sold it twice. The original buyer bought the ticket, but never completed the transfer. About an hour before the concert, I realized that I still had the ticket. When you sell a ticket, you don't get paid until the day AFTER the event takes place. I thought I was left holding the bag and miraculously, someone I was with knew someone in NYC who needed a ticket. So I sold it to HIM and transferred it to him very easily. Turns out, I STILL got paid for the first sale, so I unwittingly double-dipped. Anyway ... I think Tickpick is great.
  21. @Just Jackstrikes again.
  22. I am a man, a man I'll give you something that you won't forget I said you shouldn't have worn that dress
  23. So Kaiir Elam was basically a 2nd round pick?
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